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Everything posted by way2g00d

  1. Jay, that was really a good game dude, may be some other time we can shoot for high rounds.
  2. Hex = 34.849C64,-271.272956371 Decimal = 34.9690788 -271.272956371 Hex = 34.84e56c,-c4e.271b662d1 Decimal = 34.8709484. -3150.10497712849 Hex = 34.d4416e,-a98.287886ac1 Decimal = 34.13910382, -2712.10863798977 Hex = 34.D46660,-CBE.28C7C68D1 Decimal = 34.13919840, -3262.10946898129 Hex = 34.34e76b,-afc.2fd106541 Decimal = 34.3467115, -2812.12835644737
  3. I just watched the video for traps man, looks very interesting and could conserve a lot of ammo.
  4. Congratulations man, this is an example of what hard work and determination can accomplish. This is a proud achievement for CoDz. Simply Superb, Hands. *Drinks are on me.*
  5. Check out his second video he has it. I am pretty sure he used all his revives by the end.
  6. Very good , I'll check out the video once I go home. But really good to see you posting R100 strats.
  7. -- @Chopper, That was nothing man, you know everyone has their duties and obligations. Going back to the topic I forgot to mention how much I loved camping in zombies. That was my favorite thing to do until one day I saw this person single handedly slaying all the zombies after carrying us multiple rounds. All the other players left the game because they got impatient of him clutching the game. But Camping in alley by kino was my favorite thing to do. It still is but its painful in later rounds when ammo starts running dry. With 2-3 players I still camp by double tap in verrukt and dominate till round 20 - 25. After that we open the door and do the most boring thing. Run entire map loops and use traps.
  8. This is a very good post. Reviving each other is the most important and challenging aspect of co-op team games. However knowing what needs to be done to survive the round if you know you will eventually die trying to revive your teammate is also important and is a key to meet your target. As Jay pointed "STOP FIRING' when you are about to revive the downed player while the other player collects should be a common knowledge. Also another point missed is sometimes a player that just went down takes out all the zombies just because he is angry and wants to takes revenge on those zombies I am guilty of doing as some of the people. My favorite person to play is someone that discusses their target and strategy before hand and communicates effectively. I am fortunate I am friends with Chopper, Eye, 5and5, Savage, Phxntxm, Doggy and some other good players who already know how to deal when shit goes south. It would be magical and thrilling if we can play 6 player games instead of 4 but I understand its down sides.
  9. Richtofen for obvious reasons (he has the device) and tank because he is the player in white label. Just my guess.
  10. Welcome back Krazy even though I occasionally see you at the stream in midst of your homework. Nice comeback with a buzzer beater theory, sounds great man. Definitely missed ya..
  11. Couldn't tacitus simply mean the name of the killstreak for quadrator? Or even the name of the next game vs black ops 2
  12. I missed this thread until now. See consolidating your work is always helpful for community in finding all valuable posts straight from the beginning. Very good post Eye.
  13. 1. Just to clarify ray gun is not allowed, its a wonder weapon. 2. The winning parties should battle again for fun if time permits. 3. These are the maps we should play in order. Maps:Five Cotd Verrukt Any other inputs?
  14. True Chopper, when we play with friends we have a different mindset. But when I am playing with someone new or when I have a target in mind, I try and stick to that setup. I can't wait for sunday, I let phxtxm know if Savage backs out on sunday noon. You have in mind what game we are going for?
  15. I'll make this easy co-op 2-4 player - setup 1-6: Pistol + any wall gun from first room 6-15: Sickle / Bowie + any smg 15 - 20: MnS + smg 20 - 30: MnS + AR or pap smg 30 + Merging or traps (farm points using smg) Maps without Pap: Substitute AR with ray gun if possible. Perks: Maps with Flopper Jugg - Flopper - Revive - Speed Maps without Flopper: Jugg - Speed - Revive - Double Tap Try Hard mode Jugg - Speed - double tap - Deadshot Medic: Jugg - Flopper - Revive - stamin up
  16. Sorry I am slow, Isn't this expected scenario. How is this different as you said 1%?
  17. I'm just going to say it again: I did not forget my weapon placement. It was completely random. Had Wave gun and ray gun. Bought mule kick. Got RPK from the box. Died within a few minutes (is it just me, or do you die more easily w/ mule kick?) When I got up, my wave gun was gone. This has happened several other times. It is really the only reason I don't like mule kick. However, I'll try what you said some other time, or better yet, someone else do it, because I'm still seriously bored of zombies. I will admit, most of the time, maybe 60%, it does end up on the 3rd gun, but it still is random a lot. If time permits I will test this and tonight. Are 10 test cases enough or should I do more just to check the probability.
  18. Lets say you started your game with a pistol. That makes pistol as your Primary weapon. Lets say you buy MPL after that as your secondary. Anything you buy after that using mule kick is your third gun. Ok, you already know that. Lets say you hit the box and you got a cz75. Later you got a crossbow, you press triangle and switch until you get mpl and obtain crossbow from the box. THIS IS NOT YOUR THIRD GUN NOW, you just switched your secondary for a crossbow. So it makes sense to only switch out your third gun if you don't see the gun you like. Once you find the weapon you want to keep, switch it with your primary or secondary. Trust me its hard to keep track of which gun is your third if you are using the box and not keeping tab of when you are switching out your secondary or primary. Go ahead and test this out when you get a chance and let me know what you find. You don't have to record or do anything, I'll take your word for it.
  19. no comprende.... please clarify..
  20. Pap should not effect this order AFAIK.
  21. That was from my experience. And I am not a huge fan of mule kick because I like to switch to Mustang and sally quick enough so I dislike having more than one gun. But out of my limited experience with this perk, I have lost my third gun 100% of the times. Can you please prove this to me ZOTD. or at least quote where it says its random. Thanks, way
  22. First of all having 3 guns is way over powered. This is why there is a limitation. You can keep your first two guns even if you go down. However the gun that you buy after you get mule kick will be your third gun. You will only lose your third gun once you go down. Ex: Lets say you have mp5k and m14. You buy mule kick. you hit the box. you get thundergun. Now, in this case if you go down you will lose your thundergun. ------------------------------ To avoid that. Do this instead. Before you hit the box get a dummy weapon. ------------------------------ lets say you bought m14 and mp5k already. Buy Mule kick. Get olympia for 500. Now remember any gun you switch for olympia will be gone once you down because it is your third gun. So keep hitting the box until you get weapon of your choice. Lets say you got thundergun, just buy it over your mp5k or m14, one of the first two guns. You will not lose it even if you go down. In simple words, you will only lose your third gun, so choose your first two weapons wisely Third gun should be a point maker or for temporary reasons.
  23. Lol, good idea. I'll stop by few apple stores today.
  24. Good job on shang, now that you guys are nicely warmed up, start your engines, you are going to siberia.
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