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Everything posted by coolyocool111

  1. So maybe there are ways to get power ups with all the staffs not just ice and lightning? Might be worth looking into.
  2. I need to work on patience. I sometimes play games with randoms, and when I do, they almost always suck, so if I go down they almost never revive me. For example I played Town yesterday and got downed on round 10 by being dumb, my 2 teammats did not leave the bar until the box changed and by then it was too late. Needless to say, I left that game....
  3. Set your search settings to best, It usually ends up putting you and your friend in a lobby by yourself. People will still join, just not as often.
  4. lol same for me :lol:
  5. Sorry, I meant in seperate games. thanks for the responses! :D
  6. The title says it all, can you complete more than once? I know you could do MOTD' more then once, what about Origins?
  7. I've found out that the when you get an ultimate staff you can press left on the D-pad to pull out that weird version of the staff, it only has 3 or 4 shots in it, but whenever I tried to use it on him, it killed him in 2 shots.
  8. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure the challenges don't change, at least for me they've always been: get 115 head shots Activate all 6 generators spend 30000 points Each one gives you a token icon above your perks and you use them on that box.
  9. They're challenges, when you do them you can go to the box thats under the token board and open it for a reward, I've gotten free perks and pack a punched guns from it.
  10. I like the idea, but Richthofen is the only one with the vials.
  11. I'm not sure if this means much, we could be looking to far into it, just gonna have tio wait and see I guess.
  12. What exacly was Richtofen doing when the found him? Looks like experiments on zombies...
  13. Since when has Treyarch stopped caring about zombies?? Sure most people play multiplayer, and that's fine. I really only bought the game for zombies and yes, I'm disappointed we didn't get all zombies. But the idea that this means Treyarch just gave up on zombies is ridiculous, they put so much work into the zombie maps so far, and it sounds like they've got some big plans for Origins, so that's good enough for me. although I really am disappointed about the number of multiplayer maps compared to zombies, me, along with all of you, will get over it.
  14. I don't think Shangri-La was confirmed to be on mars, I think it was a theory.
  15. My guess is it will be all zombies, that's all they've been hinting towards.
  16. I was about to post this THERE WAS A FREAKING ROBOT AT THE END THERE, WHAT WAS THAT!? :lol:
  17. I don't want them to bring back any WaW maps, they already did that with BO1. I'd sooner have new maps or the black ops 1 maps. I don't understand why so many people want Der Reise to come back again.
  18. I've done all Richthofen, my blue towers and icons are just to awesome to lose, unless of course I have to for the last DLC
  19. Do you need to have all the Nav Cards in place to do the buried Easter egg, or just to hit that big button afterwards?
  20. I thought so too, blue is Richthofen(Thats the side I did) and red for Maxis.
  21. Does this mean you can use if you get it, it will be on Tranzit and Die Rise?
  22. I just downloaded vengeance and after my first game of buried I went to public match to try out turned when I noticed a blue light is now flashing on the tranzit symbol. No clue what it means, hopefully something good :D
  23. Just on some MP, just gimme a shout if you need a 4th as it's pain when trying to get people together Hey Whats your GT
  24. This is an awesome idea! I need help with Die rise richtofen side, I'm really desperate to do it before buried, so please add me(GT:Pie316)Just message me, I'll be on most of the night! :D
  25. I was sort of forced to train in the room where you have to shock the three generators to deactivate the door in the wardens office. We had the door to the docks closed (I figure if you have that open it would be impossible) it was intense I tried to do it the round after that and got downed :lol:
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