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Everything posted by DaPikmin

  1. Stoner63 anyone? :)
  2. I KNEW there was gonna be a fire based one! I posted it a while ago in some guy's Shangri-La thread....
  3. DaPikmin


    The map reminds me of Radiation due to the little saw thing in the back.
  4. DaPikmin

    Moon... BLEH.

    Come on man why does it have to be the MOON? I don't want it... Well, at least this Area 51 crap can end, eh? But... HOLY FUKING SHI. THEY GOT THE CLASSIC MAPS IN IT. YES! YES! YES! I DON'T HAVE TO BUY WORLD AT WAR!!!! YES!!!!!! NOW THERE WILL BE NO MORE GAME SHARE CRAP NEEDED TOO!!! YES! YES! I FINALLY GET TO PLAY THE W@W MAPS FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! Okay, I'll be honest with you people. I cried a little when I first saw the announcement. I literally yelled out "YES! YES! YESSSSSS!" and then cried a little. Hehehehehehe... yeah I had to share this. I see hatin' comin'. :D
  5. I'm just thinking they're trying to make the game easier. Not many people use them anyway.
  6. I found Napalm Zombie spawn... mNIubXV_Vm0 More like coming from burning Hell. Can't find Shrieker spawn though. EDIT: Oh wait, in this video if you can see it spawns. tDtTEJkeVMs
  7. I knife the pig. Saves ammo. :P
  8. Holy crap, he can RUN? I better kill those things ASAP if I ever see one.
  9. Whaaaaat? I don't have to pay monthly? YEEEAAAHHH!
  10. MIC-SubJdI0 I am laughing so hard I'm crying and my stomach hurts. He was like "Bam... BAM... THE FU...!" Best viewed on a larger screen than this though.
  11. Basically asking, what's your favorite fate or what's the best. I like Furious Feet, and Friendship.
  12. You know what.... Forget what I said. I'm getting W@W... soon. And no need to gameshare, I'll buy them myself. Hopefully it won't turn out to be all a waste of money to me.
  13. Because it's so easy to get to a high round, and do glitches and everything since you can't get disconnected from a game or whatever. And you're all by yourself, so lets say you're in the CotD AK74u glitch. The zombies can't go to another player so that means easy high rounds. All I can say is get a camera and take pics of your rounds, or record them.
  14. Wait... that little pale yellow line in each honeycomb was writing? o.o
  15. Wait... Woods is ALIVE!? Damn, I thought he died. I was like "No! WOOOOOOODS!" Lol
  16. So you only need one map proof or all?
  17. ....what would be different? If anybody knows, I'd like to know. Like would it have the Wunderwaffe, or W@W wall weapons, would it be bigger (kinda small for a DLC map to me...)? Basically, what would be different from Black Ops version.
  18. DaPikmin


    Classic Forum skin, maybe?
  19. Why are we talking about Dynamite and C4 and Shangri-La when this was made about the Monkey Bombs and CotD? Lol
  20. I'll be honest and no lie, I want to flame this guy. @Topic: Area 51 again? I swear I've seen so many of these I feel I don't know how to count. :facepalm:
  21. Camper. They just... sit there. Everybody was a noob once in their life. You can't just automatically play anew game and say you're good. Even when MW3 comes out... >_>
  22. I believe it was on a board in Der Riese
  23. And if Treyarch makes another game after MW3 and it has new Zombies, I'll laugh at this post. :P
  24. I saw a thread I little bit ago saying that the Focusing Stone is Anti-115... sorry, I can't find it right now for some weird reason so this might have been already said... So this must mean, that the V-R11 has the focusing stone too? That little rock that spins in it... I'm not too big on the story so I don't know much, but I do know that 115 made the zombies and such... and so Anti-115 must equal to turning them back, correct? Smack me someone... :facepalm:
  25. How in the hell can you have Lunar Landers in W@W period?
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