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Posts posted by jimbob200521

  1. I was hearing strange noises as well. Here are various unknown noises i heard:

    an elephant (lol)

    a beaming sound

    crashing waves (i think thats from the PaP moving places)

    another weird beaming sound once i had gotten the golden rod

    every few seconds a double beat of something.

    also, i found if you have the VR11 out it makes quite a few strange noises. mainly the spinning red thing on the top, as well as after you use your knife and pull it out again it makes a weird noise

    Could that spinning red thing on top be a homing device of some kind? If you are right about the noises (I haven't noticed as I don't usually hold on to the VR-11), this could lead us to something maybe? Good find if it results in something :P

  2. I've noticed this as well.

    Also, if you're in a big need of a crawler and have only one zombie left that's been severely damaged (meaning if you attempt to make it a crawler it will die) you can take it to the flinger.. it'll get tossed and since the flinger doesn't kill the zombies said damaged zombie will come back all fresh and new. This has worked for me every time I've done it. Just make sure you keep an eye out, you never know where that zombie will spawn.

    [brains] for ya, I didn't even think about this!

  3. I think it only happens once per round though, and it is only 10 points..

    If you've got the patience, you could shoot him and lead him to water repeatedly during a round to get however many points you want b/c friends and I haven't found a limit to this. Hell, I've done this ~14 times or so to get enough points for a box spin before haha I know that's only 150 points, but when windows max out and you are out of ammo and need a few bucks, you'll go to desperate lengths to take a spin. Then once you do get the money, you'll get blessed with Ballistic Knives or the LAW or some stupid gun. But I digress, I'm off topic :lol:

  4. First, you're only able to purchase up to 4 perks, the rest can only be attained through killing George which, with 4 peoples, can be a chore! Behind the light house at the bottom of the hill by Stamin-up is a good place to do it, blast him with whatever you have and the hill plays well into PHD Flopping his ass to death. I've heard people say that (PHD Flopper) can be quite effective, but I haven't had much luck with it, so ymmv.

    As for strategy, this thread seems to have a good one, or if nothing else, a good starting point. Takes some practice, though.


    Hope this helps!

  5. Love the way I posted this strategy on my Youtube (video below) and to CoDz a good month ago.

    Thread: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=11015



    Also, "This strategy will get you to whatever level you want to get to" No it will not. Just you watch, you will get to Round 50 and it will start to fail. You gotta use the VR11 to get past from there tbh :P

    - Waffles

    EDIT: Just noticed it sounded like I was flaming :S No offense intended in any way! :D

    Unless I missed something if your video, the one in this new thread shows a place for other people to hang out (by power) giving people a new way to play with multiple people. If you said something in your video similar to what's in the new one, my apologies. I didn't watch your video all the way through, so I may have missed it if you did.

  6. Every location the PaP can be on the map, there is also a rock. When the PaP is at a location, there is no rock. But once the PaP has timed out, a rock takes its place. I believe this is what you're talking about, but I could be wrong.

    You are exactly right, brains 4 solving problem ;D

    The PaP roams, and every time it moves to a new location, a rock replaces it in it's old one. Nothing too special I'm afraid :(

    - Waffles :D

    Yay!! Brains from MrRoflWaffles ;) Thanks :D

  7. 1) No max ammo when George is killed.

    2) No monkey bombs, gersh device, or anything of the sort. Just the matriska dolls.

    3) How stupid far away Jugger is. That's my biggest complaint, you have to have at LEAST 4720 to open all the doors and turn power on, not counting the cost of Jugger, guns, and ammo in the mean time, etc.

    A little complain is if you have a crawler, and he has taken just a bit too much damage, he can die in the water without a shot fired. That has ruined many games while people were spread out getting guns, box hits, perks, etc. All of a sudden the zombie dies, and we all happen to be at opposite corners of the map.

