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Everything posted by way2g00d

  1. Tell them to listen to the Bus Driver. Trust me it works.
  2. A Million. One fine day I am going to merge them all :lol:
  3. case1: Kills: 68365 Downs: 1091 k/d: 68365/1091 = 62.66 Expected: Skull Actual: SKull with knife gt: way2g00 case2: Kills: 28618 Downs: 322 k/d: 28618/322 =88.875 Expected: SKull with knife Actual: SKull with knife gt:nyblazed4 case3: Kills: 28300 Downs: 427 k/d: 28300/427 = 66.27 Expected: SKull Actual: SKull with knife gt:xxwarxdayyxx case4: Kills: 88558 Downs: 1163 k/d: 88558/1163 = 76.146 Expected: SKull with knife Actual: SKull gt: boysta According to your theory, If I start a new account and get 200+ kills and end the game. I would have 200+ KD. It should give me 2 Shotguns? Answer is No. There are different elements in determining the rank. Conclusion: This is not correct. K/D is one of the factors to rank up but NOT THE only criteria.
  4. Just an update I just got a Skull and dagger after I got 40 on tranzit. My second co-op 40 and third 40 in total.
  5. Yes, you need EMP to acquire his power in to the Tower which is why we need to lead him right underneath it.
  6. You don't need turbines by tower, only by 2 random street lamps. Be sure to NOT turn OFF the power until you encounter Avogadro so you can have perks until then. Then, leave few zombies at end of round, turn off the power, lead him to the corn field by tower and EMP him.
  7. I agree with pretty much what Tom said. There has got to be a formula like OP posted. I am sure it involves all the stats shown on the leader board including High rounds. It is confusing at the moment because people with better stats are still stuck at lower ranks.. like Tom and myself. Unless Tom ranked up recently.
  8. I know its not the official one. I was just working on your formula with the numbers I have to show how off it is.. But At the same time I give you credit for coming up with a formula. We just need to find out what exactly it is and its not easy.
  9. Good job on the formula however I want to say it is incorrect but it is pretty close and needs more tweaking. This is why I spent some time to put the numbers down like I do for every other theory. I think revives/downs multiplier is probably either doubled or tripled and there needs to be a more numbers added like Miles and Round average. Here are my stats to disprove your formula.. ------------------------- Registered stats Till date 12/5/2012 ------------------------- gt: way2g00 Kills:65,000 Downs: 1078 (I played lot sof custom challenges with friends with no Jugg, that explains lots of downs Headshots: 11,838 Revives: 755 Skill rating = [kills + (headshots/2)] * (revives/downs) = [65000 + (11838/2) ]* (755/1078) = 49669.615 Emblem: Skull ----------------------- Tranzit: 45 (solo) 37 (2p) Farm: 32 (solo) 35 (2p) Town: 22 (solo) 37 (2p) Bus Depot: 17 (solo) 36 (2p) Nuke Town: 26 (Solo) 40 (2p) Grief Farm 14W 18L Grief Town 4W 2L ----------------------- gt: xxWarxDaddyxx ------------------------- Kills:28300 Downs: 427 Headshots: 5666 Revives: 321 Skill rating = [kills + (headshots/2)] * (revives/downs) = [28300 + (5666/2) ]* (321/427) = 23404.43 Emblem: Skull w/ Dagger. ---------------------------------- Tranzit: 41 (solo) 33 (3p) Farm: 32 (solo) Town: 22 (solo) Bus Depot: 17 (solo) 36 (2p) Nuke Town: 26 (Solo) 33 (4p) Grief Farm Grief Town ------------------------- gt: NyBlazed4 ------------------------- Kills:21618 Downs: 322 Headshots: 7171 Revives: 412 Skill rating = [kills + (headshots/2)] * (revives/downs) = [21618 + (7171/2) ]* (412/322) = 32247.95 Emblem: Skull with Dagger ---------------------------------- Tranizit: 22 (solo) 42 (2p) Farm: 24 (solo) Town: 10 (solo) Bus Depot: 9 (solo) Nuke Town: 26 (Solo) 24 (2p) Grief Farm 1W 0L Grief Town ----------------------------------- So according to your theory, I should have a Higher Rank because my Skill rating is above my friends who already have Daggers which is higher Ranked than Skull. Screenshots:
  10. Can't be I have a skull with a knife and I have never even touched the EEs. I completed both EE, have all achievements, and ranked 500 or better in almost every stats and still stuck on a skull for weeks. Its messed up dude.
