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Posts posted by Zelkova

  1. It doesn't matter if your going in via public, custom, solo. Or anything actually "New" is next to Green Run on the screen of the planet when your choosing between Nuketown and Green Run. Funny thing is, I have been searching all day for what it meant, now this was the first I have seen someone post about it. But I have read the patch notes on multiple sites, todays patch notes that is, and this particular addiction was not in the Patch Notes about adding Turned. They have though in the previous Patch Notes said when they added a new mode but have it disabled for now. I don't think that it was just adding the Diner but not making it selectable. I think another update was done to these maps that just wasn't said in the notes. You know how the zombie developers like to be trivial and secretive.

  2. Your lucky to have gotten ahold of the CE, I had BO2 preordered way back when they first let you preorder, before the different editions were announced. When they announced the different editions finally within 3 days you couldn't preorder any edition other than standard. I was trying to up my edition on the 4th day after the announcement as I tend to pay things completely off when I preorder and couldn't. Our systems stated all copies had been already claimed. So now I am stuck waiting until they actually state when in December they are releasing Nuketown Zombies for Season Pass holders. Oh if anyone gets any new info on this please let me know.

  3. Only thing before we say anything regarding attachments is we need to know exactly what all the attachments we can get on a gun are. Then we would know if the MMS is even in zombies. We don't know which attachments were brought over is all. Not ruling this out though.

  4. I don't know if anyone noticed this and just never posted it or what but I played zombies on xbox and got on the bus let it do a full cycle then put that in theater mode so I could explore in theater. On day 1 I noticed there is a shortcut to town inbetween Diner and Farm. You jump off the bus when you see the wooden fence on the left and follow that and it leads past a Church and into town.

    I never posted this before because I thought someone would notice it by now but I haven't seen anyone mention it. As for the 2 huge lava pits the bus goes through. One of them you can go through it if you have jug and just run jumping through it. The other one though is basically a death trap to attempt even with staminu-up and jug and doing a running and jumping as you get through it as its to big.

  5. Both Maxis and Richtofens txt files were released the other day. Meaning everything they say were ripped from the game (literally, this be done from a pc version obviously) and someone released em as is. As it would turn out there was a lot more in the files that they say than what people were finding after doing the Tower of Babel Easter Eggs so people are speculating there is more.

  6. Birdman although good the only problem with your theory is the fact that the parallel universe theory has never been proven. Also along with the parallel universe theory goes the theory stating there are a infinite parallel universes. Besides Richtofen in CotD admitted that their being locked inside was a complete accident. If he had been lying and he knew he'd wind up in a parallel universe he would have to have known EXACTLY where the Golden Rod would have been in that universe at that exact time which isn't possible due to the fact of how random parallel universes could be.

    The truth is he went into the future as he knew where the the Rod would be, he didn't though intend for them to be teleported behind a locked door in the area. This ruins the parallel universe theory making it so everything occured in a single timeline. After acquiring the rod he either teleported them to Area 51 or he teleported them forward into the future more to Area 51 (depends on how the teleporting works, whether it can merely just teleport you or it can only teleport but at a different point in time). The fact that Area 51 was even existing at the time though and how advanced it was at that current moment had to mean that it was more modern than it was in the 1960s-1980s. Despite the kindof tech we have seen in Zombies thus far we still haven't seen anything that has proved that they had advanced computer systems and such back then. I mean in maps that had things such as the Ray Gun they still had the old radio's meaning that they only were able to create advanced weaponry and even then to a certain extent.

    The parallel universe theory was never proven, no, however neither has going back in time. A quote from Richtofen while picking up a negative powerup on Moon makes me believe the idea of parallel universes in the game.

    Nothing happened, at least in this reality."

    I'm having a hard time understanding why this ruins the parallel universe theory. Just because he expected to be teleported into an open part of the map but was behind a door instead has no bearing on whether or not we are in a single universe. Teleportation is teleportation, no matter where you end up.

