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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. Ok lets do this ok as we can see Richtofen's bone structure in his face is completely off, while CODZL guy's bone structure matches pretty perfectly down to the dimple in his chin. No one can deny the guy on the right looks more like the poster, whether its him or not is another thing that we'll get to once people calm down and stop considering our side to be a plague on the forum. and as for the collage above Tank yeah does look a little different but the bone structure isn't that much off, and also get a newer picture of tank and the rest, one from ascension or from any map after that. So the picture above bears a pretty good resemblance to Ed; so for the sake of my argument let's try and find a different picture that looks less like the poster to prove that it's not richtofen in the poster?
  2. This poster keep in mind is simply marketing/promotional materials to advertise the new map pack. would they make a movie poster for the dark night rises with all the correct actors except have jason bateman playing batman? that makes just as much sense as putting a random person with the other 3 known characters on an advertisement for first strike.... think about it guys lol
  3. i think that's more evidence for the poster than anythign else... i mean i have the CotD poster, and sure everyone looks exactly like they do in the game on that poster..... because the poster is not hand drawn it's Computer generated graphics, so of course it's spot on. the first strike poster is hand drawn, and like the pictures above show, each of the characters have some deviation from their digital selves. i don't know what you 11 guys are seeing, but it looks like richtofen to me
  4. yeah i guess. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=23879 but anyway i'll post my stuff. This is the guy on the FS poster and this Richtofen as well as this now this is the guy from the CODZL video now tell me which one does the FS poster guy look more like? Also for those who say why would it be anyone else but Richtofen? You do realize that the actor is probably special FX scars(would they be called prosthetic scars). and why that outfit? why not give him a more Sciencey outifit? I mean its not like it has to be a soldier who tests the guns. Why would they go out of their way to make this actor look more like the guy on the poster? Contemplate that and re-evaluate your decision. i understand wanting it to be someone other than richtofen for the sake of twisting the storyline, but it looks like richtofen to me. think about it this way. when you saw that poster the first time, assuming you were following zombies when first strike was released, there would be absolutely no reason to think that it wasn't richtofen. which it is supposed to be richtofen anyway, but regardless, its simply coincedence that the guy in the codzl video (in some people's, not mine, opinion) bears a resemblance to the man that the artist painted in richtofen's place on the poster. now get this straight, i'm not discounting the fact that the guy in the codzl video may be a character from zombies, but not anyone who has been in any posters or existing maps
  5. but other than the alleged "buzzcut" or whatever it looks just like rich... jawline, facial features, need i remind everyone that rich also has a scar on his face? eplain to me how this is this and this the scar is even on the wrong side of the face. FS poster guy has the curved scar under (from my perspective of right and left) his right eye, while rich has the curve under his left eye lol no the scar is under the same eye lol! you just proved my point :)
  6. no that means its a leak most likely, and we lock all threads with leaks in them it was locked because its confirmed fake, and there's no need to further discuss fake things. inb4lock
  7. but other than the alleged "buzzcut" or whatever it looks just like rich... jawline, facial features, need i remind everyone that rich also has a scar on his face? -facepalm- No they do not. they actually do
  8. but other than the alleged "buzzcut" or whatever it looks just like rich... jawline, facial features, need i remind everyone that rich also has a scar on his face?
  9. this. Pareidolia... why would they put a random person in the poster for first strike? now if that person was in ascension, then maybe you can argue for it, but that poster is supposed to me our 4 heroes, whether or not the artist portrayed that to pinpoint accuracy
  10. well IPA is abbreviation for India Pale Ale, as far as beer is concerned... maybe the guys are just drunk and tweeting random indian stuff! :lol:
  11. from synopsis on amazon.com about the book "India's most renowned Vedic authority presents startling evidence of the soul's incredible journey after death. Srila Prabhupada tells how the soul travels from body to body, and how we can end the cycle of birth and death by reaching Lord Sri Krishna's ultimate abode." edit: Reza Elghazi tweeted "Beyond Birth and Death" with this picture :editx2: damn it fated, i didnt realize you posted both of them LOL my bad! :oops:
  12. my biggest fear is that the overnight delivery of my hardened edition might take until the 14th to get here...... :P
  13. just came in to post this... interesting, ties to reincarnation perhaps??
  14. Couldn't be, PS3 doesn't have anything like that, and it's also listed on the PS3 care package as well. ah good point... don't haev ps3 so i don't really know anything about it. :oops:
  15. sounds to me like its' just a gamer picture(s) like the ones we got for completing the easter eggs in CotD, Shang, and Moon
  16. You can upgrade awesome thanks Liam... anyone know if this can be done online? either way ill prob call my local GS on my lunch break, but im pretty pumped about everything blops 2 right now! :D
  17. soooo, if i've already pre-ordered blops 2 at gamestop, and want to preorder the hardened edition instead, can i just upgrade my current preorder, or do i need to cancel and then seperately preorder the hardened?
  18. well, according to the intel on the hardened and prestige editions, it appears that this map will be exclusive to those editions much like the classic maps were for black ops 1. looks like hardened edition it is for me! :shock:
  19. did we get some sort of info on what the 4z4 game mode is? did I miss this somehow? or are we just speculating
  20. facebook post did say it included bonus zombies maps !! 8-) 8-) 8-) :mrgreen:
  21. can you provide proof for that statement? its easy to assume that its just a regular test nuke, but based on all the other zombies EE's in the map, there just might be more connection than what we know so far
  22. hmm.... here's what this makes me think. Now how this would fit in story wise I don't know. But at the end of a match at Nuketown, when the nuke goes off, trying to tie into the zombies story; could that be the nuclear missiles from Griffin Station making impact to earth? Any other ideas or speculations out there anybody?! and to answer those asking about how it relates to the manhattan project, that was the top secret project that resulted in development of the atomoic bombs that were used in WWII. among other things :)
  23. wait, what if this is a hint that the wave 3 bonus for the blops 2 preorder is a DLC zombies map for black ops 1 which is a prequel to the first map in black ops 2?? :lol:
  24. Zielinski just retweeted this, so I would imagine that confirms it's relation to zombies :D
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