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Everything posted by DaPikmin

  1. I want to switch Sam's and Richtofen's voice BEFORE the EE. :/
  2. It's funny how Samantha's voice replaces Richtofen's voice the rest of the game. I wanna do that. D:
  3. I think it's all explained here. http://www.nextgentactics.com/forum/topic21422-full-moon-easter-egg.aspx These people are quick. -_-
  4. Wait, could somebody tell me how those people got on the Leaderboard?
  5. I could've sworn harder = better= funner
  6. DaPikmin


    Well, I bet it could run Kino Der Toten for sure. The others.... eh. Might be too complex. But I heard there was gonna be a iPad 3, so maybe...?
  7. Omg I just went to grab a drink and I miss the gameplay. I was just watching it too! And btw you can hear Dogs for a quick second in the Rezurrection Trailer.
  8. DaPikmin


    Wait.... could this mean the crawler at the end of the MP4 trailer could be in the trailer for Moon?
  9. That little picture seems different somehow comparing to what I've seen before. I haven't played the W@W but still....
  10. A Zombie... holding a gun. :shock:
  11. I was hoping on Animated or Computer Generated but... this is nice too. :)
  12. What in the hell is that thing at the end??? It looks live action! o_o
  13. Good gawd this must've taken a shi- load of time to make these.
  14. I'm thinking somewhere similar to Warlord or Scavenger.
  15. 11 Maps to fit in on game disc? A lot to fit don't you think...
  16. Where did you get this from?
  17. Idk... maybe they just like to tease people for fun. And I could've sworn the Retaliation stuff wasn't real.
  18. I don't get it... "[No answer to this one, but a friend over at Treyarch said they saw him storm off to get a breath of fresh air.]"
  19. [brains] Recommendations? And could somebody tell me the difference between Sawed Off Shotgun and normal?
  20. Could someone please give me a list of all the wall weapons that are on the Classic Maps? All I know is that they have the MP40... I think.
  21. Scorpion? Eh... Not exactly the best but awesome at close range... I still want the Stoner...
  22. HELL TO THE NO. And you know, people seem to dislike maps without the original crew in them. Weird eh? Hopefully they will continue with the story as well.
  23. DaPikmin

    Map Pack 5

    I don't think it will be a MP5. Or at least it will be Multiplayer only. It's too close to MW3 when PS3 would get it.
  24. DaPikmin

    Moon... BLEH.

    I'm just not excited since I was really looking forward to that Paris map actually, and I mean.... it's the freaking moon. Really? Ever since when was there ZOMBIES on the MOON?Let me guess, next is Mars right? And I swear to god if we see Aliens... I will not play this map at all.
  25. The Winter's Howl is still a Wonder Weapon, but it's like the lowest on the attention scale.
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