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Everything posted by ZombieOfTheDead

  1. We were talking about shi no numa... this is how we are finding out the location. You need to be assertive to actually get the facts right. Sometimes, that's just the way it works. Stuff like this happens when you discuss the storyline. But anyways, we resolved our argument on the other thread which more directly relates to it. ANYWAYS, lets get back to discussing New Guinea here. Like I said, I sincerely doubt that the meteor would go that far a distance. I'm really going to say it's just ambiance, the bird and hyena sounds.
  2. There only was 1, which he kept dropping in his numerous deaths And yes, that radio.
  3. So then, in all reality we have NO IDEA when Shangri-La takes place?? it could be 30, 40, 50+ years earlier??? We have an idea. Radio dropped says 2004 on it, so at least after 2004.
  4. Source:http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1661.html There is also a map of Japanese controlled area (which includes Manchuria, however that does not say their empire, so again, not japan.) If we ever come to an agreement, we should also an announce it here Who cares what America thinks? It's not our territory, it doesn't matter who we thought controlled it over half a century ago. Fact is, it was apart of the Japanese Empire. Which Takeo, called Japan. And if that is the problem you have with the theories, then what is yours? Because that would also proclaim Matuzz's New Guinea theory as false because it was part of conquered Japanese Territory too. Also, in terms of Tunguska, Manchuria is the only one which passes the common sense test of being able to be reached by the damn rock fragments, since it is directly on the Russian border. Now can we take this argument back to Tac's thread about Manchuria? This is about Matuzz's New Guinea's theory, not 'whether Manchuria would be called Japan' What the... JAPAN called it independent. They did not consider it in their empire, even though they controlled it behind the scenes. So essentially, In NEITHER way would it be considered Japan. Now I am seriously wondering if you guys have even read what I said, because I brought that part up numerous times. And as for rock fragments, I agree. Manchuria is the closest, therefore being the most likely, however what I said previously counteracts this. New Guinea is definitely too far, IMO. It is freakin mainland Japan, or an island very close to it. I've provided the evidence, you guys are not taking it. If you still do not believe me, consult with a WWII Japanese or American veteran and see what they would have called manchuria. You will not get an answer very different from mine.
  5. I sent a message out, but here is some evidence for my matter that I think everyone should read. Source:http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1661.html There is also a map of Japanese controlled area (which includes Manchuria, however that does not say their empire, so again, not japan.) If we ever come to an agreement, we should also an announce it here
  6. My problem with this is that if the OSS found out that the Japanese pretty much had Manchuria, but they acted as if it was an independent state, they would treat it as Japan. Same thing with the Abwehr/Other German intelligence groups. Thus, Dempsey and Richtofen would consider it Japan, since that is what they are told. Richtofen would not, Germany recognized the place as an independent state. Dempsey would not, as a U.S. soldier generally refers to the area he's fighting in as it's name. First, we can never rule out anywhere, unless it is completely implausible (Europe, The Americas, etc.) Second, we would consider it Japan, since they took over the area, and ruled it as a puppet state. Third, we have already seemingly ruled out New Guinea. Our current argument is about Manchuria, which is our current best case, so far as I know. If you have other theories, I would love to see them. (Just to clarify, no inflection of sarcasm in that.) I just want to point one thing out... Back then, the U.S. would not recognize any of those countries as Japan. If their enemies took something, they would not recognize it as being their enemies. Similar to how the U.S. recognized Taiwan as the official government of China until the 70s, which pissed off the communist government of China. They would not call it Japan, they would call the region its name. EDIT: However, at the same time, the league of nations did not view manchuria as independent. This does not mean they would refer to Manchuria as Japan.
  7. Hint hint: READ. I actually gave physical evidence for it 100% not being Manchuria. Independent state=free from any other countries, even though it was secretly ruled by Japan. Was not a part of their empire. Therefore, it can not be in Manchuria. The U.S., or any country for that matter, would not refer to this region as japan in that sense, even if they knew it was actually ruled by Japan (which they most likely did).
  8. Again, I stress "Independent State." That means it was not a part of Japan at all (Though it was controlled through as a puppet state). In this sense, it wouldn't be considered part of Japan. Again, for New Guinea... it just seems a bit far away from the blast. I still don't think Japan or anyone else would consider it actual Japan, but that is just how I would view it from their perspective, and certainly American's perspectives back then. Manchuria, however, I am now 100% sure is not where Shi no numa is located.
