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Everything posted by XxXiKillUaLLXxX

  1. I gave someone a noob tube which was a dud and an m4a1 which the guys antidote was a modded scar h and the winning kill with it on tdm.
  2. 1. I don't glitch but only if psn is down. 2. Zombies is fun. 3. Why do you think my psn is zobieblaster98?
  3. Never said it would but you can easily get back in the map so big deal.
  4. I'm from uk.
  5. How about u get qwiks, get out of map and stay there then u won't die. the out of map glitch works if u dont sign in.
  6. So did i but were both unlucky. If theres another one, hope you do well.
  7. I say no but if it had something to do with a zombies story then maybe.
  8. What do you need to make those kind of images?
  9. Got to wave 31 on solo with just luck.
  10. waw zombie mods is fun, thats how i got big baller trophy.
  11. The only people that will take any notice is youtube service when you flag inappropiate vids You guys wouldn't believe the amount of modders on Waw (this is xbox). A lot of them don't mod but do have mods. I would say 80% of the faggots on WaW are modders or have mods but dont use them. It is getting harder and harder each day to find a match without absolute turd burgler dicks who like to get hard to hacking a 3 year old game. They are too pussy to try it on BO though. Theres no hackers as such in black ops but they do use mods that let them take more hits and aimbot and so on.
  12. Great job to everyone!
  13. Not exactly some people may like black ops version of the classic maps better, the good thing from world at war is the flamethrower or the out of map glitch in shi no numa.
  14. LOL evil monkey :)
  15. Some say clarke, others say steiner, i think steiner.
  16. 16th prestiege guys are useless and suck. Yep, and by reporting him, they can maybe make it harder to hack. That's if they took any notice of me anyway... The only people that will take any notice is youtube service when you flag inappropiate vids
  17. 16th prestiege guys are useless and suck.
  18. But what if you never quitted and that happened, how could it happen? Oh, connection is how. Perhaps it just wasn't the best connection for other people in the lobby. That, or 3arc's servers did that by accident. It can be the connection or some strange glitch.
  19. But what if you never quitted and that happened, how could it happen?
  20. i don't know the results but i posted that cause of the update
  21. While i have been playing black ops it went to host migration while i was the host when i never rage quitted. Has it happened to anyone else?
  22. I've seen boosters in black ops but only 1 hacker in mw2, he hacked me cause he thinks he is god.
  23. First mw2 now waw and next??? I hope cod4 aint gonna be the same nor black ops.
  24. We have dedicated servers... MUCH less lag than in consoles. And what you mean by PC gets double XP? thought there would be more lags and hackers but double xp was a typo i ment nuketown 24/7.
  25. If you mean zombie asylum is for people who has a strong background to the story why do people put so much complicated stuff? i know the zombies story very well but all those post are made very complicated when they sound simple.
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