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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. xFaTaLx RaMpAgE asked me to get some close-ups of the Abominable Martyrs, to see what they really look like. Images of these guys are hard to come by. So I thought I'd share them here. Enjoy
  2. It is a Soyuz 2 rocket, in Stage 2 with the bottom rocket propulsion systems detached
  3. Congrats SuperHands NEW CoDz No Mans Land CHAMPION
  4. I have no idea what game is being played here. I'm no expert on card games One interesting clue here is that the Ace is underneath the second card. Which tells me the card is deliberately placed face up, rather than just randomly flipping over during the chaos of the outbreak.
  5. Yeah but Frostbite's engine only plays at 30 frames per second on consoles. They have cool lighting, and environmental effects, but it won't play at 60 FPS, which IMO is a major reason why COD is the current king of first person shooters
  6. This is the best game engine of this console era. They can tweak it, but basically this is as good as it gets. I'll hope for a better game engine when the next gen consoles come around.
  7. My biggest request for the next Treyarch game, is to simply fix all the errors and glitches that plague this game. I don't really care for new stuff as much I want all the broken parts of the game to be fixed. Moon is by far my favorite map, but I've completely given up on going for a high round ever again. It's just not even worth trying anymore. Every time some heart-breaking glitch happens beyond my control, that just completely ruins my otherwise perfect game.
  8. Great find Nemesis_96! And I know what you're saying. But let's get one thing straight... NASA has doctored up a ton of images of the Moon's surface. So it's not out of the question for them to do it to this image too. Keep in mind both websites you linked have been recently updated. But in the end, I dont know who to believe. The idea of pyramids structures being on the Moon is a lot of fun for me to think about though. In the end, I'm not trying to convince anyone whether they are real or not. I'm just exposing that there are conspiracy theories of this stuff out there, and I think it fits in with the blackops zombie storyline.
  9. Here is an image of the full CCCP rocket. It extends under the floor Image taken from no-clipped under the map.
  10. I made the images by no-clipping the map on the PC version
  11. Samantha was here... and she had friends Tea Party with Teddy Check Mate You are nothing but a Toy Soldier What game is this? It looks like a cross between Black Jack and Texas Hold'Em Ace of Spades :twisted: - Mix
  12. Exactly what WhosOnFirst said. Giving all the zombies within the Thundergun's blast radius, a "rag doll" effect is pretty strenuous to calculate in real-time.
  13. My new personal best - 283 Kills BfmAgAMu-mc
  14. One hit downed here as well..... :roll: FQ0YmHyui8o
  15. Yeah lately, I've been thinking it might simply be a reference to the dogs, primates, and humans all being sent to space. But that ideas not nearly as fun as the Baphomet one :lol:
  16. Awesome Black Wolf. I'm very much interested in seeing what you come up with. And I'll admit, I used a variety of internet translators.
  17. Where/how did you come up with this translation? You may be right. I don't know Latin. I tried several different translators, and A Disgrace's Joy was the best I could come up with.
  18. I've been meaning to make a serious return trip to Five. Seems like it's the hardest to master. I'll try your strats out. When do you pick up your first wall weapon? And which gun do you usually go for?
  19. I FINALLY FOUND IT!!!! This is on the right side of the base of the Monument to the Conquerors of Space, located in Moscow, Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monument_to_the_Conquerors_of_Space
  20. oh I knew I'd heard that quote but I forgot from where, lol
  21. If you find the audio source to that, please add it to my thread. My personal fav conspiracy theory on why we haven't gone back to the Moon, is because the aliens there told us not to :lol:
  22. Buzz Aldrin would kick your ass if he heard that . I see what you did there ;)
  23. [center:1y2cnshy]J. Robert Oppenheimer Father of the Atomic Bomb April 22, 1904 – February 18, 1967 J. Robert Oppenheimer will always be remembered as a figurehead for the struggles between science and morals, when national duty calls you to war. Most known for his work as a theoretical physicist, Oppenheimer was also a Professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, as well as Caltech. His work in nuclear and astrophysics predicted and led towards the discovery of the neutron, neutron stars, and mesons. Through out his life, he took interest in many different subjects including mineralogy, astonomy, astrophysics, chemistry, mathematics, history, English & French literature, and Eastern Philosophy. Oppenheimer learned languages rapidly, and would often learn a language just so he could read a piece of literature within it's native text. When looking at his body of work, and interest, it's more than apparent that Oppenheimer was an Alchemist. Oppeheimer was a German-Jew who moved to the US as a youth. His political ties leaned towards socialism/communism, and he was deeply opposed to fascism. Oppenheimer fits the bill for a mad scientist. He'd often go through intense periods of little sleep and nurishment while doing scientific research. Oppenheimer once said he "needed physics more than friends". And he is known for once trying to strangle one of his friend's after expressing his frustrations with theoretical physics. "Now I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds" [youtube:1y2cnshy]n8H7Jibx-c0[/youtube:1y2cnshy] VISHNU