    He had to know the parallel universe was there and even then he had to know where the golden rod would be exactly in that parallel universe at that moment in time. That is not technically possible to know where something will be in a parallel universe at a given time unless you have been there before and then there remains the factor of ensuring you are transported to that exact parallel universe and not another which would be completely different.

  7. Edit: Also note that Time Travel is not always that simple. Just think about it, if Richtofen travels to CotD in 2012 BEFORE blowing up the Moon back in 1960, why would the earlier trip to Call of the Dead be affected? Richtofen hasn't gone in the past and blown it up yet, so it wouldn't have been destroyed yet. It's all dependent on the order of events in which the time traveler takes.

    Well what I was trying to get at is even though Richtofen went to CotD before Moon, the actual chronological timeline for those events, if Moon was in the past, would play a factor.

    If someone destroys the world using items he got from the future, that would destroy that future when/where he got the items. Which, in turn, would affect his past, which is the future that was destroyed before he got there chronologically, etc.

    It can be kind of confusing, but that's my thoughts on it.

    The prevailing argument for this as far as time travel is concerned is parallel universes existing. Because of the grandfather paradox, time travel to the past could not be possible because of this without the existence of parallel universes.

    just a little info/background on the subject


    so with this in mind, it would be feasable that CotD was in an alternate reality of a parallel universe in which the Griffin Station rockets were not launched, whereas perhaps the events of blops2 zombies may be in the reality where the rocketes had launched

    Birdman although good the only problem with your theory is the fact that the parallel universe theory has never been proven. Also along with the parallel universe theory goes the theory stating there are a infinite parallel universes. Besides Richtofen in CotD admitted that their being locked inside was a complete accident. If he had been lying and he knew he'd wind up in a parallel universe he would have to have known EXACTLY where the Golden Rod would have been in that universe at that exact time which isn't possible due to the fact of how random parallel universes could be.

    The truth is he went into the future as he knew where the the Rod would be, he didn't though intend for them to be teleported behind a locked door in the area. This ruins the parallel universe theory making it so everything occured in a single timeline. After acquiring the rod he either teleported them to Area 51 or he teleported them forward into the future more to Area 51 (depends on how the teleporting works, whether it can merely just teleport you or it can only teleport but at a different point in time). The fact that Area 51 was even existing at the time though and how advanced it was at that current moment had to mean that it was more modern than it was in the 1960s-1980s. Despite the kindof tech we have seen in Zombies thus far we still haven't seen anything that has proved that they had advanced computer systems and such back then. I mean in maps that had things such as the Ray Gun they still had the old radio's meaning that they only were able to create advanced weaponry and even then to a certain extent.

  8. You'd have to look at their profiles individually. I am not a member of the site I just go to it as it always seems to have more info and more accurate information than other sites. Like I said before it was the only site I could find the steps for the shangri-la easter egg on for the longest amount of time. The person who seems to have done the most editing is a guy called Poketape who is if you look at his profile a Call of Duty administrator on the site.

  9. Yeah um you do realize that Treyarch doesn't even own the rights to the "Call of Duty: Zombie series" it belongs to Activision solely. Treyarch cannot confirm anything thus as they unless Activision tells them they can will not be doing any more Zombies so what could they possibly confirm. (Fyi why would someone ask is Richtofen dead when we know he isn't he took the place of Sam in the pyramid so yeah he doesn't have his body but his life force still lives on) Oh and the CoD XP was actually a MW3 event which Treyarch wasn't even suppose to be present at. From what I know they weren't there only a few Activision members were present and Infinity Ward was there.

