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Everything posted by ZombicidalManiac

  1. I don't care if this site is up for 10 years, NOBODY will ever get 15,000 brains. Not even the founder. Shit man, the hightest brains I've seen so far WAS the founder and he only has about 8,000 somethings brains. Why put the mark so high? It really should just be 5,000 for zombie lord and the rest should be lesser numbers because NOBODY will ever reach 15,000 brains. That is of course, if Treyarch keeps this zombie thing going for YEARS to comes...which I TRULY hope they do. I love me some zombie killing action. It's my favorite pass time. Nothings funner than coming home from a hard days work and shooting up a bunch of puss bags with a Commando...or going online with W@W and playing Der Riese with a bunch of randoms who SUCK so bad that I have to carry them to round 9...which (by the way) makes me feel pretty good. I just hate it when I get a bunch of randoms who's main objective is to rape the box. That seems to be all randoms do. I don't even hit the box until round 8 or 9. Ok I'm rambling. I've been drinking so don't flame...IT'S THE 4TH OF JULY!!! I'M ALOUD TO DRINK OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. *WARNING* The split screen for W@W zombies is GARBAGE!!! They added some crap backround and made the screens smaller for some reason. It's ok for multiplayer, but for some weird reason Treyarch decided to make split screen zombies smaller. I don't know what they were thinking. Everytime I play split screen zombies on W@W I wonder what the hell they were thinking when they put it together. It really ruins the experience for me...and I have a big tv...and its STILL annoying.
  3. Who's the guy in the Ascension loading screen? He's also in the loading screen for the Black Ops version of Nacht Der Untoten. I think we'll find out who this guy is soon...but I'm not sure if he'll be a playable character though. I thought it was Dr. Maxis for a time, but I don't think it is.
  4. A few things. Pareidolia's are all over this game. Ascension's mission select screen has been changed and there is pareidolias in it. This song could be from OUR prospective. The Grim Reaper blood stains are a pareidolia. They're just blood stains man...but WE see the Grim Reaper. Treyarch KNOWS this. Plus this isn't a new song. This song has been on the end screen since Ascension. And yes, Treyarch added the Grim Reaper Pareidolia to the very first room in Ascension RIGHT next to the damn Revive machine. Those sly bastards. Anyway, I see zombies going to a whole new level. There is virtually NO mention of Sam anymore. It's mainly about Richtofen. But I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Sam. The zombies STILL say SAM when this swing at you. Theres more I wanted to say, but I can't remember right now. I guess I'll be back lol
  5. Those are great things about this map. I also like the close quarters combat. I'm hearing a lot of youtube zombie trainers hating on this map. I'm pretty sure they hate it because they can't do the zombie train. That goes to show you that these "so called" zombie experts aren't really experts...they can only do the zombie train which is the EASIEST strategy in the world to do if you've got at least 1 marble left in your brain. But yea, this map is AWESOME!!! I like almost EVERYTHING about it. The ONE thing thats kind of a bitch is not being able to jump through the mud. It's a first, and it's really not a big deal...but if you could jump it would be a bit cooler. It's a small price to pay though. Now if Treyarch could just release it on PS3 a bit sooner, I'd be happy.
  6. Treyarch couldn't be that simple minded to not put a solo easter egg in this map. That would just be moving backwards if they didn't put one in for us solo players. Call of the Dead had a solo easter egg and I doubt very much that they would exclude one in this new map.
  7. Please....allow me. Pareidolia could very well play a part in this whole mess. It could also be Treyarch or Eliena and Kevin messing with us after reading all the threads about seeing faces in blood splatters. A good example would be the "Grim Reaper" blood stain that everyones been talking about since Verruckt. Of course, writing a song and making a new zombie map is completely different. So maybe this whole time we were right about the pareidolias OR Treyarch has decided to throw this stuff in the game after reading all of OUR theories. One picture comes to mind when I think of a pareidolia. The Ascension picture. Remember how it was changed after Call of the Dead came out? I've seen threads of people seeing numbers and stuff. Also the rockets shadows forming the number 115. They had to have changed the Ascension picture for a reason. Maybe they added some images in there still yet to be found. But [brains] for your post my friend. Great work and thank you for taking out the time.
  8. [brains] to ya sir. Thanks for the info. This is huge.
  9. Right. Fixed. Obviously you were right...so how did you know. There was VERY LITTLE indication of hollow earth being involved. Your one "readin between the lines" type of guy huh?
