Hullo everyone! Me name is soul. My username is weird becuase I misspelled it(If it can be changed could and admin tell me how or do it for me? It's meant to be soulpelt)......>.
I've played Nazi zombies since WaW. I haven't been active on zombies lately because of school and crap. If anyone gts my code name referance it's good to see some fellow Whovians. My favorite map is prolly any level without the bloody Hellhounds......danged thgins until they meey my Stakeout/Raid. Thats about it I suppose.
Favorite qoutes from zombies: 'Die flesh addict!', and 'I'm all out of vodka...I mean ammo!', 'Oh, listen to the beautiful music!' I have none form Takki, he doesn;t have any funny qoutes.
My favorite song is 'Beauty of Annihilation'