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Everything posted by SaucyTaco17

  1. If you were to buy juggernaut, kill the monkeys and get a free perk. Then the next time you got monkeys you would camp juggs again as that is the perk you want to keep, then surely you would lose the other perk as you are protecting juggernaut and thus you would not get a free perk everytime, only the first time. Or if you were ninja and could protect all of the perk machine's at once.. Make sense? Anyway, the map is actually one of my favourites, however I have not yet tried Call of the Dead or Shangri La. It is awesome split screen. Love Gersch Machines, flopper, landers. And solo is easy if you 'trail' or 'trainwreck' you can pretty much survive forever, however it is quite boring and can get a bit tedious. GET ASCENTION You can get a free perk each time if you leave the doors closed to what perks you got from monkeys.
  2. people on this site are to serious about glitching, seriously does it affect you if someone wants to goof off and glitch and keep the game fun, if you take zombies really seriously i dont even understand how you could enjoy the game
  3. one guy just does the solo circle on stage and the other guy sits in the corner on stage next to the door leading towards the alley, never open the door, he kills zombies in window and ones being horded
  4. im not convinced, i still think the best theory is that its dr maxis
  5. For those who dont already know retaliation is the name of the escalation save file, i still believe there will be another map just different names.
  6. i couldnt keep count of how many bullets i used but it was fast cause i used the death machine :D
  7. hands down solo call of the dead, Easter egg is solo and there is just way more to do. Ascension awesome for multiplayer, monkeys are a huge pain in the ass for solo.
  8. There is only one rictofen, the other dr is dr maxis who was supposedly killed by hell hounds, he was the father of the little girl sam. i heard a theory where rictofen died and not dr maxis but maxis went insane and is pretending to be rictofen, its prob not true.
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