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Posts posted by Zelkova

  1. I dislike how a lot of you (excluding Samantha here) are just putting someone else down merely because they haven't shown something. Have you gone and checked yourself see their recent games. Before you call people frauds check things out first.

    Another thing I'd like to say is the guy who said that one of them didn't have the achievement said he checked the guys tag but didn't state it was on his friends list. He also stated you could type his name and check yourself. This means he went to xbox.com to check so he didn't check their recent games.

    And shame on all of you being all worked up because they haven't supposedly uploaded anything (which you wouldn't know if they had if your not on their friends list), we are suppose to figure this out. If they supposedly won't share it then that gives all of us more time to figure it out and share it with the community. These guys may be the first to finish it but if they can't prove it then they don't get the credit for being the first. That means you all still have a chance to get the credit for being the first to tell the world how its done and become famous possibly.

    Please act a little more mature with your posts.

  2. To make sure the guy who had the achievement who told me this wasn't lying I contacted 3 other people who also have the achievement and the list of perks was the same and PHD Flopper was not in the list.

    Edit: Forgot to say none of them had the Achievement High Maintenance yet so they hadn't finished the Easter Egg either, I also checked to be sure if these guys knew each other (checked friends lists as well as each ones locations) and they were not related at all it seems other than 2 of them were both located in the UK but thats all, if need be I will check for more people).

  3. I was serious you literally cannot enter that hallway its not because of the elevator but because there is rubble on the floor at the entrance of the hallway basically blocking you off from going further.

    This doesn't mean you can't get it from the EE but from various tests it won't drop from the free perk method, it doesn't count towards the Achievement (someone already has the achievement didn't have PHD Flopper) and the hallway to it is blocked by rubble on the floor that is the same kind that blocks other ways making them unwalkable.

  4. I hope this is not the case because it will make sliquifing the orbs much harder.

    if you were watching NGT's video where they are unloading on the orbs you don't have to do it like that, its very doable with one just don't shoot so fast, steadily just keep wetting them, maybe even try hitting 1, then the other and going back and forth to see if that seems to work better, but there's no way you have to shoot 40+ Sliquifier shots at these orbs

    My post said same thing. From vids I was watching (one being NGT) people have managed to get it so one orb spins first then the other and the quotes still go off. NGT in particular while Spider managed to get his orb spinning his buddy didn't so he said we need to get this one spinning too so he reloaded and shot the other one some for his buddy and then they both were spinning.

    This proves you only need 1 Sliquifier to do this. The fact the gun is in the box is probably in case the person who is carrying it dies then they have a way to get it. It floats up from the table also preventing the Jet Gun duplication trick and also because well its a weapon. The Jet Gun was somewhat a weapon but it used a Equipment slot when picked up so its a bit different.

  5. The current theory is that it might be related to the Easter Egg. While your thing about jumping off the building is logical, there could be an automatic-death script, even if you had PhD.

    I was wondering all along if they could program an automatic death.

    I wouldnt know. I dont design games. :cry:

    As a programmer myself and having programmed some video games here and there, I will tell you yes it is possible to put in a automatic death barrier. Now in most games though when they put this barrier in they usually have something that kills you when you hit it, i.e. Halo 3 Gaurdian guns, Borderlands out of map Gun Towers. But yes its possible.

    Murder didn't someone recently tell us they had gone through and done the free perk method and gotten all the other perks but the next time they had tried to get the free perk it did the same thing as if they got a free one but nothing dropped?

    Edit: its not possible to walk into that room with PHD Flopper in it because there is rubble blocking the entrance which basically stops your character from walking forward towards it.

  6. Ha :) told you all you weren't suppose to get more than 1 from the bench. BTW from vids I've seen it doesn't look like you need 2 it can just be someone with 1 of the guns to do the orbs.

  7. The Chinese Phasing Zombies as I told MurderMachine more than likely are the same Phasing Zombies from Moon but since this takes place later the Nova 6 Gas that they were infused with has merely dubbed down in lethality and thats why its not harmful to us. If you notice these zombies do emit a gas like the others but if you stand in it, it isn't lethal to you. This also would explain why they are similar to the Phasing Zombies from Moon but yet have differences.

  8. Richtofen has the ability to control time and space to a certain extent not time travel. These are 2 different things. Time and space control allows time travel (albiet minor) but it also allows one to basically do what Richtofen is doing. And from what I gather from his quotes he doesn't have complete control over the zombies. If he did he wouldn't be allowing them to continuing kill us while we complete his little goal.

  9. I have to agree with Murder on this and from what it sounds like this isn't actually suppose to happen because if it was then what would be the point of even having it float up and leave the table at all. If they intended for all 4 people to get it via the method you have stated then they would've left it on the table allowing all 4 to get it. That would also mean there is no reason to have it in the box.

  10. I am sorry but your theory couldn't possibly be true. This is due to all the quotes we have gathered thus far in Die Rise from Richtofen and Maxis. Also the opening cutscene shows us being Teleported from the exact region that Green Run was in to this spot. Maxis states to us at the beginning that he no longer requires you to keep the power off so he can communicate with you, but in Green Run he did require it off and said it had to be off in order for communications to function.

    Nuketown has already been proven to happen at the exact same time as Moon does so that already disproves that. We are on a different continent high up in the sky it is no surprise that things to us may not seem the same as they were in Green Run.

    Edit: @Tac: first MMX now you Tac will you both stop Ninjaing me :'( its not fair.

  11. I brought up something to MMX yesterday while me and him played the map Die Rise and he took a look at it and basically I don't want to say the word confirmed but he agreed to what I was thinking and that is, after you choose Great Leap Forward from the Globe and then when your on the screen to select Die Rise take a look there for a moment okay. We have a 3 building for Die Rise. Well notice how some of the other buildings on that screen are a little more bold look while others are greyed out basically looking like scenery. We were thinking that maybe in the future there will be more buildings to choose from on Great Leap Forward and thats why buildings on the right and left look a little more discerned then the grayed out scenery style buildings on the screen. :) Think about it (please don't just brush it off its just something to keep in the back of your mind as a possibility).

    FYI: Die Rise when on loading up specifies Province 22 and its location on the cutscene on the globe is Chine.

  12. Okay I found this out on Tuesday, but the only reason I didn't post it is because as usual I was being lazy and I figured someone else would've eventually have learned this by now but it would appear everywhere I go everyone says they cannot confirm this yet. >_> sheesh, Yes when you get a sniper rifle from the box the quote goes off. We got the DSR from the box on Tuesday and got the same quote that you get from the SVU. As I said I didn't say anything because I figured someone else would've said something by now.

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