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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. And...? Good One.
  2. We'll just have to wait and see. Now I'm pretty sure nothing will happen right at the crack of midnight. Keep in mind there are three different time zones in the US. Whatever Time Zome Treyarchs in will probably be the one to follow. I'm in Central Time, and there were times DLC's for WaW & Black Ops Maps would be release at 3am here. But if nothing does happen tomorrow in Zombies. Just remember this, you got your source of information.....from a Hat.
  3. I think NDU was just there because they wanted to put something there in the map but just couldn't think of something. Besides, it may look like it but it isn't exactly. One big difference-and you can see for yourself-there is no door upstairs that leads to the room above the Mystery Box. I have no doubt in my mind that they will include the Maps from the Previous Games, probably all of them. But no way are they going to be Implemented into one Map. There going to be fitted in just like Nuketown Zombies, they probably will have there own selection Icon like Green Run and Nuketown. As for the Nav Card, It's possible that the Nav Card Station will be only in Green Run but more than one Card will be in the other Maps. I don't see the Nav Card Station having any connection with the Bus. It just can't, It's connected to the Tower. It's activates the Tower for either doctors we just don't know what it does.....yet.
  4. Jeager1999


    The Nav Card and Station are seperate from the EE(Either Side) You can have the Nav Card and not build the Station, the Card will always be next to your Score. I do think there will be other Nav Cards in DLC's but I think you can only have one at a time. I bet it will ask you to Replace the one you have, probably will have the one you had go back to where it was where you found it.
  5. If you want, I can make it for you. Also Nuketown isn't part of the Tranzit Mode, I don't know if it can be played in Grief Mode.
  6. Actually that Tweet was about a bunch of players with 0 Stats that were high ranked in the Zombie Leader Boards.
  7. The names of the Maps soon to come. Since we don't know the names yet. Like I said, with new things come out, I'll make new versions. Probably new Tags. Gold? Silver?
  8. I keep thinking its a Damn Glitch. We should tell Jimmy.....atucally no, someone else but Jimmy.
  9. I think -as many of you- that we must choose a side and Stick with it. So I thought making this will help others show which side their on an help find others who have too. This is a Template of the Dog Tag Signature I made, just like the one I have now. It's simple to build using Paint. In case you don't know how to, you'll need a Photobucket Account or other sites like that in order to use pictures as Sigs. After you upload the sig to that site you copy the IMG code and post it in the Signature box. If you have Questions, reply here. I will (And others too) help in any way I can. Also you really don't need to use it, I was just wanting to be more active in this forum and do things for others. Plus I'm pretty good with MS Paint. lol As for Class, I usually picked something that would fit better to what I do in Zombies. I'm good with Headshots. I was thinking of others. Use the Ray Gun alot, how bout.. "Pew Pew" Use Melee? Zombie Slasher? Thats all I got for now, welcome to suggestions. P.S. I'll make updates as time goes on. Name of Maps, new Icons, Etc. So be sure to check Back.
  10. The Nav Card, once collected is next to your Score at all times. The Nav Card Station, Once built is saved to you Online Profile. That Nav Card will no doubt be next to your Score when you play the Next DLC Map Tranzit Mode. No Way will they Combine all the (Already Big) Maps into one Even Bigger Map. There's no way our consoles can handle that. But that doesn't mean there isn't going to be some connection between Green Run and the Maps to come. I'll say this. As soon as the first map is released, and IF there is a Nav Card and/or Station in that Map plus either Card is accepted by either machine. Then I'll have enough to come up with a very good theory as to what is going to go down. One More Important Thing. Pick a Side. Just like I did. VvVvV
  11. 1) I DON'T trust TEDD's quotes. This is due to the fact it looks like its in need of some serious repairs. 2) I doubt there will be New Locations added to Green Run, that would possible defeat the purpose of having new Maps. Wouldn't it? Though I do think they will add things to the Map itself but not anything Too Big. Little things like New Weapons, New Persistant Upgrades, New Wonder Weapon(I hope) and Perk Machines. 3) I'm not saying there isn't a "2nd Bus Route" but will people quit saying it has a connection with the Nav Card Station. The Nav Card station is connected to the Tower. That one quote we've yet to hear Maxis says about the Nav Card, he spells it out clear as day. The Nav Card Station "Activates" The Spire. Remember, all we did for Maxis(Even Richtofen) is Power-Up the Tower. 4) I'm not trying to be a prick, but most of these Theories are so out there, its like your trying to convice people that Cats go "Moo". I say we just chill, wait and just go ape shit on Zombies. Store Points and be ready for the next Map.