In Hinduism, Vishnu is one in a Trinity of male Gods. TRINITY & THE MANHATTAN PROJECT In 1942, the U.S. Army established the Manhattan Engineer District to handle the building of the Atomic bomb. Brigadier General Leslie R. Groves, Jr., was appointed the director of what would become known as, the Manhattan Project. Groves appointed J. Robert Oppenheimer in charge of military weapons testing and development for the atomic bomb. This was a controversial decision considering Oppenheimer's political ties, he had no former position of leadership, and the fact that he was being selected over other scientist with Nobel Prizes on their resume's. Groves and Oppenheimer decided to take the operation to a secret military base near Oppenheimer's ranch in Los Alamos, NM, which then saw a population boom from a few hundred, to over 6,000 individuals. The first atomic bomb test, codenamed: "Trinity", took place on July 16, 1945 in the Los Alamos, New Mexico desert. There is an interesting story that goes with how J.Robert Oppenheimer picked Los Alamogordo desert as the Trinity test site. When Oppenheimer was a kid, his father thought he was a bit too wimpy. So to toughen his son up, he used to send J.R. out into the Los Alamos desert for three days at a time with nothing more than a horse, a bottle of whiskey, and a jar of peanut butter to survive on. Through these survival trips as a youth, Oppenheimer because quite familiar with this desert area. The first nuclear bomb test at Los Alamos, was codenamed Trinity It's no coincidence that the street sign in Nuketown says Trinity Ave Nuketown Bomb Timer the 100-foot tower the bomb "gadget" was dropped from at the Trinity site HOW TRINITY MIGHT RELATE IN ZOMBIES.... "Embrace the Trinity and True Power Will be Yours" found in the Der Riese starting room. Maybe it has a double meaning beyond the flytrap easter egg. 'Manhattan Down' spelled out in letters at Kino der Toten. Manhattan Down is a reference to the Manhattan Project A Trio of rockets are found on the Ascension loading screen. The shadows reveal '115' A Trinity of Artifacts to activate the Pyramid device The Casimir Mechanism + Vril Generator + Focusing Stone Trinity might be a tie with that and the three nukes that hit the earth at the end of the game The Brahmastra During a college lecture at the Rochester University, a student once asked Robert Oppenheimer whether the atomic bomb tested in New Mexico was the first one ever detonated. Robert Oppenheimer replied: "Well — yes. In modern times, of course.". This quote is an eye opener that Oppenheimer openly believed in the ancient atomic warfare that is described within Hindu texts. There is a bit of truth in saying that Oppenheimer reverse-engineered the atomic bomb from 12,000 year old ancient hindu texts Must Watch!!! [youtube:1y2cnshy]_9s1h3WJ5kg[/youtube:1y2cnshy] Is this the Brahmastra, the ancient Indian Hindu scriptures warned us of? According to Hindu beliefs, the Gods have rules of engagement when going to war with one another. And the Brahmastra is a weapon so powerful, that it's use can only be justified if it somehow benefits humanity. With this in mind, let's not forget that Dr.Maxis tricks our heroes into activating the nuclear rockets under the assumption that doing so would help minimize the damage Richtofen will do. I find this file below to be the most interesting and relevant in his series supplied by v.bush. Oppenheimer was a part of Majestic 12 (MJ-12) The terminal files that were recovered by US forces from Der Riese were given to Vandavaar Bush (v.bush), the head of Majestic-12. In the Black Ops terminal there is a series of emails between V. Bush and J. Robert Oppenheimer. V. Bush may have been using Oppenheimer to translate the file from German to English[/center:1y2cnshy] Oppenheimer's Terminal Loggin Info username: roppen password: Trinity [center:1y2cnshy][youtube:1y2cnshy]6rAnxx-b0Us[/youtube:1y2cnshy] Watch this video for all the Oppenheimer terminal files[/center:1y2cnshy] [center:1y2cnshy]GKNOVA6 TRANSMISSION WARNING ON NUKES [youtube:1y2cnshy]_93SqXFWKyE[/youtube:1y2cnshy] The Footage from the GkNova6.com transmission is taken from this 1958 GE animated film, A is for Atom [youtube:1y2cnshy]i7k-RknDBug[/youtube:1y2cnshy] Pay attention to what this video has to say about 'The Giant' More info about this GKNova6 transmission and the A is for Atom video can be found here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=20155[/center:1y2cnshy] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wikipedia Resource on J. Robert Oppenheimer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Robert_Oppenheimer Wikipedia Resource on the Trinity test http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_test Wikipedia Resource on Brahmastra: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmastra Wikipedia Resource on Majestic 12: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majestic_12 CODWikia Resource: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Roppen TheTechGame Resource: http://www.thetechgame.com/Forums/t=842682.html
  24. GKNOVA6 TRANSMISSION #1 _93SqXFWKyE The video below is an animated film from 1952 by General Electric, called A is for Atom. It's available under public domain. I recommend you watch the whole thing. But SPECIFICALLY WATCH 6:00 - 9:00 i7k-RknDBug It's a perfect match!!! Definitely some Alchemist propaganda going on at the very end Die Glocke = The Giant We now know who "The Giant" is :twisted: The Power of the Atom Read about how General Electric helped fund Hitler here: http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_03.htm - Mix
  25. Unfortunately I believe Tac's thread, is now lost in Aether
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