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Everything posted by Schrödinger

  1. The Keepers are Vril-Ya ? The symbol is very similar to that of Agarthan Zombies in Origins. These two strange enemies have terrifying teeth, as the Creepy Crawlers and the Denizens of the Forest which we don't know exactly the origin. The Agarthan Zombies teleport and attack when we steal the 115/Divinium with generators and when we are in the Crazy Place... Their Crazy Place ? The Keepers teleport and attack when we do rituals and when we approach the objective of Shadow Man. So I wonder if these two kind of enemies are really controlled by the Demonic Announcer or they just try to save us from the Shadow Man and Samantha and they give us elemental weapons such as swords and staffs for that. They have surely contacted the Knights Templar for that and defeat the Ancient Evil.
  2. Schrödinger


    (Or M...) This letter made me think about The Walking Dead. But why would there be a link with The Wolves ? And why there are several wolf head logo in The Giant ? Moreover The Walking Dead is sponsored by Black Ops 3 this year : http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/index.php?/topic/179956-the-walking-dead-is-being-sponsored-by-bo3-zombies-in-england/ Coincidence, easter egg or real importance ?
  3. On this kind of barrel :
  4. You must stop to read what is on COD Wikia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaFRfogNq3o&feature=youtu.be&t=6m50s
  5. World War I, World War II... World War Z.
  6. This weapon has never killed 24 zombies at once.
  7. I don't like Ron Perlman, so I prefer incarnate him than seeing a player stalking me with his face. But Nero is the most interesting.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrBuHlCTmi0
  9. Nothing says that Americans found Kino Der Toten despite that the theater is on their side of Berlin (and they have the Thunder Gun). By cons, they went to Der Riese and Verrückt. The match began on Ascension in Lunar Lander and the color disappears, but it is perhaps a gameplay element. The failed teleporter of Kino Der Toten may have sent the O4 over there. Richtofen will go on the moon therefore he changed his clothes... But he again changed in Shangri-La... And he has an astronaut suit on all maps in Black Ops phone version. Apparently, it's for censor his Nazi emblem(like The Giant) and he has again his old clothes in Shangri-La because it's Raven Software who created this map. Recently, I saw a message here about the date of Ascension : http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/index.php?/topic/179810-what-evidence-is-there-to-support-tranzit-being-in-the-1960s-andor-2025 There are also several versions to the story of Buried, she has always been there, she made a time travel due to the Rift or she has been moved by the movement of tectonics plates. If I'm not mistaken, according MysteryMachineX, Michael Faraday has installed the current and the ghost would be his wife. H.Porter and Maxis would have visited this town.
  10. Nyarlathotep has already look like this.
  11. Wikia... I remember that I saw here a theory saying that Him was the Weasel. (Avogadro was not as his name in the game files ?)
  12. 18.Words in White: Real bargains Yellow: ??(guess it's the name of it) Health insurance. ​It's more clear from the games files : http://nsa37.casimages.com/img/2015/06/23/15062311353613882.png http://nsa37.casimages.com/img/2015/06/23/150623113541655747.png The first column in red of the first calendar is Sunday ? If this is the case on the second calendar, they could be the same year, the first day of year is Tuesday and February has 28 days. If it's the same for the third calendar, his month start with Sunday. ​It's clearer ? http://nsa38.casimages.com/img/2015/06/23/150623113536290455.png There are a lot of other Chinese posters, but one of them particularly intrigued me because of the date shown above : http://nsa38.casimages.com/img/2015/06/23/15062311353525010.png
  13. There is a zombie in the background : http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/24/1433913533-bo3mplynch.jpg
  14. I downloaded it a few days ago, probably on the forum, but precisely where, I don't know. Edit : https://www.sendspace.com/file/hu9zla
  15. ​Whether this has been debunked or not, I love this idea. It's clever! By the way, what hidden pictures and mound are you refering to? I'm not sure I know of/have seen these. ​Maybe that http://nsa38.casimages.com/img/2015/04/16/150416121149248915.png
  16. This topic and the other 2 make crashing my web browser before loading completely..
  17. http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/15/1428382113-teasing3.jpg: https://500px.com/photo/55256340/one-tree-hokkaido-by-kent-shiraishi
  18. ... What ? In game, 115 has been discovered long before 2004. Origins, Shangri-La, Shi no numa, Tunguska, Moon. In real life, the Wunderwaffen are just new german weapons during the World War 2, not the WTF115Weapons of Zombies Mode. And it's underlined in red only because the page doesn't exist. I understand the question or not at all?
  19. We can be shot by the turrets in Kino Der Toten and Ascension. It will be more difficult to try in Mob Of The Dead.
  20. Origins, but there are also other maps where you can make the easter egg alone while you are with several players.
  21. Die Rise : Why not write 1998 for the Jin Mao Tower or even 2008 for the Shanghai World Financial Center (destroyed)? http://nsa34.casimages.com/img/2015/02/22/150222113123251498.jpghttp:// And Shangri-La on Mars.
  22. 3. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/139203-time-location-of-zombies-maps-update-origins/
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