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Everything posted by Schrödinger

  1. In World at War, only 24 zombies spawn in per round when playing Solo.
  2. If Origins is following, you know where is Samantha. But for O4(3) ... They are somewhere Richthofen can't go with zombies otherwise he would have fun to hunt and would not say Nikolai him lacks.
  3. The only useful thing of the HD screen, but... I do not understand anything, it could also be in Vietnamese.
  4. Moon loading screen "not" torn ; Soda bottle cap ; A red text? with the thing in front the M.P.D. to put the Vril Generator ; A skull ??? ; Afterlife's logo ; Skull sketch ; Heart sketch? ; Brain sketch The moon ; ??? ; A text with "à"? ; nguy hiểm ; DANGER/DEATH
  5. Le Grand Rouge (masculine) La Grande Rouge (feminine) ;)
  6. They worshiped Samantha(Baphomet?) if it was already there.
  7. There is no need to be in a glitch for hear the whispers.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkAjXNyA-SQ&list=UUBgpRrt2hplXnxOXwWwEiwQ
  9. You wanted to know ? Here is ! http://codol.gamersky.com/201409/466941.shtml / http://codol.gamersky.com/201409/467805.shtml
  10. There already has Topic about it. I know videos that teach how to install it and play, but in French, some people will even create a patch FR or something like that. Since the Dead Rising mode exists, I do my best to learn all about it, but I do not have good graphics card to play and I think even I been banned.
  11. Et plus précisément Shi No Numa le 10 juin 2009, Shangri-La le 28 juin 2011.
  12. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/150002-posters-in-map-the-antenna-the-horse-the-sedan/?hl=atomic#entry1386754
  13. And if you've always wanted to use the Thunder Gun on Verruckt, play Call Of Duty: Online.
  14. http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/32/1407659134-gp6-stu-saloon-picture04-c-220a8498.png
  15. Bah ça alors, un autre Français. Bienvenue. (Marre de trainer sur JVC ?) Et tu as posté les musiques du gramophone sur ta chaine youtube, depuis le temps que je les cherchai... J'y mettrai pas dans mon Ipod en fait.
  16. As I say in Slade's topic, I am interested much in it and I also created a list on my french forum : http://callblackops-zombie.forumgratuit.org/t48-contenu-annule# But you must register to view pictures. There is also in the final version of the cutscene.
  17. I hated this map and I still hate.
  18. Indeed I think Origins is the beginning and the end is Buried, but ... I did not understand what you tell because of this damn Google Translate.
  19. As I'm already entered the church, I don't believe you. But I really hate this day.
  20. Underscore of Nacht Der Untoten and Verrückt :
  21. Hope you understand French, you must register to view links : http://callblackops-zombie.forumgratuit.org/t48-contenu-annule# (Videos are not mine and many are deleted, but they can be found here : http://www.youtube.com/user/melekword/videos ) There are sketches, and significant differences between the trailer and the maps that we can play (exemple : pictures of Castro in the bar of the Town replaced by pictures of the Tower of Babel).
  22. I was not aware of certain things, but I already made a thread about it on my forum, French forum. I give you the link ?
  23. I like to do, it adds the challenge not to have weapons and other players wonder why Richtofen laughs constantly.
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