  10. AlphaSnake had an earlier post about how the Middle Earth or the Hollow Earth Theories could be involved in the story of Shangri-La and Nazi Zombies. I was playing this morning with my buddy...yea he came over at 5:30am because he has XBox and I don't (PS3.) Near the beginning is a radio and you hear a guy talking. He says something about a temple that might lead to Argatha. I looked up Argatha and it took me to a site about Wizards and Warriors or whatever, which all takes place within middle earth. Argatha isn't an easy subject to find info about...but if anybody finds anything please let me know.
  11. I'm so addicted to CoD Zombies. I don't have an XBox, I'm a PS3 user. But one of my good friends has XBox and he happens to be a zombie fan boy too. I live in New Jersey so the map should be out around 5am here. I have my alarm set to 5:30am because my buddy is gonna download it as soon as it comes out and drive over to my house so we can play till we gotta go to work. Now THAT is dedication man.
  12. If you watch the scene with the new spiked claymore mine it shows the 3rd person view with gloves on and the first person view without. Or vise versa...but yea what Carbon said was right...it's just a collection of random shots.
  13. Yea sometimes I think that Treyarch isn't on our level of thinking. For instance, when they say something like "shoot everything with every gun" they're probably just talking about shooting your teamate with the PaP'd V-R11 so he's invinsible for 5 seconds. In OUR minds, we're thinking that theres some major easter egg thats so top secret that it would take hours up hours mixed with a shit load of luck to find it...but it's more of a kids game to Treyarch. We think deeply and they think on the surface. They should take more pointers from us. They need multiple layers of secrets and not just one simple easter egg thats figured out the day of the release. I like to dig deep. I really liked Der Riese's easter eggs because of the depth. The story mixed with easter eggs makes for some interesting gaming. I liked the letter under the brick, and the de-coding we needed to do to find out what those symbols meant...you know, the illuminati writings everywhere. I truly wish the new Treyarch would take some pointers from the "old" Treyarch..from World at War. Those zombie maps just have something that the Black Ops zombies don't have. I can't quite put my finger on it, but theres a difference...and it's a big one.
  14. At first I hated Five but it grew on me. Verruckt was always a favorite of mine...even with its lack of easter eggs n such. I like tight quarter maps...but we all know we're going to find that one room that we always stay in to gather points. It's inevitable. And it would feel a bit different if there wasn't a place like that on the map. I'm open for a new kind of map. A map that subtracts that one room that you can run the "zombie train™" in...lol. I say if there a strategy for it then who cares how tight or wide it is. As long as it's... a) Fun Challenging c) Filled with easter eggs and d) introduces new weapons then what more could we ask for? The exploding zombies and the shrieking zombies sounds like it's gonna up the ante and make things a lot more challenging and is going to force us to come up with new ways to make it to later rounds. I'm excited.
  15. I'm no expert, but that looks like coding to me. Coding to what? I have no idea...but it's big.
  16. [brains] to you sir for posting this thread....this....is.....AWESOME!!!! I'm guessing that monkeys (like Mr. Waffle above me said) are gonna be a pain in the ass to kill and there are negative and positive drops. So it will be just like a dog round but you got a bunch of monkeys with drops on their backs and the ones you kill are the ones you get to keep the drops from. If this is how it works then KUDOS to you Treyarch...I think it's a wonderful idea. The different kinds of zombies I can tell will be challenging as hell. Think about it...you doing the circle strategy and WHAM...a napalm zombie explodes on you and your screen goes red, then one more shot and your down. Or, if theres a George Romaro type thing going on again and if you upset him he starts to spaz out. So a napalm zombie might explode next to him and make him start to chase you. I hope they don't do the George thing again though...that was annoying. But I can't wait to see this map thats for sure.
  17. So I've tried this several times with PaP'd guns and un-PaP'd guns with no results. I'm losing hope here...aaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone.