  12. Maybe we should look at the Sound Effects instead of the Quoutes. Maybe Treyarch hid something there. Usually the best way to hide something is to stick in out right in front.
  13. Well, there wasn't any clear backstory between Der Riese and Five. Clearly, the U.S. were more into what Group 935 were up to during the 1940's seeing as they had more hidden agents in the Group. (Peter, Eyna) Then there's the Teleporters in FIVE along with the Black Boards that were seen in Der Riese, its possible to assume that the U.S. were continuing the Work 935 were doing. As for these Electric Collars, I've seen them on many of the Zombies too. I thought at first they were for those in Straight Jackets but I don't recall seeing them on any others except only at the Depot. Anyway, this is something that could be a part of the Story, so good idea to add to the List.
  14. Probably a Warrantee Stickers or something. Would hurt to look though.
  15. I tend to call Depot, Town and Farm Sections. There too small to be considered Maps i think.
  16. I might have a Theory as to what the Nav Card Station & The Nav card is for. First, you have the Unheard Quotes(Or Heard, we're not sure) both Maxis and Richtofen say about the Nav Card Station. In Maxis Qoute about he Nav Card Station, he said "Activate The Spire" Now keep in mind all we've done for Dr. Maxis and Richtofen is Power Up the Obelisk/Spire/Tower. It's easy to see where I'm going with this. The Nav Card Station activates the Obelisk/Spire/Tower for either Doctors. As to what The Spire/Obelisk/Tower does when we "Activate" it is anyones guess. I have a really good feeling there are other Towers that are similar to the one in Green Run. This war between Dr. Maxis and Dr. Richtofen is far from over. The big Question is.... Which side will choose?
  17. Like I mentioned in my other post (should of made a poll for it) there is nothing left. Well, except for the Nav Card & Station. We've yet to fully confirm that the Nav card can be accepted, so I'm just going to say we wait till the first DLC is released. I think what Treyarch meant by "Biggest EE" doesn't mean all in one Map. I bet its going to be something like Five Easter Eggs with a Sixth BIG Easter Egg that will be effected by which side you choose for each map. And I'm betting the Nav Card Station will play a part in that.
  18. I should explain a little better. I don't think they will or can actuall add a new location to Green Run Tranzit. If there is a "Hidden Location" in Green Run that requires the "Second Bus" then that location is already there, its possible the means to get to the Hidden Location or the 2nd Bus to appear could be triggered by an Update or DLC but thats the extent of what these Update/DLC will do. In no way do I think that a Update/DLC can actually add extentions to a map that is already big. What a meant in my post before was not about the Perk Machines, It was the fact they were able to actually add the Mule-Kick to the maps before. If they can do that, then they can potentially add other "Minor" things to Green Run.
  19. There is another thing that someone reminded me in a post. Shortly after releasing the last Map Pack for Black Ops (Rezurrection) they were able to include Mule Kick in the every map, even NDU. So if they can do that for every Map. Then it's possible they can do the very same thing for Green Run.
  20. That's what I think too, I even think the Nav Card might have some bug too. Just going to have to wait and see.
  21. Okay, so we're just going to have to wait for the 21st. A) There will be a Update for Black Ops 2, then new shit will appear in Green Run The new shit was in fact in the game already and it will appear on the 21st. We'll bitch out Jimmy Later after we look over the new stuff. C) Not a Damn Thing Happens on the 21st, we'll just have to wait till the first DLC is released.
  22. Judging by the amount of post you have, your new. Welcome. That is a quote that he says almost every time you play Green Run on Tranzit. This is just one of many he says that we believe is due to a Malfuntion in TEDD's Programing. (Name of the Bus Driver) It's nothing new, just another thing to add to the Bullshit List along with the Beam's of Light and PHD Flopper Myth.
  23. That line never appears when you use the Jet Gun. Someone say in the forums its possible to make the Bus move faster if four turbines are placed inside. I was wondering if that was true, then maybe causing the bus to Drive Faster could cause the engine to Over Heat.
  24. True, there are video games that take Real Time & Date into some factor. But I don't this will work since once you Log on the Xbox Live, the Date & Time is updated. I'm not going to say Treyarch isn't planning anything for the 21st. We're just going to have to wait and see the hard way.
  25. I think there is a message in this Picture. "Thanks for paying for my Vacation, Suckers!"
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