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Posts posted by EdwardRichtofen

  1. bb-bbbb-bbbbbbbut? ahh fuck it -.-

    It says 3/13 dude.

    I'm disregarding my previous post, I just realized I posted this in a trivia thread not a message to my friend LOL, the date for CoTD is indeed 3/13 if you look on the CoTD cutscene where it says date. The fuck it thing was a message to my friend when he didn't understand my theory, not a reply to this lmfao. Anywayzers, peace.

  2. I honestly can't see anything in this picture that looks like a face.

    :( You didn't see anything that looks like a face? :oops:

    Wait, I can see some sort of face, but it doesn't look like a little girl's face.

    The only reason I said Samantha's face is because of the wavy hair, I've seen guys with wavy hair but not like the hair in the picture.

  3. That circle to the left was from the topic I got the pic from. Look at the picture and being honest, doesn't it look like a face?

    The topic I got the picture of Ascension >>> http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=10595

    *** The topic I got the picture from did not say anything about Samantha's face, or any face for that matter. I saw the picture and edited it to point out the face.***

    Edit: Sorry for the huge picture.

  4. Like most people said above if it's to see something out of the map or test something out that's fine, but if it's used for cheating I don't like it at all

  5. Deal with the Devil. This perk costs 1000, it is so cheap because it gives you 50% chance of gaining a random perk. Good right? Then here comes the bad part, you have a 50% chance of losing a perk aswell. If you don't have a perk when buying it you will just get a random perk but the price will be increased to 2000. Here are some quotes I came up with.

    Dempsey: Better not take away my perks, stupid bitches.

    Nikolai: Tastes like vodka OHHH YEAHHHHHHHHH oh wait, I can lose a perk? The only downside to vodka.

    Takeo: Lets get our random perk! Hold on a second... This can take away my perks? THIS MACHINE HAS NO HONOR!!!

    Richtofen: Hmm just like the Pack-A-Punch deal, Faust is taking place and, I mean uhh uhhh what is this thingy?

  6. Another Theory, Alright I'll try to debunk this...

    I've heard that anything can go in the green light, but the human from the VR-11 gun finished the EE. So i don't think that possible, UNLESS Its a double- sided easter egg with different results... Nevertheless, i'll try it soon enough and report back here.

    Sounds good, I want to believe there's more to CoTD but I'm almost out of theories/ideas.

  7. I'm pretty sure nobody has tried this out yet but what if you do the EE, go to the lighthouse and get downed and crawl into the green light. (Maybe it will take you where the zombie shot with the VR-11 went, I mean nobody actually knows where the zombie goes, right?) This is just an idea of mine it might work it might not. This is my first post btw :D

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