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About killerbunny17

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  1. killerbunny17


    So ok ive been roaming the internet i keep hearing about some dogsuit that appears in "Area 51" after you turn the power on and i just dont see where their saying it is. I may be PS3 but i do more research rather than playing the game if anyone here could help prove or disprove this it would be very helpful on proving my point to others p.s. dont flame me if its already been talked about and [brains] to all who comment this no matter good or bad
  2. ive been hearing alot about those 2 maps but nothin points to moon at all and i mean nothin it all points to the vietnamese temples and ive heard alot about "dead capitalism" as well but nothin can be confirmed ive just heard is got the "five" gang and its gonna be in some treasury type building
  3. pretty great thoughts people but do you really think it would all end with a retaliation i mean we need to be thinkin about wat could possibly be after cause retaliation would be kind of a cliff hanger dont you think im thinkin maybe the next and/or final map pack will be annihilation send me your thoughts people im always willing to here em. [brains] [brains] [brains] TO ALL!!!!!!!! send all suggestions to [email protected]
  4. Hi everyone first of all im new to here and have not yet played COTD but the George Romero constant zombie is stupid the only reason they put him in there is so people cant camp on the map and in my opinion thats one of the most liked things bout zombies like when i play KINO i run stage for a little to group them all than i run to the front lobby and get to the end of the couch and unload an arsenal onto them if u ask me they took one of the great things that couldve been used on the board. (please dont flame me for what ive said)
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