  9. Did people call any other conquest of the Japanese japan? I sincerely doubt it, maybe you should ask people who were alive at the time. Was new guinea called japan? I think not. You see, countries can refuse to recognize places as part of a country. I doubt Manchuria is any different, and even then it was considered a different country by the freakin japanese! Now you are just denying what I'm saying, man. First of all, independent means independent. They were not technically a part of Japan. State can also mean nation. Combining the two would be an independent nation. Would it really make sense for anybody to call it independent if it were a part of another country?
  10. Paris sounds good, as long as there are at least 3 new maps (Not counting dead ops 2, which better be in there) I will be okay. And the mansion is an amazing idea as well. As long as there are some open outside areas as well, I think that could make for a great map. Needs a dark tone, so should be night, and MAYBE rain. But unfortunately, we would only have one map with the main characters at start, because otherwise it would be too damn confusing if you think about it.
  11. I know this is wikipedia, but lets be honest here... it's actually pretty reliable. Here It's near the end. If you need any more sources, I saw this in several other articles as well. As for suggestions, would it really kill it to actually be Japan?
  12. I'm sorry, but I just have to post this. I read that Germany considered Manchukuo (AKA Manchuria) an independent nation. Obviously they were going along with Japan here. This means that TECHNICALLY Manchuria was not a part of Japan, and killing that theory. As for New guinea, I'm really just thinking it's a bit too far south if the tunguska blast sent the meteor to SNN. Finding the plant species out would really help.
  13. Then you are a bit.... extreme. It's not all that bad on the console. I feel for you, though. Spending god knows how many hours only to glitch out is just awful. Just have to wonder, why do you do the high rounds, anyways? They're kind of... boring. I won't judge :)
  14. Have a little faith, man. I'm not expecting us to get to the top of the skyscrapers, but hey, a city street is all we need. Come to think about it, if they made the area big enough, some cars might be temporarily usable. That'd be BA.
  15. Got to say... most of those ideas I don't agree with. Some I do, or are irrelevant to me, but others.. ugh, I can NOT stress enough how bad a zombies campaign would be.
  16. Chicago is winning. Lol, I live about an hour away from it. But from my perspective either Chiacgo or New York would work (or anything that has big buildings, really). For this map in particular I think rain would work well. Would really capture the mood, and the ability to go in some buildings.
  17. You mean, less rotted? I think that the barrels might actually preserve them and prevent them from becoming full blown zombies. I think they're still zombies, just not zombies yet. Don't forget, the original zombies looked basically human with glowing eyes. Just because it's not the same model doesn't mean it isn't a regular zombie w/ 115.
  18. Great, but assuming Kino outbreak was 1945, why do they not have later stages but instead have these? I'm still going with they're zombies on this one, and using this as a backup for the nova crawlers.
  19. Okay, there we go. One issue solved. I agree that it's possible that they're early crawlers, but I don't think it really works that way. I think of it like Faust's thread, sort of many surgeries and such.
  20. Welcome to the forum, my friend I agree completely on the stats, that would be added to playercard for sure. Same with multiplayer emblems, unlocked exclusively from playing zombies! Brilliant idea, dude.
  21. Over 20 years, everything breaks down and becomes weaker and weaker, which is just as plausible with a chemical gas like NOVA6. The whole belts thing annoys me, and pants. They are small, like small children, maybe they chose them because their immune systems are weaker and more susceptible to anything coming in. It is a chemical agent, and we do not know that this breaks down. Check out the zombies you fight, or whatever really is in the containers. Not much happened in 20 years. I don't think these are children's belts, but perhaps jewish belts. I mean, they look kinda, ya know, holocausty. The mouth looks fairly human to me. Again, monkeys have a distinct mouth as well. EDIT: Now, again, Does THIS look like the guy in the container?
  22. Ugh... I need allies in this. I know for a fact that these are humans/zombies by face, I see nothing remotely ape-like about them. We need someone from PC to grab us the skin, because I am having no luck in finding one on the internet.
