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Everything posted by braveheart_5699

  1. Errrrrrmmmm.............. Nicely? Team-Player-ish? Pertty general question you've got there ;)
  2. Try reposting this dude 8-)
  3. reminds me of what happened here 8-) viewtopic.php?f=60&t=9961
  4. You know what im talking about. Think of Highrise, then compare it to Arkaden or something like that. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different. you can't get to half of the places that you'd probably be able to get if this was MW2. I personally think it was because they added Survival, and if you played it on Highrise (yes again), you'd probably never die because of all the awesome camping spots you can get to. BzmfNcB1MuQ
  5. What does the last one mean?
  6. Why would you want to find deadshot? Why would you not? Headshots kill zombitches faster so it easier to get higher rounds faster
  7. I can nevere find DeadShot!
  8. Watch the new inside Xbox Video, and go to 0:44. you see Speed Cola, Right?But in the GT4 video i think it was called, juggernog was there xjXhWuzpvb0
  9. Hello? i found like 4 8-) viewtopic.php?f=53&t=15854
  10. M95? Hell, there was a (From top of the shelf to bottom) Browning AA 12 it looks like Some sniper Scavenger AK 47 RPG M16 L96A1 And i just noticed- What does that box that the M16 and L96A1 are pointing at look like? THE MYSTERY BOX!
  11. Dint someone say something about 2 Boxes on Moon? [brains] to you
  12. On quick question: In yoteslaya's video, they did this in one step i think so y didnt u? (check it out here viewtopic.php?f=13&t=15554) Also, these 2 steps can be combined
  13. it IS Area 51. *PROOF* play through a map on Hangar 18. wait until it shows the scores. look RIGHT above the Hangar! You can see a big tower looking thing with many bars like the one in the picture
  14. NOT TRUE. Take Double Tap for instance, It makes the GUN shoot faster, not the person. /notreallyarantbutbasicallyarant
  15. If you listen to Pareidolia, wait until all of the singing is done, and then listen. Just listen. Don't the two sound almost the same?
  16. The password is literally "password" username: amason password: password
  17. at the bottom of the picture page, there are these 2 pics and Who is that lady?
  18. LOOK AT THIS PEOPLE viewtopic.php?f=53&t=14139 I was right!
  19. Please tell me Him and his friend, he could've not mentioned a random perhaps? Stop arguing with me, because I was only saying what I thought, not that is was fact. Sorry man, but....nevermind..Truce? :mrgreen:
  20. But, then the game would have ended And..... there couldv'e been more than 2 peeps Then WHY does he say this? Please tell me
  21. But, then the game would have ended
  22. and in Shangri La, Tank doesn't sound as pissed off as he usually is, and Nikolai doesn't sound as drunk, either
  23. yeah, that's what we were thinking
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