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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. i played one game, and it was marginally fun. Being that the match is timed, i really only see myself playing it as a time waster waiting for friends to get on and stuff like that... it really doesnt even mimic the original gameplay of zombies much at all since the zombie characters are so fast... its just a side game basically nothing more nothing less
  2. definitely enclosed tight hallways and corners... its not really like any other map, but its definitely far from ascension and moon as far as wide open easy areas
  3. it definitely appears to be more along the lines of a traditional zombies map, which is a sigh of relief... oonly got to play for about 15 minutes this morning before work, but from what i've seen so far, I believe i will enjoy this map more than green run
  4. haha i randomly woke up at 4:45 am central, so i figured hey i bet revolution is available, so i checked twitter and sure enough like 8 mins earlier it came online. so i dl'd and got to play one time on die rise... man work is gonna drag today haha! :P
  5. You don't understand exactly what's at steak here... Trayarch could have done ANY other perma perk,and we'd be ok, but they do this one , WHICH THIS COMMUNITY HAS DIRRECTLY WORKED AGAINST for years... Meaning trayarch did what the noobs wanted and made the game easier... Bad move tray... Bad move... how has the community worked for years against an earnable jugg perk when it was just introduced several days ago? again why the hell does it matter, if you don't like it don't use it if you don't want the game to be easier, dont use it? who cares if it makes it easier for noobs, why would you purposely wish for something to be harder for someone starting out? to make you feel better about yourself? i would understand people being upset if you were forced to utilize it, but since you're not, just choose not to do it if yo sont like it.... good grief people
  6. my guess is twofold: a) i think it is going to melt/liquify the zombies however i think this will coat the floor making it slippery and easier to lose control/slide out a window/elevator shaft and die
  7. Theres always that one guy that get pissed at every thread posted on this forum..... (lol) how bout deleteing your account and youll have no reason to get all defensive and you wont be so stressed all the time. NOW... I know you'll be coming back at me for this just to be childish and I cant wait to hear what you say! SO go ahead sir. Oh, And heres a thought lets make zombies so that you get infinite health too.. Wouldnt that make it sooo fun and easy to make it to high rounds (lmao) i side with applesauce here. If you think this makes the game too easy, either a) you are upset that more people might jump ahead of you on leaderboards, which is silly, or you are so good that this eliminates the challenge of the game, in which case just don't use it! nobody is making you aquire the jug persistent upgrade, so if ou don't like it, don't acquire it. quite simople, there really is no reason for all this unrest over an option lol. personally i love it because my friends who enjoy zombies but aren't necessarily very good at it have a way of enjoying the game a little more
  8. anybody have any evidence of wht type of k/d approximately is neccessary for skull and knife? just curious. keep hearing 200 aprox for shottys but haven't heard anything for knife. finally 2 months in, i'm getting a chance to dive into the zombies a little more extensively
  9. i thought it was pretty much confirmed that the tallies has to do with consecutive days played? i had 2 tallies and have played the last three days, and each day i play a tally gets added, so after i played yesterday it was 5 tallies and blue eyes...
  10. got my diamond assault rifles unlocked already now working on the smg's i have 4/6 gold so far working on the chicom. i love this aspect of the multiplayer gives you something other than prestige to try and accomplish, really helps replay value !
  11. finally got my Diamond AR camo. man that SMR was a son of a bitch... POS gun lol
  12. ive had some good success with lighting strike--->Dragonfire---->AGR usually run hardline and in KC, the scorestreaks add up really nicely :)
  13. i hope they didnt remove it, the incentive is to discourage people from quitting the game unless it is unavoidable... but what they should really use probation for is the (im assuming) little kids that splitscreen and think it is SOOOO funny to run around shooting all their teammates until they get kicked. obviously intent is impossible to judge, but if you have a high enough team kill percentage on hardcore, you should definitely have some sort of probation to discourage that behavior
  14. tested several game modes over the weekend, and certainly for my game play style, KC got me the most xp. i really only played probably a total of 10 hrs over the whole weekend went through an entire prestige, but i played KC only about half that time i would guess
  15. MW3 maps were turrrrible. black ops was great, bo2 is pretty good so far, but i wish there were more large open maps like Array from BO and afghan and fuel? i think it was in the last map pack for mw2. problem is EVERYBODY loves nuketown and hijacked and mindless running around killing everybody maps like that, so most maps now are designed to cater to that :edit: forgot my faves lol, i like slums and raid the best. dislike aftermath, drone, and turbine
  16. saw they put out a live update or hotfix of some kind to amend the issues. so far im on board with this. treyarch means business dealing with exploiters this time around :)
  17. The Clay Bird


    this my friends. finally a larger group of zombie slayers to playe nuketown zombies with :)
  18. Ah yes, I did forget to mention that you shouldn't try this if you truly care about your K/D. It's just for fun, really. But it does give you a nice feeling of badassery when you have a good game with it. one of my group members does a variation of this, not really with the intent to knife and axe, but rather just pick up guns off the ground to use. doesn't really seem to put him at an advantage or a disadvantage
  19. In theory this is a great idea. incentivising against quitting mid game will increase the quality of matches, there will be less adding of players mid game which is frustrating sometimes. And of course should encourage less rage quitting. but it doesnt quite work yet because of the flaws. for instance last night we had a party of six, had been playing for a couple hours, finished every match bar none. and we backed out because one player was quitting and another was joining us. when i got the invite i was on probation?! lol now it was only for like 1 minute or maybe 2 minutes but still a bit frustrating because i hadn't quit any matches at all. best we could come up with is the game may consider a host migration as "leaving" idk. its broken, but i love the idea i hope they keep tweaking it
  20. I've wanted to say this for a very long time. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE ELLIPSES!? Anyway, let me address your concerns. EMPs will paralyze a (quite large) group of zombies for about 10 seconds. There are many ways to get around Green Run aside from the bus. (it's not even that slow) there is running on foot, which,once you get Stamin-Up, Jugg and Galvaknuckles, (stuff you'd likely be buying anyway), The Fog is nothing to traverse. Also, the fire's a trap. Haven't you heard? Also, how is it annoying exactly? No one ever dies 'cause of lava...And being kicked from Grief is not the game's fault. Since you expect to be kicked, this is likely a personal issue and is in no way the fault of the game. i know you like to trololol, and i do agree with you that running on foot is darn easy w/ knuckles and staminup/jug, but really? nobody dies from the lava? if you have red screen and go in lava you are dead... R.I.P. millions have died that way im sure and the being kicked,well that's not his fault, but it could be his internet service provider's fault, or it also could result from a poor connection with the host which could result from host's ISP. certainly not this poor person's fault though lol
  21. it definitely appears that the hashes do have to do with frequency of play. i last played last friday and at that time had skull rank with 4 or 5 tallies, haveen't played since and still have skull, but only have 1 tally (this is as of last night)
  22. although i understand you have seemingly a ton of gripes with tranzit, it appears that if you don't like that many things about it, you should probably avoid playing BO2 zombies and go back to BO 1. seems like you have a problem with literally almost all of the new innovations for BO2 lol
  23. cool finally a screenshot of this! well, this certainly isn't just something aesthetic, definitely it looks to be something of great importance. can't wait to continue to dive into this!
  24. kind of an unrelated question, but to PaP in solo do you still just have to drop a turbine in the power room and jog your ass to the town before it gets destroyed? seems difficult since the zombies love to destroy my turbines
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