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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. Only completely undamaged zombies respawn. If it has been shot even once, it will not respawn. It will just die. Now, there does seem to be a glitch were this doesn't happen. I'd say about 1% of the time where you decide to leave a zombie, it will just die, even if not hurt. This happened a lot on Great Leap Forward for me. However, it was rare, so we didn't worry about it. We were just aware of the possibility, however remote.
  2. *jaw drop* Great work Fated. For such a grand theory, of course the evidence is lacking. But oh the logic!!!!!
  3. It seems there are multiple workbenches and you can choose where to place what.
  4. Excuse me??? Your source??? Nothing???
  5. Extremely unlikely. In fact, Arthur has been the most proactive mobster: taking the guard out himself, writing plans, keeping track of a journal, having checklists. He seems to be just a typical crook.
  6. Could you explain to me this whole acid kit versus Pack-A-Punching thing? Are there four Blundergats? the original, the acid, the PaP, the acid Pap?
  7. I don't know what you are going to find, Rissole. DNA wasn't made to be a coding sequence. It was meant to store complex biological data. I don't know if even our brightest scientists could tell you. Sure, we've mapped the human genome, but just ask one person to tell you what a certain letter sequence does. People can get scientific awards for doing such a thing. And you want our help? I'm sorry; best of luck. Btw, why are some capitalized when some are not? They should all be capitalized.
  8. Shangri-La took place in a temple, but it was set in modern day. Anyway, I think you are correct. This guy wants the Box to be evil. Samantha comes along and makes it kiddish. Richtofen comes along and chooses to do nothing, perhaps out of nostalgia.
  9. Question: do you have to build the plane each time?
  10. The Power-Up quotes still sound like Samantha. But everything else is different: the way he speaks at other times, H*ll's Retriever, the dog, the Mystery Box.
  11. I think the map is really fun. But MAN is this going to be something to untangle, story-wise!
  12. But no Jugg... I barely ever get Juggernog in Grief anyway. My priority is to kill the other team before they get it. Now they can't.
  13. I think the lock is a replacement for the Teddy Bear. I'm not sure though.
  14. I was just reporting what I'd seen. I know that information that someone has put on a wiki is about as reliable as a Chocolate Firegaurd Lol okay. What I find strange is the signs all over the place. They seem to imply that they've had zombie prisoners for a long time.
  15. PhD Flopper in Grief! Woo!
  16. DO NOT believe everything you read nor hear. NO ONE has confirmed the date for this map yet. AND it looks like it is going to be a difficult question.
  17. I'm asking when they call Al Arthur?
  18. I don't know, honestly. But you can find it by utilizing Theater mode.
  19. I'll be willing to do that tomorrow for you if you'd like. It seems to be the opening sequence rather than a trailer. Tomorrow we will have access to subtitles. For example, the guard's name is quite difficult to make out. It'll be quite easy come tomorrow with subtitles.
  20. I'm surprised this is legitimate. Huh. But yeah, I'll be sleeping at that time. By the time I wake up, I'll be downloading the map myself.
  21. That's just wrong. People that are higher ranks do not make them better players. Some of the worst players I've known had shotguns on their emblem.
  22. Are you sure Al is supposed to be Arthur? Where'd you get Arthur from? Anyway, it was pretty cool. I'm surprised they died though. Perhaps we'll have another resurrection scene? Or perhaps, story-wise, these guys die?
  23. I could not have said it better than this. I tend to stray off from my group (randoms, of course) and refuse to flip on my mic switch if it's not worth it. The match becomes very interesting when the randoms talk smack about how I'll do horrible because I have no mic and run far from them, but there are the same players who cry "revive me bro" when they go down and I'm the sole survivor. Judging by particular attributes such as no mic or straying from the team aren't necessarily the best guidelines to follow. But I do agree: Thanks Infest. And lol, I do that a lot too. It's a sham how prejudiced people are against mic-less people. Some people just don't have mics. I choose to not use mine a lot with randoms, simply because talking brings so many issues with it. When someone realizes you can talk back, you'll be forced to endure various things from "Can we do the Easter Egggggg?????" to "We need to do my strategy!" And I do like them being astonished that a mic-less person can beat their butts at Zombies.
  24. There's no "absolute need" for almost anything. You could get to Round 30 with nothing but a Thompson. Is it possible? Yes. Is it easy? No. I'm telling you; having that Ray Gun will make your life easier.
  25. PHD isnt in bo2 yet,hinted at , but nit there.But i understad what you mean PhD Flopper appears in Black Ops II. It just isn't usable.
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