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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. While I normally call him Sloth, there hasn't been an official name given. I don't see anything wrong with Leroy. It's kind of a country name and he does look like he's from the country. And he does go charging into places like Leroy Jenkins. The developers specifically stated that while he has no official name, it is NOT that. And I honestly find it offensive to use such a name just because some big Youtube user told people to use it. who the hell cares what anyone calls the big guy? seriously? lol he has no official name, so i can call him whatever the hell I want, the only thing that is important is that other people know what youre referring to with whatever name you choose to call him. jesus
  2. This is obviously from our fictional zombies world, so actual accuracy may not be paramount. also keep in mind this is dated 1917 so at that time many of the categorizations of the elements were different and many elemnts were probably yet to be discovered/named I think they are being pretty accurate. Between 1900 and 1949, 13 new elements were discovered, then 16 in the next 50 years. agreed, just stating that obviously elemnt 115 was a ways off from actual discovery in 1917. here is a periodic table of the elements circa 1917 for real
  3. This is obviously from our fictional zombies world, so actual accuracy may not be paramount. also keep in mind this is dated 1917 so at that time many of the categorizations of the elements were different and many elemnts were probably yet to be discovered/named
  4. Very interesting.... Element 115 has a periodic symbol abbreviation of Dv !? what could the actual name of element 115 be? (obviously besides ununpentium)
  5. And why they've been screaming for it I have no idea... there are so many more interesting places they could set a map
  6. Nah, WaW is the actual story, the BO1 maps are not "reboots" they are just replays. They are for nostalgia and gameplay only Remember that whole thing about hundreds of alternate timelines? Yeah. I think the BO remastered collection was just that. i disagree with that, just doesn't make any sense. especially since it originated as a prestige edition bonus content, there's just nothing extra to it. Any reappearance of a map has to be taken exactly for what it is, and that is just a rerelease. Its like a greatest hits album for a band. we don't count a greatest hits album as a collection of brand new songs and meanings....
  7. Der Reise and Moon. Ascension a close 3rd
  8. I disagree. I think time travel is almost a necessity at this point in order to make the storyline sensible. There are too many holes as it is, but if they can cleverly introduce time travel as it relates to everything else they can neatly patch up all the holes. And therein lies the problem... 3arc dug themselves a hole they cant get out of i think. if thats what they are doing, then its like i said earlier. their answer for every question is time travel. and that is really silly and quite stupid in my humble opinion
  9. Sounded more british to me... I can not in my wildest imagination think of Tank saying "Scuttlebutt" ever. Sounds more like British to me. so if it belongs to someone we know of, i'd side with Maxis :edit: maybe this map is to be set in france, and is in fact a map they've had in the wings for a while that the campaign team put finishing touches on, so that the zombies team can turn focus to a 5th map that wraps up our black ops 2 story? separate dlc or maybe not... unless these notes are SOLELY meant to give us background information on the storyline in general and does not relate to a map specifically at all..
  10. The thing with the time travel explanation though, is that it gives Treyarch creative freedom to create a map almost anywhere they want. They understand that the hardcore fans like us want an incredibly in-depth story, and they give us that, but their first priority is creating fun maps in awesome locales. Buried, for example. Someone at Treyarch probably said, "it would be cool to do an Old Western themed map." Someone else said, "but that wouldn't fit in with the storyline." "Hmm, true, but it would be a cool location and a fun experience, so we should make it fit into the story." Time-space rift. Old Western town underground. Problem solved. Gameplay > anything else I generally agree, but they started the story angle in shi no numa, and they went all in on it in black ops 2, there's no turning back now. If they are mainly focused on game play, they should wrap this story up and either create a new story, or make a specific story for each map. The grasping at straws to continue this story while using time travel as a means to feely create a map anywhere/when they want is just slowly losing me
  11. Ahh, see, funny thing about crossing your own timeline... And this is why all this time travel explanation pisses me off. That might actually be what is happening story wise, but i think thats a lazy way to create a story on treyarchs part if that is true. I think there is something else going on here. the grandfather paradox really gives problems with backward time travel, and thats one of the few reasons i hope thats not what they are doing here...
  12. ok yes that's what I think as well. I assumed we were guessing the author of each letter. And as far as the author, based on the language chosen, I strongly disagree that Nikolai is the author.
  13. It won't affect the map itself... It can't because there are way too many people who simply don't do and don't care about the side missions. I wouldn't rule out an affect to a similar "ending" of sorts being affected by which sides button you last pushed or something of that nature
  14. What in that letter indicates to you any madness? Seems perfectly sane to me. Not saying it definitely is Richtofen writing that letter, but there is no conclusive evidence that it couldn't be
  15. I'm really getting kinda tired of the whole "time travel" explanation for everything. Its the black ops 2 version of vril. I think xyz because vril : I think xyz because time travel its a little tired in my opinion.need more background and story and reasoning and less ambiguity and silly excuses to explain why
  16. if indicating a full on prequel, they have GOT to releasing at leasst one more zombie map right?? they cant initiate a 1-2 year zombies hiatus with a prequel!@ there has to be some sort of end/cliffhanger!
