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Posts posted by Onesiphorus935

  1. Hi All,

    I was recording a Grief gameplay for YT and this happened...(skip to 3:30ish)


    Has anyone seen this yet? Does anyone know what the effect is?

    I've tweeted a few peeps, but no reply :(

    The only thing i noticed is that i change weapons and get the kill. I have not tried a repeat of this, so i'm really not sure if that's relevant.

    What do you guys think?

  2. Playing with randoms can be frustrating - but thats what to expect if theres

    -no communication

    -a lack of respect for the team

    -general unfairness when it comes to the box and doors etc

    But like others have said, i play with randoms for shits and giggles.

    Got a game the other day with 2 downs and 60 revives (thinking of uploading a montage) and was very surprised none of them left the game.

    Normally comes wave 10 -16 ive picked you up every time you've gone down - but you're gonna quit anyway! so frustrating.

    But i have made some good friends and met some good players playing with randoms too - its pot luck when you find a lobby i guess.

  3. I've had this happen to me too,

    3 times now!

    Good to hear i'm not the only one. I think it sucks you have to go down to get the achievement too.

    I've tried again since the latest patch - so will see what happens then.

  4. Awesome tips Super.

    I usually just throw a gersch in the labs when on the way back from the excavator. It decompresses eventually but is still no hassle to run through,

    I've had a few 'miss fires' with the wave gun and that has gotten me downed. Its rare but it does happen. Plus i'd rather save the ammmo to take out the full 24 as appose to the few in my way.

    Currently trying to break my co-op record on Shang and this technique helps alot (The shooting before running, not the gersch lol)

    Keep it up dude [brains]

  5. Rissole!

    I really admire your enthusiasm. I would love to see someone get to 100+ on COTD - but if the likes of Super, Chopper, Tom etc find it hard, then you know what you are getting yourself in for :twisted:

    I find this map hard on 50+ due to zombie health, lack of ammo & no traps. Haven't tried it since the Mule Kick update so i may have a bit more luck next time but 55 is my record. And i consider that to be quite good.

    If you do come up with something im sure you'll post it here - i for one am looking forward to your findings.


  6. It seems like the general worry is that it may become annoying after repeated plays.

    One thing that could possibly make this work out for everyone would be that you can't replay the song that has already played after a certain amount of time its something simple that they could add to prevent those from replaying the song every single time or they could do a voting system that everyone has to vote yes or no using the d-pad up or down since left or right would be for claymores, betties, and weapon attachments...

    I like the voting system - this solution could work.

    I know that zombies has more important things going on than music. But there's nothing I love more than spraying some of the undead down to some good tunes.

  7. I'm up for playing with some of you guys.

    I'm based in the UK and am available 6 - 12 PM GMT

    I'm up for playing any map on BO and or WAW.

    Just send me a friend request or msg saying you're from CODZ

    Xbox GT is the same as forum username (Onesiphorus935)


  8. It would be a hell of lot more annoying if they could play it more then once. This idea is bad for a multiplayer coop game often played with randoms.

    I hadn't thought about the implications of this and playing with randoms. I agree it could be annoying. But it all depends on choice and who you end up playing with.

    Maybe an option to mute the music in game....hmmmm pretty sure that's already available.

  9. Not sure if this has been suggested in the past but....

    I know how many people get a bit annoyed at the musical Easter eggs only playing once per game.

    Well how abouts a small machine maybe next to QR or power switch - it costs around 500 points and allows you to play any song from any of the previous maps.

    3arc could also then add in challenges to unlock additional songs, i.e. get 500 head shots for the next Kevin & Elena track.

    Not a game changing idea I know - but a nice added feature that i feel would be well received.

    Hell you could even go as far as if there's an mp3 on your hard drive it'll show up there too, that would be awesome.

  10. So got back from work yesterday - decided to play some FFA,

    Jumped into a lobby and theres a dude who's ranked 455 in the world. So im a little worried and a lilttle excited to see how i perform against this guy.

    Game 1 ends he finishes 1st (30 -10) i finish 2nd (23 - 18)

    Next game starts and he kills me a few times i kill him a few times. There was no bullshit just guys who have quick reactions and a good aim etc.

    Next thing i know is im 1st and this guy has left.

    Recieve a message from him 2 mins later.

    : Your details have been passed on for violating Modern Warfare 3's Code of Conduct. Boosting in Infected violates these terms. Your Account is being Investigated.

    So i message back,

    Lol - we were playing FFA and you were kicking my ass. wtf!

    He replys,

    yes but on my 14th u was boosting... your details have been passed on for investigation

    And i reply,

    Go for it - im no cheat,

    He says,

    Already done.

    Me: Nice.


    Just to clarify im no cheater - so im not worried - but what the hell is this guys problem? And what does he mean by 'Yes but on the 14th' Maybe 14th May? And why is he reporting me for boosting in a game mode i wasn't playing. And even if i was playing infected on the 14th how does he remember me?

    What do you guys make of this - and have you ever had a simular experience?

  11. Sorry dude - im currently on a conference call at work and am bored out my mind,

    And with you and Chopper being the go to guys - both with Black forum names, i had a brief moment of madness,

    :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

  12. Hey dude,

    Firstly situational awareness is always a must,

    By glancing (not staring) use the mini map - even without a UAV you can figure out whereabouts the enemy team is going to be based on your teams location,

    Know where YOU are on the map and what possible sight lines lead to you, this will help to look in the right direction whilst mobile,

    If want to move from one side of the map to the other - i dont just run gung ho across the map, i like to move from cover to cover checking my sight lines and ADS when you reach choke points.

    Always aim from the hip in the direction you are going. When running and gunning if you looking slightly at the floor instead of ahead of you - it takes a split second longer to aim and find your target than if you were already aiming in that general direction.

    Use a gun that plays well with the map, Hardhat for example - whilst an AR would perform well on this map - an SMG or Shotty may be preferable due to the small size of the map. However on a map like Liberation an AR or Snipe is a must. You have to think about whether you'll be getting into CQ MR or LR engagements.

    Aim from the hip in CQ combat - you fire quicker and you aim faster. Trying to ADS in CQ will end in death 9/10.

    Always have a air support class setup.

    Never reload whilst running round a corner.

    ....i could go on - but it takes time and practice to figure out how to play well. And even when you do - you still have games where no matter how you play, what guns/perks you use. You get slaughtered.

    Apologies for the wall of text - hope this helps.

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