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Posts posted by IamTankDempsey

  1. Thank you Toxic but make your it is the American made version and Richtofen I will give you one more chance to deliver the recipe to Juggernog at the moon and the locations before then I have a, Mini Fridge waiting full of empty bottles waiting to be filled or consider your baby maker 2000 sold to Toxic, Yellow card8, Or Mr.RoflWaffle. If you don't Yo te destripan, el uso de los intestinos como una bandolera para matar a más FREAKBAGS, y luego voy a mutilar su cuerpo para que así nadie puede identificar el cadáver por desollar vivo a escoria nazi.

    (Ganar Duh) figure out what I said Nazi [brains]

  2. Can we stop worrying who copied and pasted when we need to focus on the important matters of making sure i get the 115 before him so I can buy a warehouse to put all of the Juggernog with all that 115

    (Winning Duh)

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