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Everything posted by Captain

  1. Well I was more or less kidding with my original post, but I do think that aliens will inevitably have some involvement in the storyline. :P
  2. He could teleport or use a Vril or 115 powered spacecraft? lol.
  3. Take over an alien planet.
  4. The energy from the teleporter brakes the roof. There is no giant beast. Yet...
  5. I had the same theory. It is debated by some that the Moon landing was staged by NASA. What if this map takes place in the area where the landing is being faked?
  6. Thank you sir. [brains]
  7. The astronaut that steals your perk and returns you to the starting point.
  8. Well Call of the Dead happened, so that means that our heros eventually figure something out. Or time travel? Probably time travel.
  9. Where the US is supposedly faking the moon landing? like its a film set and the characters dont actually go to the moon?
  10. Maybe it's just for decoration.
  11. It makes a man noise, so what? Suck it up.
  12. Cool. Still gonna use the MP5k.
  13. Actually message JLOS377 because I will be playing on my brother's account.
  14. Please respond because I cannot seem to find any decent players using the Random search. Please message me: CaptainIrony
  15. Oh, in that case there will probably not be Freddy claws.
  16. In that case it's NOT* stupid.
  17. Oh, in that case it's not stupid. I meant to say not. Sorry bromeo. :cry:
  18. I heard somewhere that each character starts with a different melee weapon. ex. Pitchfork, Dual Machetes, etc. Perhaps you could start with Freddy claws? :D
  19. I think that in the trailer, it showed the voice actors and character models names, not the characters IN GAME names. Like in movies such as uh... Kung Foo Panda or something, in the credits it says Jack Black, but the character in the movie is not named Jack Black. Do ya'll follow me?
  20. My favorite: FN FAL extended mags Crossbow (I have deadly aim with it) Semtex Concussion Motion Sensor Scavenger Warlord Hacker Don't judge me.
  21. Someone please try this!!
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