  23. So I’ve had a few ideas for zombies lately, basically these are all the ideas I’ve come up with. Mechanics I think we all want dive to prone back, that’s a given Better zombie AI so that they’ll OCCASIONALLY go off path. I understand some people like kiting, so that’s why I say not always, but sometime so it’s not so easy. Maps Underwater base would be cool, if it can be implemented correctly Pyramids would be REALLY cool. Mummy zombies FTW. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always wanted a zombie city street setting, kinda like Chicago, or New York, just a really big city area. Also, lets go back to a WWII setting, shall we? More backstory maps dealing with areas of the story not yet covered, like how the zombies were actually discovered and such. Perhaps a zombie map focusing on Takeo’s story as well, considering we don’t really know how he got captured. Plus, I love Shi no Numa’s atmosphere. It just needs to be another part of Shi no numa. One thing I totally want out of at least one map is where it rains or snows. I mean seriously, it would just look so cool, and really set the mood. Split rooms would be cool, again. Would be interesting if all 4 would have to find each other. The power shouldn’t link them that much. In fact, how about 4 power switches, one for each individual? Weapons Given that I mentioned WWII maps, those maps should feature ONLY WWII guns, along with whatever wonder weapon is given. As for the non WWII era, just put in any weapon from the next game on to it. Please, AK-47 is all I ask, and some HMGs New feature- Melee weapons: I’ve said this time and time again: freakin melee weapons, treyarch. Not the bowie knife, something more powerful. To balance its power out, it would probably have to take up a normal weapon slot, and would eventually have to be repaired or something. Weaker ones could be found in the box, while stronger ones could only be found on the walls for 5000+ points, given that they last for awhile and give a lot of points (same amount as a knife kill). Wonder weapons Bring back the flamethrower. Give the ray gun its power back, but give it more splash damage like WaW. Seemed more effective there, at least IMO. Other wonder weapons: I expect at least 1 map with the Wunderwaffe, but other than that I think I’ll let treyarch do their magic. Characters I think Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Sam are a given. But god, give Samantha a female model at some point, if she’s Richtofen forever it’ll just be creepy. Also, maybe we could get a bigger backstory on them, maybe a few paragraphs about them like in WaW for the menu, but more expansive, as well as quotes, radios, etc telling us about them (some things have to be found out about them). Just an idea, but maybe have the descendants of the characters in a map at some point (Nikolai has at least one kid, same with Dempsey, and possibly Takeo? Just an Idea). For WWII maps… I’ve got no idea. I’d like to see another American, German, Russian, Japanese, or even a british character. Story Not much to add here, other than stuff I’ve already mentioned above. I’d personally like more small EEs in maps, like how WaW has it, so we don’t find everything within a day. Not to say don’t put the big ones in, go right ahead with that. I’d like videos at the start for at least a few maps. Doesn’t have to be all, just some. I won’t be too sad if this isn’t included, though. Perk System I have no ideas on perks, but if we add more, raise the cap by 1 or 2 please The oh so great pro perk system should also be added. It could really make some otherwise useless perks worth getting. Zombies I think dogs should spawn with the zombies again, that’s always a fun challenge. TBH, the dog rounds, etc are kind of way too easy, so I suggest getting rid of those unless it can be made a little tougher. I’m one of the people who thought George, the Napalm zombie, and the astronaut weren’t so bad. They aren’t. Actually, I think the astronaut perfected the boss styled zombie. Combined George, the napalm zombie, and monkeys all in one basically. I also didn’t mind Nova Crawlers. Didn’t understand why those were considered bad. Last bit: Make the zombie skins more like the Der Riese or Shi No Numa ones. I don’t know why, but they just looked perfect, not too disfigured or decayed. That is, unless it makes sense like CotD or Moon. Music Elena & Kevin, with the occasional A7X sounds good to me. If the map is supposed to be creepy, make the background music quieter, or eerie Entirely New Features Controllable transportation. I’m saying like cars or motor cycles that could only be used for a short amount of time, but are great for quick get aways. Host migration. We all want it, I know that. Zombie levels (NO PRESTIGES). So basically, zombie levels are pointless except to show how great you are, correct? Well, what about including story elements into the rewards, sorta how Assassin’s Creed does it. Nothing too big, but it could give us some background info on characters, members of 935, etc. As for why I say no prestiges, well then it just becomes an annoyance if you like playing MP too. Instead, maybe prestige metals for how far you’ve gone, or what easter eggs you’ve completed, etc. Finally, zombie player cards. Basic stats, and everything. Misc 3rd person models should be custom! I mean, the COTD crew got custom ones, why not the original crew? No elite to buy. Please, I want it early, but don’t want to get elite for it. Dead Ops 2. Nuff said. Tiny info in terminal. Not needed if some story is unlocked in leveling. NO. FREAKING. CAMPAIGN. That, or game enders. Either of those = bad. ______________________________________________________________ So, did it rock, or did it suck? I seriously hope Treyarch Considers some of these.
  24. Die Glocke is the teleporter, dude. Bell shape, and all. Dempsey even mentions Die Glocke when going up to one in Der Riese.
  25. Well, Richtofen said Maxis worked on it, so German?
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