  8. I don't think George would be so bad if there was a way to make him go away...for good. I like him to an extent b/c it's nice to have all the perks, and kind of fun to kill him solo. But when you add more players, not to mention trying to deal with the hoards of zombies at higher rounds, he becomes more of a pain than it's worth. I have yelled so many times at the TV b/c a random grenade bounced off of a zombies head or something and pissed him off, ultimately dooming me. That, or they need to give us 3 weapon slots so you can keep the VR-11, PaPed starting pistol (can't seem to think of the name haha), and an ammo burning gun all at once. That way you can get rid of him at the beginning of levels with the VR-11, you have your upgraded pistols for those "OH SHIT" situations, and a gun to slay zombies with in between. Just my 2 cents.

  9. Never had this happen, but I did have something similar happen. I had gotten the DG-2 and used all the ammo, but the gun didn't go away. Luckily I was close to the end of a round, so I was able to melee kill what was left, and with even more luck on my side, I got a max ammo from one of the few left. Once I used all the ammo again, the DG-2 went away and things went back to normal. Come to think of it, that was a weird game all together. I had chrome guns, actually made a post here about it. I think my game was just glitching pretty bad that game.

  10. It's been a while since I did the Easter Egg on solo, but last time I did it, I don't remember it making this sound in tune with the blinking light. I got the fuse, destroyed the generators, and now they are asking for the Golden Rod, but I have no light in the light house. Sorry for the quality, it's all I had on hand at the time. Thoughts?


    Edit: Realized that I forgot the wheel/levers part of the EE, never mind this post.

  11. Interesting. I'll have to test it alter to see if its effects stack.

    AFAIK the effects do stack, but as you get shot more, it's similar to standing in water too long; your vision gets redder and redder so eventually it's hard to see.

  12. Searching Youtube, I found this.


    Very nice, I haven't heard a lot those. Then again, I don't hang out there talking to them much haha

    I think my new favorite is one from that vid, something along the lines of when Tank was trying to find a saying. Ah hell, I've already forgot.

  13. lol still havent worked out how to kill him ;)

    I found a really easy way to kill him on around round 10 - 15. Get one person with a scavenger, one with a raygun and one with PhD Flopper + Juggernog. Take George to the back of the lighthouse near Staminup on the stairs, have the scavenger fire all rounds from near the staminup machine, the PhD Flopper flopping him repeatedly and the ray gun leading zombies around in circles away. When scavenger ios done have them swap with ray gun and keep flopping. PhD Flopper can kill him suprisingly quickly; Around 10 - 15 minutes depending on how much damage he takes from other weapons. If possible have two people with PhD Flopper.

    Also, Back to the original thread, it does actually sound like he stays on the map, just teleports from an off map location back to the map. Like how the teleporting rooms on Kino and Der Reise house the player for a few seconds.

    Maybe I'm taking this too far, but if he can get to a different location, maybe we can? Probably just wishful thinking haha

  14. This mainly applies to those with no clip, but when you kill George and/or make him go bye-bye with the Lazerus, has anyone checked that random box off the ship to see if he goes there? B/c every time I kill him, I can still hear bitching about one thing or another which means (to me) he's still around, he just can't get to us. He's not gone gone, just...not able to interact with us. Any thoughts?

  15. I think it's definitely worth the money. Hell, I bought the map pack just for that, I don't think I've touched the other maps but for the occasional Combat Training game with friends.

    In my opinion, it seems to be carrying on the trend of continuing bigger and bigger maps. While that means more places to run circles, hold out, etc., it also means more places to have to pay to open and more places to get stuck when running circles :P I prefer maps like Kino, Der Riese, etc. The only outside map I really got into was Shino. Round 55, best I've done on any zombie map. But I digress...

    Yes, it's defiantly worth it!

  16. So I was playing with a friend last night, and after reading about the Matrishka (sorry, can't spell it) doll ideas on here, I started cooking one to see what happened. Well, the round wasn't as over as we thought it was, as a zombie came up behind me started hitting me. I had no perks, yet, while cooking the Maatrishka doll, I got hit at least twice without going down. I thought I might after I threw the doll but I didn't. Has anyone else had this happen?

    I tried again to test it next game, but it figures that I couldn't get the damn dolls again. I'm going to try again tonite, but more people wouldn't hurt if anyone is interested!

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