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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. In Kino, I went with the MP40, when I can't get to a Box In Time. I never upgrade it but I would refill the Ammo every time I pass It. Its low rate of fire gives it easy control then with the AK74u.
  2. I would like a Zombie Map to have a Long Straight Corridor where the Zombies could run down for easy pickings. Kinda like the Railing in Der Riese but longer.
  3. Right Now, all they have given us is the Name of the Map Pack and little info on what the Names of the Maps....Except the Zombie Map. Like someone said in here."Its going to be a Long Month" Thats right, by near the End of this Month they will give us more detail. So I say. Lets not jump to so many conclusions based on little we have now. For the Sake of argument, I hardly doubt the next zombie map is going to be called. "Call of the Undead"
  4. I got to 25 once. I circle around the Floor Level in the War Room, had a Ray Gun and a LMG. I would avoid the Zombies ahead and they would all stay behind me, even running without sprinting they stayed behind me. They would cut through the Gap(Teleporter) but still stay in the Center of the Room. Since there are obstructions along the sides, it made it difficult to backwards shoot but you could get a few shots now and then. Another trick I would do is when I got enough Zombies on my ass would run up the stairs(If Clear) take one way around making sure all are following me that same direction then Shoot the hell out of them, then run back down. This may might be a strategy for More the One Players. One Player on the Bottom level keeping the Zombies down there busy, while other three up on the railing defend the windows leaving the fourth one close to the stairs unprotected. If my theory is right the Zombies from that window will go down stairs. Again this is just a theory. If anyone want to try this out. I don't mind playing this POS Map. Hook me up with a Message
  5. Man, I still want to do the Easter Egg. Send Me Invites People.
  6. The First Map had the Last Stand near Box Glitch. Verrukt had the Bouncy Betty Perk Glitch, Shi no had the Perk Bottle Box Glitch and Der Riese had the PAP machine Glitch. I don't think it was treyarchs fault in this....people just look for all these things.
  7. After Upgrading, I use the Thundergun as a Defensive Move to take out Zombies that are coming from the front of me when running through the halls of Kino or around Platform A in Ascension. Thats the only time I use it and I still don't waste the rounds.
  8. tdZyhUlWP6c Haven't had a Chance to Test the Lander B Side yet. SOLO SLLiUUrlzgI FIVE PERK TRICK xvUwgA1RS4I
  9. I've done that too in my Ascension Youtube Guides. You probably were thinking of the Band. lol
  10. I don't think the Soviets knew of Element 115, only that Scientist who found the Diary(Ascension Radio Message) The Monkey's no doubt died during the Experiments so they drifted through earths orbit. Somehow Samantha knew and found away to bring them back to earth. I'm reformulating my Time Line I made about the Order of Events that happened, that includes Events Before the Four Characters from each Map entered the Map. I feel that what happened at Ascension happened possibly Months before the Four Hero's Teleported to Kino Der Toten. Plus some Believe that, by hearing the Phone Messages that Ascension and Five happened at the Same time.
  11. You got a point. I guess the Death Machines is the last thing to happen. I guess the reason they DM's are 90s is because it give the Players time to Kill the Crawler/s and have time to use it during the next round. There is one thing I've been wanting to know. I saw on Youtube one of the Many Videos about the DM's Theory, the Video I saw near the end showed all the color go Green, after the Color Returned after you hear The Scream. I asked about it but got no answer. Anyone Confirm that?
  12. some of you know, some of you don't... but there are 6 portraits (in this room!) - one on the floor! Our Four Hero's plus to more......Perhaps its a clue about two characters. Perhaps Peter and maybe Maxis? But seeing how there dead.
  13. Thats not a bad Theory, though I don't think they are turning into zombies. Plus that Terminal, I believe suggest Rictofen was actually working for the US. That might explain something about what Dempsey Said. Feeling he met Rictofen before Shin No Numa.
  14. Okay, it just dawned on me that you can spell other words by call the lander to each platform with no one on it. So I guess my other question is, can you use the Same Letter twice? If that's the Case, has anyone tried. Mystery?
  15. Okay, first I'm a New Member, I've been getting back into the Theory of Zombies since WaW. Also I haven't yet had the Chance to try the Mystery Egg myself. So I haven't been able to try out my theories. Now then- I did notice in Der Riese that the Chalk Board said HYENA however I found it odd how the letters were placed one above the other than Left to Right. Also the Question Mark is there but there are little un-readable indents near each letter. Also the Letters are all Capitalized So I'm guessing that its not Hyena. Its H.Y.E.N.A It could just be a Abbreviation. I Google Nazi H.Y.E.N.A and one of the Results listed was a site on Nazi UFO's. So maybe this was a Clue for World At War and it is simply just a Coincidence in Black Ops. About the Letters, can you spell other words instead of Hyena, hitsam and luna? about the 90 death machines and the P'a'P Room. Has anyone try going in there with all four players with the 90 DM's? Now its clear that you first throw a Gersch Down on that glowing orb and after the guy speaks you then do it again and shoot like hell in it. Has anyone- A: Used the Black Hole on the first try to Teleport? Hold X + A (I guess Square and X on PS3) And B: Try to Teleported when everyone shot into it? See I don't know about you guys, but I find it weird how In Der Riese, you can see images when you Teleport. In Kino you Teleport into one of many rooms before teleporting on the mainframe and in Ascension nothing happens when you Teleport with the Gersch Device. Someone said in here(I haven't figured out the Quote thing yet) that the Letters are still there after you complete the last Node(Releasing the Mystery Man) or at least thats what I think is the Last Node. If that is true, what happens if you respell Luna? Also, and I don't know if its been mentioned but the area some of you say is a Fifth Lander area, its been pointed out that there isn't anything there. Plus there is nothing behind the Chained up Door in B2 or the door across from the Rocket Vent Chamber(Room Connected to PAP Machine) I think that's everything I had on my mind. Feedback is welcomed.
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