  10. I will say that, that site seemed to have all the information on Moon before this site did as the Mule Kick perk was first confirmed there (its name and exactly what it did) and it wasn't until a week later that I could find a single site that had info confirming the perks name and purpose. It also was the first site I could find (when I search for sites I do extensive searchs I didn't merely stop at one page after finding something) that stated about the new phazing zombies, the return of the creepy crawler zombies (what people nickname nova crawlers or just crawlers) and the dogs for the map. They also were the first site to have what achievements were going to be on Moon well before the Black ops update that put the achievements in our lists. This wiki site (I don't call it a wiki because there is a black ops zombie wiki page that is on the actual wikipedia) seems to have gotten tons of info before any other website including this one acquired it and posted about it. And for the longest amount of time they were the only site I could find a guide for the Shangri-la Eclipse Easter Egg achievement on. Still have issues finding a site that has one (vids don't count who wants to have the vid running in the background at the same time they are doing the achievement it would take more of their internet up than if they just had a webpage up with a written version of it).

  11. The reason the unknown dates were there as they were still placing those events into their exact years but the order they were presented in was the exact order in which they occured. As for the CotD the date is completely unknown no way of knowing and also this does seem to have the alternate timeline thing going on here as you all may have noticed as scientists theorize that timelines can split if you have played Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask then you would know about the timeline split as everytime you went back in time you were actually going to another timeline. Also there is a episode of family guy that this timeline split has been explained by Brian.

  12. One of the old maps though states how they also got to kino so yeah it wasn't just stuck in there for no reason. Kino was put in the game with story related stuff just some may not understand it (Kino had the teleporters as well for one, and I don't mean the PaP teleporters but rather the ones to take you to different countries).

  13. Though if memory is correct a blog is not official, CoD sites are also usually fan run as the official CoD site doesn't post much involving zombies since they aren't really involved as its not CoD related rather its a game included in the CoD game and since when are twitters actually considered twitter as that site isn't any better than facebook.

  14. Its from the http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Zombies_Timeline which has one of the developers as a moderator. The page is on lockdown and only mods can edit it but they require permission even then. According to the head mod that is an official timeline. If this were a regular wikipedia site then yeah I'd understand it not being legit but this is one of the wiki sites made for a game so it is seperate from the regular wikipedia.

  15. As the subject says this is the official timeline as stated by the developer of zombies. So without further ado here you all go.


    January 9th

    ■Richard Nixon is born in Yorba Linda, California.


    June 9th

    ■Robert McNamara is born in San Francisco, California


    May 29th

    ■John F. Kennedy is born in Brookline, Massachusetts.


    August 13th

    ■Fidel Castro is born in Birán, Cuba.


    December 4th

    ■Richtofen and Schuster perform the first successful teleportation by teleporting a walnut.


    January 4th

    ■After 30 days of working on matter transference, Richtofen decides it is time to use a human test subject. Richtofen is successfully teleported, being the first human to do so. He teleports to the M.P.D. (on the Moon), not intending to go there. He examines it for a while. In the process, he touches it, electrocuting him. This is seemingly the reason for Richtofen hearing voices in his head, and the reason for him becoming a sociopath. After examining it for a while, he is teleported to Shangri-La.

    January 23rd

    ■Richtofen finally returns and begins working on Griffin Station.

    February 4th

    ■George A. Romero is born in New York City, New York, USA.


    May 16

    ■Danny Trejo is born in Los Angeles, California, USA.

    Sometime before 1945

    ■Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and an unknown Mexican are captured and tested on by Richtofen.



    ■An outbreak occurs at a German Airfield.

    September 2nd

    ■Richtofen accidentally kills the Mexican subject.

    September 10th

    ■OSS agent Peter McCain is captured by Group 935 and sent to Richtofen.

    Sometime between September 10th to September 17th

    ■Zombies are spotted in Wittenau Sanitarium in Germany. A group of Marines led by Tank Dempsey is sent to extract OSS agent Peter McCain, but ultimately fail. Only Dempsey survives and is captured by Group 935.

    September 17th

    ■Tank Dempsey meets Richtofen, who then begins experimenting on him.

    September 20th

    ■Richtofen confirms his discoveries: ■Takeo, Tank, and Nikolai have all lost their memories.

    ■Nikolai only functions with a vodka-based serum.

    ■Tank hates Richtofen even with his memory wiped.

