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Everything posted by MysteryBox

  1. Control the zombies. If he obtains it after the easter egg he says "Yes! I can finally control them!" Or something along those lines. So, thats what I think :)
  2. Welcome to CODZ! I will add you next chance I get! :)
  3. A full sized Scrapyard map paintball field? That sounds awesome. They should have live zombies!! :lol:
  4. Yes, that I think is why he has the golden rod, just to show that he has it. Not to extend the easter egg or anything. You got 7 permanent perks, a gamer pic, and a achievement. That was your reward for the EE. Nothing more.
  5. Maybe there are two Richtofens and the second one is the blank picture on Kino? ... no one ever saw that coming. But really, that could be right.
  6. Welcome to CODZ!
  7. Maybe if he doesnt get the stone he dies because he doesnt have what he needs to accomplish his plan... But when he does have it he can accomplish his plan and stay alive? This time traveling is all to confusing to me.
  8. I think they added this because in world at war, one player could go go prone and the other could jump on top of them, then the first player would crouch, causing a barrier glitch. I think they added this because of that glitch, so Sam would laugh at them for trying to do a glitch in world at war. :)
  9. When they made this map they should have made it were when you kill george he drops a max... that would make it so much easier. But treyarch doesnt want easier, thats why they added george in the first place. Playing with people who keep making george mad gets really annoying... other than that I kind of like this map.
  10. Does Richtofen say any quotes about what his plan for the rod and the stone are?
  11. I have been thinking from the start that Ritchofen is going to try to get rid of sam and take over the zombies... because when he gets the stone he says " I finally have control over them" or something like that? Just a thought though.
  12. Thanks for verifing this Carbon! :)
  13. I prefer George, because the monkeys always seem to take my perks and kill me. :| But with the train I run george doesnt really get in the way.
  14. 10. :| Wow, Im horrible and this map.
  15. Your right. I was playing yesterday on Kino, and on round 18 i ran out of ammo. So i go to the box hoping for something good. I keep getting China Lakes, M72Laws, Snipers. After 40 times of using it, I got a AUG, then 10 more times later, I got a Ray Gun. While all the other people on my team got rayguns at round 8. That has to prove something :|
  16. So far there has been no discovered way to do it in solo. Sorry! But your right, if you cant do it in solo, alot of people will be disappointed. No Solo Easter Egg = :facepalm:
  17. Great Video! This game is ruined! :lol:
  18. I'll watch!
  19. Welcome to CODZ!
  20. Selfish little XBox 360 players! [brains] for that post man!
  21. If it could raise the dead in real life.... IT WOULDNT MATTER IF WE DIED! :o
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