  17. hmm I think that was more to just to show us when that map was taking place and the era we're in. Odd though for them to have a newspaper in from 1917 when MotD takes place 20 years after in the 30's. Also, did anyone ever try to match up the left side of that loading screen any of the others? I don't remember seeing any threads attempting to do so. Yeah i definitely think it's no coincidence that the date to the right of the Mob loading screen is matching these notes (year anyway)
  18. Makes you wonder perhaps if the first note was from Richtofen and the 2nd was from Takeo? The only Japan connection in zombies character wise is him... The first one seemed tame for Edward, but perhaps in '17 he still had more of his marbles in tact? if we get another one referencing anything USA or Russia then certainly my attention will be had
  19. I noticed that too just recently in Buried, and that's interesting its in multiplayer too, i always throw camos on my guns so id never noticed it there before...
  20. Heard a few people reference "no contact with family or friends" after joining 935. a) still possible that this friend also joined 935 this seems to be just a journal entry not anything that would be contacting a friend or family. I am very surprised to see this early of a date here. kinda ironic i think that black ops 2 as a whole was touted as "near future" yet zombies wise the time frames have varied and gone backwards in time more than ever before. (mob specifically) But theres one thing for sure, that this is designed to generate hype, and that it has succeeded in, at least for me :)
  21. maybe in the eyes of the zombies community, but there are far more people who buy the game solely for multiplayer as well. and your figures of profit are waaaaay off. figuring fixed costs, yeah, but with releasing an extra disk, employing a lager group of people to work on maps, etc, the cost goes up and proift goes down. What shooter was explaining is the future of zombies lies in whether or not it continues to increase profitability of the brand. Then decide if the resources spent on zombies mode are worth pursuing again or if the game overall will profit more from eliminating the mode and allocating the funds used on it elsewhere. The biggest pet peave of mine when the community complains about "Treyarch trying to suck every last penny out of us" Of course they are! Any successful company will. Activision is a publically traded company. How do you think their shareholders would react if their company's profits are not growing? Theyll sell, and the company eventually goes under. Community needs to quit acting like gaming companies owe us something. They don't. Yes they need to make great content to sell because nobody will buy a shitty game, but they also have to make sound financial decisions, or else the games you and I enjoy so much will cease to be NOW to the point, yes zombies has grown in popularity. if i remember correctly, on black ops 1 zombies would normally have between 20,000 and 30,000 players online during normal use times (i.e. not right after a map pack releases) adn on black ops 2 its more around 40-50 thousand. thats a bit of increase, but not all that significant. 50 thousand users is not enough to support a standalone game and have it be a wise investment for the company. Now if they totally revamped zombeis and INCREASED its presence and included it in a 2 disc set for $70-$80 id totally buy that. Kinda like how MP and campaign on halo 3 i believe were on separate discs. I don't believe unless something crazy happens and zombies just explodes after this map pack upcoming that we will ever see a standalone zombies release
  22. That's different, the maps alongside moon were free to those who had WAW... In black ops it costs 15$ to have moon and the old maps... Meaning they made more profit off the BO1 version IF I have been informed correctly... To make the waw maps come back a 3rd time would be repetitive, and to bring back the BO1 maps would be too costly... Each mp was 15 bucks... For moon to return: about 8$ for shangri la: 8$, cotd: 8$ and actors permission: Thats already over the 15$ limit... To bring back a re-vamped version of kino would be cool, as well as a HUGE new map with lots of survival areas would be both origional, and fit the price range... I may have misunderstood what you were trying to say here but the bolded part was most certainly not true. The cost of rereleasing those maps as survival maps would be minimal i would imagine as their already there... add in a couple new perk machines, and some different guns in the box and I honestly would play. its a chance to play the old maps with new people. so many new zombie players get brought in with each new release. I dont think its going to happen, but I'd shell out 15 bucks for a classic map pack.
  23. they did it last game? I already bought the map packs for world at war? i didnt find it unfair at all
  24. from what i remember, dimension started out basically out in space with a galactic looking back ground and surroundings. You could walk through the air, but it wasnt zero g like moon, more like just slower movements. there were platforms scattered throughout the area, the Avogadro/him/electric guy was there zapping you. then you made your way inside a base much like a space station of sorts, where you then made your way up and then had to teleport to and from different maps from zombies past to collect items/perform tasks for the quest
  25. Oh my gosh i cant believe Richard Nixon wasnt an option on the poll lol. Tricky Dicky gets me every time.... Five was just amazing, except for the nova crawlers lol Also screwed up and only picked other, didnt know there were 3 votes 2 has to be Nikolai as the classic pick, 3 for me is Russman... I laughed so hard the first time I heard his zombie cover of "Pick a pail of cotton" kinda a en passe racist joke eh treyarch?
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