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Everything posted by Edwantsyourhead!

  1. Glad youre having an uber time with the map. So far Nuketown Zombies is my favorite in the Black Ops 2 Zombie experince. Just watch out for those perks. When I first played the map, Juggernogs entry almost left my pants soiled...Happy Slaying. 8-)
  2. The theme song for Sonic R. But in all seriousness I would probably pick something from Disturbed like "Land of Confusion". I think it would fit waaay better on Five than "Wont back down". All respect to Eminem aside. :)
  3. Nolan North is probably the Leonardo Di Caprio of video games with Steve Blum and Chris Sabat(DBZ) making a close second. I would personally flip the fawk out if I ever saw any of the zombie voice actors.
  4. Nolan North is probably the Leonardo Di Caprio of video games with Steve Blum and Chris Sabat(DBZ) making a close second. I would personally flip the fawk out if I ever saw any of the zombie voice actors.
  5. Very VERY creative ideas. Although I think the regular upgrades from the Pack a Punch machine do just fine.
  6. Always thought the RPK was a little bit...overated. Needless to say im glad the HK prevailed over it. Well done!
  7. NDU: Beginning Verruckt: Creepy Shi No Numa: Underated Der Riese: Overated Kino Der Toten: Fun Five: Epic DOA: Unique Ascension: Easy Call of the Dead: Masterpiece Shangri La: Challenging Moon: Frustrating
  8. I think this would be a win/win for everybody.
  9. Personally im a Commando guy myself, but the Galil is pretty sick too. Nice job!
  10. I kinda found the song "Indestructible" by Disturbed kind of in Richtofens perspective...but I think its just me.
  11. I kinda found the song "Indestructible" by Disturbed kind of in Richtofens perspective...but I think its just me.
  12. I think it would be pretty intresting but I dont think Treyarch would wanna change the game THAT much. Good idea though.
  13. That seems very likely and creative. Awesome!
  14. That seems very likely and creative. Awesome!
  15. I think it would be a intresting idea for someone without a mic.
  16. I love to find some bits of the story through quotes, and I think next game to closely pay attention to Nikolais quotes....Richtofen was very fond with him. And I have always dreamed about a map with all wonder weapons, and I would like to see old weapons return on there own, such as the Shrink Ray which I think was seriously underrated. And I think we all agree, no perk stealing Monkeys or Astronauts....
  17. We all love to ponder on all the new stuff we will get in Black ops 2 zombies but I for one have been thinking about the stuff that can possibly return from WAW and Black Ops 1 maps. Big things like Teleporters and the Hacker would be some pretty cool stuff I would like too see come back. As a big Winters Howl fan I would love to see it return being better than ever. Hell maybe even a dual wield version! Maybe we can make every weapon Dual Wield! Eh maybe that's.a bit too far... Lemme hear your guys thoughts on some things you wanna see come back. Excelsior!
  18. Its happened to me at least 9 times although the most the same guns shows up is 3 times. I actually traded an HK21 for a China Lake just because I got it 3 times...in Kino. Like SNAFU said, its a calling.
  19. Don't forget, The Ray Gun and Winters Howl are considered handguns. As for why handguns aren't on the wall, I think is that there are a good amount of players who find the handguns useless(character quotes don't help either). Personally, the CZ75 is my favorite weapon to use in Zombehs.
  20. Randoms are just like guns in the Mystery box. You never know what your gonna get. Of course in this case it looks like you got a couple teddy bears.... Best in luck in finding new Randoms!
  21. Pretty interesting concept. As a LMG person myself, I voted for HK and RPK.
  22. I think if they are doing a story, they should focus it on the new characters other than the old ones and also answer some unanswered questions about the zombies storyline from world at War and BO.
  23. Granted the CODZL is pretty larger than the Five lab, I think you might be on to something here.
  24. As long as we still have 4 player Zombs it shouldent be a problem. Hell maybe 8 player Zombs will be pretty fun. The campaign and new game modes...no comment.
  25. Ive also wondered this but it looks like my question has been answered now. :D
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