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Everything posted by infamousKONVICT

  1. you deserve the :facepalm:
  2. close this thread :facepalm:
  3. Thinking turning on power is main objective of the game = fail
  4. Ya not 100%, there were two completely different jungles too, but this Munich map turned into Stadium: I'm sure the Hotel will be changed a lot visually but I'm guessing it will be based around the original layout, similar to how they developed Stadium.
  5. Here are some (old) screens of the Hotel map that was originally left out of the game to now be included in Escalation. Map http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Hotel
  6. Like the very first reply said, they did fix it. but i agree, still a noob perk
  7. you learn that from the Google logo today? I doubt there is any connection. :lol:
  8. counter UAV or SAM Turret :?
  9. Ah I did read that before but I forgot... So ya Soviet Russia eh.. :oops: I love your idea of releasing the animals "ENEMY DOGS INCOMING!" :roll: *releases the lions* 'abandoned' zoo leads you to think there wouldn't be any animals :-( but it does say danger at every turn.... hmm
  10. This thread is to discuss possible locations and features for the multiplayer map, the Zoo. Out of all the new MP maps, the Zoo stands out as being the most unique IMO. A quick Google of historic battles or wars relating to zoos leads me to believe the Zoo map will be in Germany. (it's actually in Soviet Russia :oops: ) Badly damaged zoo = sounds like a Treyarch map to me In regards to map features, it seems obvious there would be animals in the map HOWEVER we all thought Stadium would be centered around the hockey rink... I don't think that map really lived up to our expectation. But here's to hoping there are lots of animals that can kill you if you get too close to their enclosure or something (similar to the red areas of Berlin wall). I think the map will contain 2 main areas connected by a bridge in the middle (flag . While most of the map will probably be outside, there may be inside areas like an Aquarium or conservatory. What do you guys think about the Zoo map or features you'd like to see?
  11. check this out http://www.egypt-cairo.com/zombies_in_t ... egypt.html
  12. Advertised: Call of the Dead Official Name: Aufruf der Toten but that doesn't make sense for the Egypt/mummy theory... The map could also be called 'Escalation' maybe? It could be so epic they named the whole Map pack after it :mrgreen:
  13. I think Egypt would make sense for the new characters and there might be a parallel story going on that relates with the existing storyline. 'Taking the wraps off' is a common expression for press release type stuff but it may very well be a clever little clue as well. Where is the quote from?[brains]
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