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Everything posted by SoleToaster

  1. Just lettin ya know but you forgot the water slide for escape routes.You know...the one by the bridge/quicksand :)
  2. Same, it was gonna be a blast. What to do... Do what i'm gonna do: Step 1:Think what i'm going to do because it doesn't come out at 2 AM Step 2:Thinks about sleeping but decides not to Step 3: Stares at wall awkwardly Step 4: Falls asleep thinking of Step 4... Step 5: Wakes up screaming "OH MAY GAWD I MISSED IT" but then realizes that it doesn't come out at 2 AM and downloads the map pack Step 6: [step missing due to killing freakbags in Shangri-La] It's sleep proof...erm...FOOL proof :mrgreen:
  3. Thats a good idea but honestly i think it's just the sun. But then again you could be right because in all the other zombie maps (excluding CoTD) the weather/lighting does not change so i'm probably wrong. Guess we will just have to wait until tonight (Or if your like me and will most likely fall asleep,tomorrow )
  4. That would be kinda weird being tiny though. Because all you would see would feet and legs :?
  5. Maybe, just maybe, instead of spikes when they explode it launches grenades that shrink the zombies therefore turning them tiny and you can eat them? Or they can just be like semtex if you dont like the idea of eating baby zombies... :|
  6. Haha good find :lol:
  7. I never even new there was a seven :| I thought it went: Call of Duty 4, World at War, Call of Duty:MW2, Call of Duty:Black Ops To be honest i never even thought there were five (Yes i do realize people called WaW CoD5...)
  8. I would want 2 guns from Fallout New Vegas: Fat Man (Cmon, it's a mini nuke for crying out loud! Well, at least that's what it says in the description. I haven't found ammo yet ) Gauss Rifle (It's just badass.)
  9. Hehehe no...*starts looking at Juice's screen*
  10. The first question is "will there be a sequel?"
  11. That was pretty cool . Oh and you might want to fix the title. It says E2 2011
  12. you spelled 'friend' wrong
  13. Name Snapple Juice Effects: Refreshes your thirst so you can kill zombies longer Downside:If you dont like strawberry your screwed Cost: 1500 points The picture is a panda punching a zombie in the face
  14. infact, maybe a new group called "Surviver" : "a person who has survived atleast a year on the new codz website." You could choose the colour, maybe something like this? or GOLD!!!! That would be cool but eventually EVERYBODY would have it. And it would be weird having a rainbow for every topic.But it would be pretty funny if they were brown (Yes i know that might not be brown but the real brown you can't see. See?)
  15. THAT would be too hard,unless you have a riot shield... Oh and by the way you should add Call of the Dead. They take ziplines and sprint like in Verrukt.They also slide down, but that's probably just cause they,well, i don't know probably cause they slipped or something.
  16. The minute i saw the words rage quit i immediately thought about this:
  17. Well considering the fact that you would most likely be eaten to death if you refuse, you might as well go to the pod :lol:
  18. LOL. WaW sucks besides zombies. Campaign had so many glitches, multiplayer was overpowered itself..... THE WHOLE THING. So is BO, and mw2, not forgetting cod4, that sucked too. Cod3 was the best. Son, MrCachorro is disappoint :lol:
  19. I believe the Ascension EE is over don't get me wrong, but on an Inside Xbox video Major Nelson was talking with someone from Treyarch( I think, i haven't seen the vid in a long time) about how there are some Easter Eggs that NOBODY has found to this day.And plus, ever heard of having an opinion?
  20. The more brains you have, the closer you are to being an undead master or epic zombie.
  21. My highest is 22 by running circles by Speed Cola and the bottom of the light house :D
  22. I'm on it ... ...... :| Just kidding
  23. Are you only doing it on friday? If your not, i can play on Saturday. Add me:SoleToaster66 Like in my sig
  24. Radiation and Havana. I hate them. That is all.
  25. And BACON :o
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