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Everything posted by IamTankDempsey

  1. No we don't and Guess where Richtofen puts the focus stone and the golden rod up hes a gay rod (Winning Duh)
  2. Hey if you want to come to the moon with us I can push Richtofen off the rocket ship so you can come with us too my last words to him would be GOOD BYE RICHTOFEN (Pushes him off the rocket) Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehe come on toxic (Winning Duh) [brains]
  3. Hey can you give the recipe and we can go to the moon in rocketships full of them and Richtofen seriously are you a homo sexual,you grab my "Leaver" in Siberia and say that blood doesn't hurt your eyes but other liquids
  4. I am in the Marines so you don't know all the languages I know Freakbag
  5. I don't think it will be because it was not in the other maps
  6. Well I think Treyarch either realised there mistake and is giving all the zombie maps from the original game on the new map pack or they wanted to go out with a bang
  7. Thank you Toxic but make your it is the American made version and Richtofen I will give you one more chance to deliver the recipe to Juggernog at the moon and the locations before then I have a, Mini Fridge waiting full of empty bottles waiting to be filled or consider your baby maker 2000 sold to Toxic, Yellow card8, Or Mr.RoflWaffle. If you don't Yo te destripan, el uso de los intestinos como una bandolera para matar a más FREAKBAGS, y luego voy a mutilar su cuerpo para que así nadie puede identificar el cadáver por desollar vivo a escoria nazi. (Ganar Duh) figure out what I said Nazi [brains]
  8. Hey Nazi scum I will speak in spanish to insult you because I can Así que de ahora en adelante te llamaré escoria nazi así freakbag adiós (Ganar duh)
  9. Thank you Fluffy if you find my Ray Gun in his lower section please return it to me (Winning Duh)
  10. Hey maybe I should turn you into a baby then kick you into a zombie horde (Winning Duh)
  11. Can we stop worrying who copied and pasted when we need to focus on the important matters of making sure i get the 115 before him so I can buy a warehouse to put all of the Juggernog with all that 115 (Winning Duh)
  12. i will sell your autographed baby maker 2000 to yellow card8 or Mr.RoflWaffle for enough money to buy another raygun off of ebay
  13. American I just like to play jokes on them because they don't know mexican
  14. Hey I'm back from "paradise" the only thing that was paradise was killing freakbags, and Richtofen give me back my Raygun
  15. Rictofen if you don't give me MY Ray Gun back I will give Yellow Card all of your Wonder Weapons you have 4 days
  16. I would not mess it up the only thing you will mess up is not telling me how to make it Freak bag and return my RAY GUN now or so help me i will murder you give you 115 then i will kill you again You Nazi piece of CRAP you don't deserve to use an M1911 PISTOL.
  17. No I Mean i will hang you while you are a sleep because you took my Ray Gun and you didn't tell me the recipe to Jug maybe if you told me i would chain you to a chair in Verruct and watch your death slowly
  18. You are evil you useless piece of crap that even the dogs don't wanna know do us all a favor and kill you self but first give me the recipe to juggernog okay now do what i say or i will stage your suicide!!!!
  19. No Rictofen you would be down 2 players Buffy and I would be married to Buffy so i would total hit on her so Rictofen make more rootbeer
  20. That is exactly what a GAY Nazi would say , next time don't be reaching down there or i will spike your drink just remeber that
  21. You know i will take double tap before doing anything and Juggernog but thats not the point just tellin you hahahahahahahaha - Tank Dempsey
  22. I will spike your Coca Cola with element 115 untill you die and when you turn to a zobie then i will kill you again hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
  23. Amazing and if Rictofen is reaching down there in a room full of men hes defenatly gay so feel free to replace him before he touches me again i'll beat him down I hope you don't mind, but i'm taking Buffy with me. Also I had them all sing the Juggernog song - Tank Dempsey
  24. I had one because of i was thinking of Buffy who wouldn't know ask rictofen why he was reaching there
  25. Fine we wont kill him we will send him to verruct or any mental facilities and you can join so there will still be Takeo ,Rictofen wont be dead, and i get Juggernog Tank Dempsey to Yellow-card88
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