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Everything posted by Cre10Benally

  1. Sorry to the end this but after reading this please don't flame or troll me I found that my disc was scratched cause i didn't properly put it away. I guess i scratched the zombie, teleporting, controls, section of the disc and i think that's why i "spin to freedom". I cleaned my disc and it doesn't work anymore so yeah i guess it was the disc and not a glitch. Sorry, but please don't flame me.
  2. On "Five" when i throw a nade a a large horde. Then JFK says by the dawn's early light BOOM! And Nixon's nade quote 1 potatoe 2 potatoe 3 potatoe BLAM!
  3. For the Ascension map. Maybe while you have the Death Machine, since it lasts 3 mins you have to spell out HITSAM on the landers then maybe Sam might show up?? But i'm not sure how HYENA ties in. This is all based off what i've read in other threads... _______________________________ KDT-20 Solo Five-15 Solo Call me the Advanced Noob!
  4. Involving Ascension. HITSAM HYENA LUNA Possible. :|
  5. Well, to clarify i was in the front entrance next to the Mystery Box spawn location when i had my Commando. I spun counter clockwise while shooting. I had all except the Double Tap perk. so yeah. Besides, why would i glitch? it ruins the fun! Well i tried again today and it did work. i'll post a video as soon as i can. i play on 360 FYI, so it's gonna take a while. I must admit that this was very shocking to me as i am still learning all of the plot line for zombies. _____________________________ Advanced Noob. KDT-20 Five-15
  6. I was running around chased by a large horde in the theater, i was then trapped as another horde was in front of me. They all surrounded me and i had the Jugg perk and i was spinning in circles like matrix and i suddenly teleported for no reason, :shock: i was not in the teleporter and i ended up in the PaP room. Can anyone clarify? If you want to try i was spinning counter clockwise. I want to try again as soon as summer arrives. __________________________________________________ Kino Der Toten-20 solo 18 2 players "Five"-15 Solo 16 2 players Call me the Advanced NOOB!
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