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Everything posted by MysteryBox

  1. Thanks! Just wanted to make sure this wasnt like world at war were you could only play 2 player splitscreen! [brains] to you!
  2. Welcome to CODZ!
  3. I was wondering if the Classic Maps come with 2 Player online play, sorry if there is a topic already about this, I forgot to search :? ( need to know this because im getting the maps now ) Thanks!
  4. Welcome to CODZ Randk111! What gaming system do you have?
  5. I make my own, if you want I could make you one. Just give me the pictures you want in it and instructions in a PM :D
  6. Why'd you take my picture :shock: Please dont copy it :|
  7. I dont have a XBOX ( PS3) and we dont have any hackers on PS3... so Ive never seen this before.... what do they do?
  8. I do! But atlas, I have PS3 :x ( like that word? atlas )
  9. Welcome to CODZ! :)
  10. Nice theory and all, but do you have any proof that the guys name is Teddy? Because doesnt "Teddy is a Liar" refer to the Teddy Bear? Why would Teddy be lyeing anyways? Sorry if Im being harsh :? I just have alot of questions! Other than that, nice theory!
  11. Welcome to CODZ, John! :)
  12. Control Panel ----> Profile -----> Signature, then you can change it too what you want.
  13. Oh, I didnt get your question. Sorry for correcting you there :|
  14. Welcome to CODZ!
  15. Welcome to CODZ!
  16. There is already a thread about this made by tactical insertion: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=11967 Scroll down to the part about kino.
  17. Welcome to CODZ! :)
  18. PM Carbon, he can change your name once.
  19. Welcome to CODZ!
  20. But they probably wont ever realease them as map packs because the people who bought the hardend or prestige bought these exclusivling for 50$+ So they would be getting ripped off. Which would make the people who bought special editions mad. And they would want there money back.
  21. I prefer call of the dead. I never really liked acension.
  22. Welcome to CODZ! I will add you next chance I get! :)
  23. Welcome to CODZ!
  24. Welcome to CODZ!
  25. Welcome to CODZ!
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