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Posts posted by Zelkova


    And Zelkova I think he was talking about singular bosses, which the ghost IS one entity, but I wouldn't call her singular by any means, being she has crashed my game before, spawning I don't even know how many versions of herself ( I think they patched that though, it was early in the maps release when that happened to me)

    Had her crash the game on me dozen of times too >_>

  2. Tats, why don't you like the SOE trailer. 

    -Big ass monster boss that has it's own round.  (the last time a singular boss had it's own round was in Five) 

    -Epic looking gumball-perks

    -Actors are great and it doesn't appear they'll be returning in the next map. 

    Honestly I see no reason to be skeptical. 

    Last time a enemy had their own round was in Buried, The Witch had her own round.

  3. Or you could just slap $10 down on a preorder at Gamestop for the deluxe edition since their in limited supply and probably going to run out of stock by the time you make up your mind(if they already haven't been completely sold out yet which they usually are within a few hours), unlike the regular edition which never goes out of stock.

    Surely the digital deluxe edition doesn't go out of stock considering it's just easily replecatable code.... 

    No it doesn't but you don't get any of the physical items which I figured he might want if he is going for the deluxe edition.

  4. Or you could just slap $10 down on a preorder at Gamestop for the deluxe edition since their in limited supply and probably going to run out of stock by the time you make up your mind(if they already haven't been completely sold out yet which they usually are within a few hours), unlike the regular edition which never goes out of stock.

  5. That is true about an online feature, but it's not unthinkable that a system can tell the difference between a manual command to cut the power and the sudden cut of power. We know the device can read when the power button is pushed because it takes a few seconds to activate shutdown mode (which is why the little light stays on) and it makes the noise which it doesn't if the power is cut. SOMETHING in there knows the power button's been pushed. 

    But it CANNOT tell the difference between someone literally pulling the plug (which I knew many of people who did this back during BO2 on 360) and if the power went out in a house (which is beyond the persons control, meaning they shouldn't be punished for it).

  6. They do have the technology to detect on the XB1 at least. Try it, play a game, turn off your Xbox and then turn it back on: The game's still where you left it. (unless you hold the button to total shutdown mode). This is because the game is being played on a cloud synced with the xbox's hard drive and software allowing one to turn off the hardware without ending a game. 


    We 100% have the technology to detect if a game was cut by power or manually turned off on at least one console. 

    How would they know if you purposely left the game or not that is what I am saying. There is no way to tell that. You can't tell the difference if a person pulled the plug on their system or if they just had a power outage. Xbox cannot detect the difference between the two of these things so no they do not have the technology for what I described. Your describing a situation in regards to a online feature. Even then the system cannot put them back where they were in a online multiplayer game.

  7. Hope you guys know there is currently a penalty for leaving games right now in AW just no one seems to notice it ever. Though I agree there should be more of a penalty for leaving mid game (its really annoying because in MP there are a bunch of challenges that actually state you must have a full lobby in TDM to get them). But there are times in which people I know have blackouts or something goes wrong with their net and they get cut off. Does that mean they should get penalized for it?? The system currently doesn't possess the technology (or even the pc versions) to tell whether the person got thrown out due to network issues or if they just cut off the system themselves.

  8. Welcome to the forums. It's always nice to meet a new face. I am Zelkova and I hope you enjoy your stay.


    p.s. Don't worry the whole Playstation thing came as a shock to some, Activisions contract with Xbox did run out this year so everyone made assumptions they would just renew it. Expect the unexpected as I like to say.

  9. Definitely Cliffside / Hazard, had a really fun sniping feel to it without being BS. In BO2 I'd say vertigo, yemen, Hijacked. Sledgehammer remade IW maps so all bets are off. I'm saying remake / rework a large-ish Ghosts map to make it flow better but still be long range focused. 3 lane stonehaven pls?

    Sledgehammer help make the original maps thus they had the legal right to remake them since they were their works to begin with. Treyarch on the other hand did not help any of the other companies make maps.

  10. Nuketown will probably be brought back. Please note that any map that wasn't in a Treyarch game has a 1% chance to be brought back. When they bring back maps they only tend to be brought back from games within their companies own games.

    True, but SH brought back Pipeline.

    So I have a small amount of hope in me.

    Then again IW and SH worked together on MW3 so that may be the reason why.

    SledgeHammer as you said helped create alot of the MW multiplayer maps, and they helped Treyarch with some of their multiplayer maps too so technically SH had the right to bring back a ton of maps they wanted and remake them. The same is not true though with Treyarch since they didn't help make maps for others. I am pretty sure though they will bring back Nuketown "in some form", this I am willing to make a wager on. An if the mods tend to remember alot of the bets/wagers I make tend to be right (I rarely make them but they've all but 1 have been correct to this date on the site).

  11. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/call-of-duty-black-ops-3-zombies-mode-stars-jeff-g/1100-6428763/?utm_source=gamefaqs&utm_medium=partner&utm_content=news_module&utm_campaign=homepage

    Go down to the bottom of the article and it says " the developers also mentioned at a panel for the reveal that there are still undiscovered easter eggs in the current Call of Duty Zombie modes. However, when pressed for details, they wouldn't hint as to what map they might exist in."

  12. Nuketown will probably be brought back. Please note that any map that wasn't in a Treyarch game has a 1% chance to be brought back. When they bring back maps they only tend to be brought back from games within their companies own games.

  13. According to Treyarch we still haven't found all the Easter Eggs in the current zombie maps.... So there are things we are still missing that might help us understand more.

    According to Treyarch we still haven't found all the Easter Eggs in the current zombie maps.... So there are things we are still missing that might help us understand more.

    Did they say anything about which maps still have Easter eggs? I mean, all the maps have been searched thoroughly again and again, so it's surprising to hear we've missed something.


    No they refused to say which maps it was when questioned about it but they said there are still "undiscovered easter eggs". I'm guessing its one of those things where if we knew which map then well we'd immedietely discover it.

  14. So, uh, has anything happened besides the collectors edition thing? Cause I'm getting nothing, but that shadows of evil subsection we have is highly suspect.

    Thats the name of the new map. Set in 30s with Ron Pearlman, Heather Graham I tihnk, Niel McDonoguh  and supposedly Jeff Goldbum. No videos yet. 

    Looks like Goldbum might be Tesla. 

    Game takes place in the 1940s not 30s. And there is a video out now as of typing this up.

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