  11. Cuz Most people think its messed up. ;)
  12. There are plenty of videos out there. I disagree with pretty much every single one of them because there are flaws that I don't want to discuss. Just my opinion. Nothing wrong asking 3arc for a friendly "Ranking system explained" request.
  13. Don't have a proof but I heard its 10,000 kills per game. There is no such thing as Kills per round as per my knowledge.
  14. That is very close to my theory then. :)
  15. GJ on 52. I died at 45.
  16. Al-righty, Good to know Lemonade. I guess this spot is no longer preferred then :)
  17. K/D is very much a possibility. I have lot of downs because I played ton of tranzit and Grief. But I also have good amount of kills. It would be great if every one lists their Kills and downs now. Thanks :)
  18. In my experience, that strategy only works on Survival, not Tranzit. I'm sure the zones are different in Tranzit, but I notice that zombies spawn in the two windows next to the Claymore room as well as the ground in front of the tractor. However, this still works out nicely, as stairs are the Jet Gun's best friend and you can still pull off an auto train, of sorts, for the farm. But yeah, my favorite training spot is the Tunnel until the spawns start getting really fast, then start using the stairs on the farm for the Jet Gun. I tried this on survival Farm and they only spawned in the barn and the window beside it. Not the two windows by claymores. They never spawned there. I started doing this at 13 till 32.
  19. tranZit For solo in the order of Most to least Preferred. 1. M16 in tunnel. [Mustang and Raygun till 40 then trade your Mustang with M16] 2. Outside Farm where the bus stops. [Mustang and Raygun] 3. Diner Between Petrol Pump and Tele-porter. [Mustang and Raygun] 4. Town in Bar. [Mustang and Raygun] For Co-op in the order of Most to least Preferred. 1. Outside power room by AK74u. [Me and Jeff got to 25 in a hour of constant spraying with AK and Mustang and sally, Drops fer days.] 2. Farm, Start inside the barn and they all spawn inside it. It's a solo strategy Modified for co-op. Stay inside the barn as long as possible and then run out, pull them back in and shoot. Got to 32 in 70 minutes using this strategy for solo. (Only works for Survival Farm) 3. Bus depot: We can still use the strategy where one player camps in the spot behind the box while other trains (or) can run two different trains [Waffles and I got to 36 with no Jugg in Bus Depot survival using this method] 4. Diner Bonus tips/Perks from experience and learning hard way 1. Perks: Jugg, Double Tap, Speed and Quick Revive. 2. Double Tap is must. Helps a lot with raygun. Speed not so much. Use your judgement between speed and Stamin up. 3. Stop between every spot and pickup ladder, Plow and Hatch (for Knuckles). Most commonly found Locations: Room next to turbine, Room with claymores in Farm, Semtex room in Town and Room next to teleporter in Diner. You need Turbines for this. 4. Get your knuckles asap to battle those Denizens. Kill them before you jump into lava between farm and power. 5. Leave 2 walkers/runners and be sure to babysit them. If they are damaged and you go too far away from them they die out. If you have two walkers and you kill one, Last walker will always turn into a runner. Always Have some one at Pack a punch keep the turbine and take it back. If you run between maps leaving zombies behind you they will die out and new round will start. 6. If a player leaves the 2 player game, that round will be recorded as your high round. You will still be playing solo after that and that should count towards your solo run. Sorry this post turned out to be monster. @Pinnaz, if you like my information you can add it to your original post. Feel free to make any edits. way is out.
  20. I am still stuck on dang Skull with eyes.
  21. Please stay on topic. Any other disputes take it offline.
  22. It could be event driven and something can mysteriously appear when you do it. Like shooting an object with that jet gun. I know too much to assume. Forget about the church I still think there is lots more in this map for us to figure out.
  23. What about the blue eyes, does he lose them as well?
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