    ■Takeo is quiet and prefers to say Japanese proverbs,

    Between September 20th and October 1st

    ■Richtofen learns that Maxis hasn't been mass-producing the Wunderwaffe DG-2.

    Sometime after 1945

    ■Zombies are spotted somewhere in the pacific at a Group 935 mining site for Element 115.

    ■Zombies are spotted near Breslau, Germany, at Der Riese, the main Group 935 experimental site.


    June 6th

    ■Robert Englund is born in Glendale, California, USA.


    April 6th

    ■Michael Rooker is born in Jasper, Alabama, USA.

    Sometime before November 1963

    ■Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, and Edward Richtofen are sent through time to a Group 935 experimental site, in a derelict theater somewhere in Germany - Berlin.

    November 1962

    ■Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, and Edward Richtofen use a lunar lander to get to a Soviet Cosmodrome in the USSR which was formerly under the control of the Ascension group but is now overrun by zombies.

    ■John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Fidel Castro, and Robert McNamara fight zombies when they invade the Pentagon


    April 14th

    ■Sarah Michelle Gellar is born in New York City, New York, USA.

    Unknown Year

    March 17th

    ■Sarah Michelle Gellar, Danny Trejo, Robert Englund and Michael Rooker are attacked by zombies, including George A. Romero in Siberia. Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen are teleported to the same location in Siberia but are trapped in a room.


    ■Edward is back at Der Riese and two adventurers, Brock and Gary, find Shangri-La. They are attacked by zombies there. Four soldiers from the future, Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Edward Richtofen, time travel back and save Brock and Gary only for them to end up where they started. Richtofen takes the Focusing Stone from Shangri-La.

    ■Richtofen appears back in the teleporter in Der Riese, prompting Schuster to come with him. At this point, Richtofen sounds different, and his time in the teleporter may have made him mentally unstable. Edward Richtofen and Dr Schuster achieve matter transfer, successfully teleporting a walnut. After revealing his discovery to Dr. Maxis, Maxis becomes angry, as Richtofen was supposed to be experimenting with Element 115 to reanimate dead bodies, and for use in the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Richtofen and Schuster continue to work on teleportation behind Dr. Maxis' back.

    ■Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen battle against the Zombies in Shangri-La and obtain the Focusing Stone.

    ■Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen arrive at Area 51, where they then travel to the Moon. Richtofen and Samantha Maxis switch bodies, causing Richtofen to gain control of the zombies. Ludvig Maxis, having anticipated this, launches missiles at the Earth, heavily damaging it and wiping out most of the existing zombies.

    This is a timeline that has been released. I hope this helps clear up any thing people were confused about (by the way time travel was mentioned several times in the game other in shangrila it just wasn't done to your character while you had control until shangrila.) The source for this is http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Zombies_Timeline

  16. My question is how you get Shangri la's loading screen in this they are just loading screens they aren't really much else :/ Also I don't see any of those things in the Shangri La loading I see 3 pics but they arent that of maps but rather just there.

  17. Some of those pics I just saw could be of the regular Richtofen the Mad a.k.a. The Butcher. Please do remember he is a mad man and he does enjoy killing and having that kind of expression on ones face when enjoying the killing isn't uncommon of someone like him. Just saying.

  18. What I said was actually confirmed by a Treyarch programmer that I talked to during one of the playdates after playing a match with him then getting him in a party to ask several things. When I first typed my answer up it was a very long one but when I hit backspace it backed me out of the page. The reason why this was never fixed as it truly is not a problem per se as it doesnt "harm" the game. Also I was informed that due to how the whole zombie server situation is that they can not patch zombie maps the same way they can patch a regular multiplayer map as those patches will run in the background and download from the moment you get into the multiplayer screen while zombie map patches must be patched via a patch that you'd download before the game starts.

  19. This is a misinformed Easter Egg. Rather what this actually does is increase the amount of zombies that spawn and the speed in which they spawn as well. The reason why people believe it increases drops is solely because they are getting those perks sooner but at the risk of being overwhelmed. This can be a problem for later levels as this particular effect stays with you for the rest of the game.

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