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Everything posted by IamTankDempsey

  1. Hey Yellow card thanks for juggernog know help me kill rictofen and destroy all nazi zombies and you can be our green guy and not a nazi
  2. Wait Takeo has a death date Im going to kill you with your stupid Wonder Weapons
  3. What are you talking about this isn't getting good i was brain washed and Takeo is almost dead by the doc now i get "Beware of the Doc"
  4. yes tank we know your beast you proved that in shi no numa - ascension but this cotd your traped in a box with the rest, your not able to play, leave this to your duplicate Trejo. very true but if the players release me i will give them wonderwaffles for everyone but i would take buffy with me
  5. Thats What a guy who did brainwash us would say i belive Takeo but he does need to lay off quick revive and he is sick because of all the teliporting Asencion 29 3ppl
  6. Since i am Tank i am a beast and i have gotten to round 39 solo with Packed V-R11 and Packed RayGun
  7. Wait Rictofen you brainwashed us as test experiments and you Takio wouldn't tell us
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