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Everything posted by ZombieOfTheDead

  1. And like I said, there has to be more to it. That is a surefire way of killing your fanbase, making it so everything was just a stupid game. It was in a way kind of cute, but that doesn't justify basically restarting the storyline. I think it's a metaphor, and besides, we've seen Sam's room with the action figures of the crew, so... yeah.
  2. So we can discuss how bad the ending was now? Good. Hopefully the ending was just a metaphor for how Sam controls the zombies, otherwise I'm pretty sure this will sit well with no one.
  3. STG is shown on syndicates footage, btw.
  4. Tmartn's video also has no commentary in the second half, and you can hear some of the radios, and some interesting dialogue that truly does point to samantha not being maxis's daughter. I meant the commentary is annoying, the gun is awesome.
  5. MP40 is pretty much in every one of these videos, but we haven't seen the STG. We HAVE seen the thompson, however. I know they're annoying, but it's still decent gameplay for the most part.
  6. You sound arrogant yourself right there. This or what Tac said is kinda what I think it meant. The way he said view instead makes me think somethings up.
  7. I still feel like he's messing with us. One possible view of how the zombies came to be could mean that it happened earlier. Alternate timelines would essentially screw up everything that came up later. I doubt they would put in an alternate version of how it happened unless they did the back to the past thing, which on a whole sounds stupid. Honestly, I'm going to wait and see until the map actually comes out. The fact that Samantha says that what happened there was what really happened just makes me want to hold on to the idea it isn't an alternate timeline.
  8. Like your title says, it's a pretty big longshot. It just sounds like it would complicate the story too much. It could work that way, but I'd say he probably wasn't plotting anything that crazy, and he probably thought he wouldn't need to.
  9. Yeah, that is true, but there's not actually anything you could do to an alternate timeline you aren't apart of.
  10. This was back before he could even contemplate controlling the world. The MPD gave him that whole idea. What do you mean it was before he contemplated controlling the world? Richtofen wanted us to help him enter the MPD and release Samantha. However Samantha didn't come into power until after richtofen had discovered the MPD, built Gryphon station, massacred dozens of people to feed it, and overthrow Maxis. He had the idea of becoming powerful before Samantha was even in her prison in the first place. In this theory, it is a prequel, and way before he even knew the MPD existed and knew what it was. He would have no way to control the world and wouldn't contemplate it himself.
  11. This was back before he could even contemplate controlling the world. The MPD gave him that whole idea.
  12. Eh... I don't quite get why the being rooting itself in aether would create another timeline, nor why Mob of the Dead would even be in another timeline. The character's are all dead, anyways. Lucifer probably just controls hell or purgatory. I don't know, really. There's elements of this that are interesting and I agree with, but everything I've written doesn't make sense. Also, why does Richtofen care what happens to an alternate timeline when he isn't in that timeline?
  13. Lol nope its pretty obvious that's its the same Sam, she didn't even have to get past the second word before I knew who the speaker was. They even changed the voice to the Little girl version so people like you would clue in It was obvious it was samantha or it could've been some other demonic creature. I'll I'm saying is it didn't sound like Samantha did before, and sounded horrible. Not to mention, anyone with a brain can clue in when she mentions her name at the end.
  14. +1. That was bullshit. Also, I don't get E-sports anyways. It's silly when you can literally play it yourself.
  15. Sorry for a double post, but apparently I waited for nothing. In the MLG twitter it says we'll get it at 3 PM ET tomorrow.
  16. Like I said, we don't really know. If I found out I've been waiting an hour for nothing on the second to last day before school, I'm gonna be pissed. SO you go back the 26th too? Anyways I'm thinking the same thing. I start school the day before this map comes out and I really want some real gameplay before the map releases. Trollarch strikes again. I'm really hoping that if they don't get the live stream back up they'll just post whatever gameplay they had ready up onto YouTube. Or maybe the next trailer or something. Yeah, 26th. Don't worry, if the stream doesn't come back up, it's unlikely that they wouldn't post any gameplay if there actually is any to show.
  17. Like I said, we don't really know. If I found out I've been waiting an hour for nothing on the second to last day before school, I'm gonna be pissed.
  18. No, it's a tech issue, the stream is down while they fix it, but it's been like 40 minutes.
  19. We have no clue, the stream is a complete fail.
  20. This wait is murder... the stream better be good quality after this. Not quite fun wasting away waiting on the second to last day before school starts.
  21. I knew it... it was Vonderhaar!
  22. After they haven't been in a map for a whole game? Hardly. Kinda want to see the wave gun again.
  23. Wow, fail stream. Perfect timing for it to go offline...
  24. It's just you who thinks that. Sounds like a chain smoker, not the demonic announcer. I wish that it sounded more like that, but they changed it to a normal girl voice anyways.
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