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Everything posted by XxXiKillUaLLXxX

  1. A message to carbon, is there a deadline check in if you win a prize?
  2. PC gets double xp, could be that sometimes pc can ruin ur game because of connection trouble.
  3. I tried to solve the whole equation don't know anyway never found hyena anywhere good find.
  4. HQ, CTF or demolition would give you lots of xp.
  5. It's the most vital tool you ned but it's not in hc bombs or flags
  6. Cool mine is only 31.00 also what is your most kills in a game? mine is 198.
  7. If it's for cod elite reg users i couldn't care, i will still do well without it, iw need to do a lot better otherwise this is strike 3 for them.
  8. The "satay away from my vodka" joke is a funny classic
  9. Hardcore is good but with many flaws like core.
  10. I like your idea, in my opinion you should get to customize everything including your own made camo for your guns instead of trying for gold which is the only cool camo.
  11. after 1 team kill after i deploy napalm, no but i killed the two that done it then i got kicked
  12. Done that to my friends that done it to me today, got kicked on the spot.
  13. don't get me wrong i love hardcore, it's just who or what ruins it for you is what i'm asking
  14. I have self control and also i have been team killed by the same kind on purpose.
  15. Nothings wrong with it, it might be that not many people play those kind of games.
  16. If you ask me it's getting kicked cause your stupid a** friends corner you and you kill them for it. I'm not trolling.
  17. HAHAHAHA they should play black ops then
  18. It should have a few small collectables, dlc codes and 1 massive scale model or toy and a few other things
  19. Good job finding out cause i was getting impatient :mrgreen:
  20. Give me your thoughts about modern warfare 3 character customization and what you want to see
  21. 2 of the videos arn't there disappointed :cry:
  22. i think it changes the pwr up or makes it do the opposite as in red max ammo u lose all ur ammo so getting a carpenter will un board every barrier-200 points nuke will be more zombies -400 points Insta-kill will be one touch= insta-death (on you not zombie) fire sale- no box whatsoever random bottle perk- loses all perks- x2= -x2? death machine = a spud launcher? ETC...... yup, i just won't kill the monkeys..... Now we all know about the monkeys but x2 would be divide by 2 which is you lose 20 points for hit and so on
  23. Dempsey says he wants a hot chick. To replace Richtofen, if we're talking Dempsey quotes. Richtofen is cool, dempsey wants him replaced but he also wants a hot chick either takeo or richtofen should be replaced with a hot chick cause nikolai is cool russian
  24. the ray gun isn't any better upgraded, and without looping it is easy to get surrounded regardless of the guns you use. The best strategy I've found is to use a wall gun and a wunderweapon, upgrade both of them past round 20, and just point whore as much as you can. Then once you get into and past the 30's, loop up a swarm, point whore a bit, and lead them through a trap. looping in co-op is good for the thundergun wipethem out if there in front of you then use ur wall gun on them.
  25. Dempsey says he wants a hot chick.
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