  18. You guys have a tendancy to RUIN threads with your little kid type bickering. I was loving this thread because of the theories and now it's shit because of the trolling bullshit. Get a fucking grip man. I hate coming to threads to find theories or info about these map packs only to find some little kids arguing like school girls. Talk about the map pack OR GTFO!!! Now back on topic...this new map is very interesting. If it takes place during W@W (like some people have been saying...I heard someone say it probably takes place after SNN and before DR) it will definetely have some of the W@W weapons. But I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's after Ascension. I say that only because of the new wonder weapon. We haven't heard of it yet so it can't be something old that Treyarch is throwing into a new map. Plus the fact that the Olympia and the Spectre and several other BO weapons made an appearance in the trailer. Although I have heard that the PPSH might return...that would be frickin SWEET!!! There is one thing I'd really like an answer to, and thats how did they get there? There was no teleporters in Ascension, and in Call of the Dead we heard a teleporter in the room with the original cast. But I'm not sure if they went to Shangri-La after that..I know the easter egg says send them to paradise, but what if that was just to throw us off? Maybe in CotD they were just learning about the teleporters and they were just teleporting from Der Riese to Kino, but accidentally landed in that room in CotD...who knows. I really hope this map answers a lot of questions because the story is ALL messed up and it seems like it doesn't have a steady direction. I heard that JK Rowling didn't have a full story to Harry Potter while she was writing it. They say that she was just winging it and just made up stuff as she went along. Most people would think that all 7 books were pre-planned and that she knew what the events would be from the beginning...but it turns out that that wasn't the case. Maybe this is the same situation here. Maybe Treyarch didn't have anything planned out so we're just seeing a story thats being thrown together as every map comes out. If thats the case then you can expect a LOT of plot holes. I'm hoping it all comes together at some point, but I'm not sure if thats the case here. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  19. The boss isn't confirmed yet, the fire/ice zombies are just variants, for now anyways... fix'd I had to give u [brains] for that...thanks!
  20. Perk Machines: CONFIRMED New Wonder Weapon: CONFIRMED Original Cast: CONFIRMED New Female Zombies: CONFIRMED New Boss Zombie: CONFIRMED Traps: CONFIRMED Pack A Punch: CONFIRMED Day Time and Night Time Action: CONFIRMED Slide('s?): CONFIRMED Add to this list if you've found something and confirmed it please...I'm really excited for this map for some strange reason...I have a feeling we're in for a nice surprise. I heard that some things won't be available until later rounds which gives us incentive to go farther. The new wonder weapon looks like it's a shrink ray.
  21. Next time you post a "this guy said this" or anything thats supposedly factually based, could you please post a link to the proof? I'm only asking because it's easier to believe it if theirs proof, instead of taking someones word off of a thread. Thanks. That may have sounded rude, but I ensure I'm not trying to be...I just hate it when people do that. ah now i see it... heres his twitter http://twitter.com/#!/TreitandTrue Guess we have to wait for Saturday Thanks man... [brains] I see other people left the same link. Thank you guys too. I'd give you'z all brains but there is not an abundance of them.
  22. Next time you post a "this guy said this" or anything thats supposedly factually based, could you please post a link to the proof? I'm only asking because it's easier to believe it if theirs proof, instead of taking someones word off of a thread. Thanks. That may have sounded rude, but I ensure I'm not trying to be...I just hate it when people do that.
  23. the trailer will be released when everyone is least expecting it probably. Or maybe it's out NOW....or maybe it's out NOW!!!...or maybe NOW....possibly NOW?....hmmm, maybe....NOW!!! hahaha You XBoxers are some lucky mofo's...us PS3 users have to wait a month AND a week for the map. You guys got 7 days left and your worried about a trailer. Pfft...nah just kidding, I know the drill.
  24. Well the WaW cast being behind the door is activated with a knife. And if it's activated with a knife, then why did Jimmy Zailinski say use different guns when a simple knife swap will activate it? So that obviously not what he was talking about. Secondly I thought it could be shooting the guy for the easter egg on his way up. But again, Jimmy says use different weapons. You can use ANY weapon to kill the sacrifice. He's saying there is a specific thing on the map that has to be shot with a specific weapon. The odds of finding an easter egg that can be anywhere on the map, shot by any gun in the game makes for some large numbers. I'm talking one in a million type stuff. So I'm pretty sure theres more.
  25. That quote isn't meant to be anything but a pun. Like theres more than meets the eye because theres more inside. It's just a joke thats all. I truly do wish there was more to Call of the Dead, but I'm starting to think it's all over. I want easter eggs like Der Riese and Ascension. Those were good easter eggs. I'm hoping Shangri-La has numerous massive easter eggs, but we'll probably only see one big easter egg and a few little references. I know the Hanger 18 multiplayer map will have easter eggs. Easter eggs in multiplayer maps aren't as fun as zombie easter eggs though...they're more informative than fun.
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