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Everything posted by Sazh333

  1. I dont see the point in having Dual Mags with Scavenger. And especially not Slight of Hand.
  2. HA. Its not cheating. It is not overpowered. But overused for sure. And sniping is bad in Black Ops. The Stoner is a pretty good weapon since I have tried it out.
  3. I was just wondering what the best Famas class setup would be?
  4. I would like to here your opinions on what you think the tier list should be for this game. Anyone who doesnt know what a tier list is it is a ranking of the guns put into tiers from best to worst.
  5. Yep, and by reporting him, they can maybe make it harder to hack. That's if they took any notice of me anyway... The only people that will take any notice is youtube service when you flag inappropiate vids You guys wouldn't believe the amount of modders on Waw (this is xbox). A lot of them don't mod but do have mods. I would say 80% of the faggots on WaW are modders or have mods but dont use them. It is getting harder and harder each day to find a match without absolute turd burgler dicks who like to get hard to hacking a 3 year old game. They are too pussy to try it on BO though.
  6. You still up for playing some zombies either of you guys? Add my GT: Sazh333 I only have Der Riese and Nacht der Untoten though
  7. Sure would be great if someone could confirm this or deny it. Also I have heard you can upgrade your grenades by throwing them in the fenced in generator in the mainframe. Not sure if this works either. Personally I don't think you can upgrade your perks but that is just a guess. Thanks for the opinion Dracohero!
  8. Is there any upgraded perks on Der Riese? Some have told me that you can upgrade your jugger by pressing X on the red vial above the thompson room by the Type 100 ammo. Is this true?
  9. Great thanks Triixster. A few things though: Why is bandolier so great? You can just pick up another gun when your gun runs out of ammo. I disagree with it being the best perk in the game. Not saying its wrong just wanted to know why you think its the best. I disagree with Toss Back, Iron Lungs, and Fireproof being better than martyrdom. Juggernaut can't be that low. I think its one of the best perks in the game even though I hate it. Martyrdom is too low for me. No way its the worst perk. Shades is...except that you actually wear shades that is sweeeet. Thanks again Triixster :D
  10. Triixster. You just listed all the perks in the order that you get them. A tier list is a list of perks ordered from best to worst.
  11. Can anyone make a Perks tier list? Would be greatly appreciated. I will take all your lists and combine them into one big one so we can decide which ones are better than others.
  12. I created a clan for WaW. This is only for Xbox 360. Whoever wants to join is welcomed. We are called "Russian Sniper Boyz". Reply and I will let you join and give you more details. We don't always snipe and we have about 25 members already. So we are everywhere on WaW. Our Clan Tag is [RUS]. We are welcoming anyone. Thank you :D
  13. I dont listen to any music usually because then I can't hear people sneaking up on me or zombies coming from behind. But when I do Beauty of Annihilation is the best song ever for zombies.
  14. I just file a complaint and "avoid this player". To all the hackers I just back out of the lobby. No big deal. Just keep backing out until you get into a lobby with no hackers. I get into alot of lobbies without hackers.
  15. Whats your GT Doctor?
  16. OK I'll add you now.
  17. I still play WaW zombies. Lots of people still do. I play on xbox and there is usually a couple thousand playing. Mostly Der Riese and Nacht der Untoten.
  18. Not quite mate. I get into alot that are lobbies without hackers. Zombies: There aren't many hackers in Nacht. But there are tons in Der Riese which is very annoying. But ultimately we cannot do anything but this: file a complaint on every hacker you see exit the game when you see a hacker only play with friends chirp them as much as possible
  19. Thanx AvengedLullaby. Wanna play some WaW? Always looking for good players to play with :)
  20. I also do not buy the Gewehr. A waste of money. I always buy the Thompson instead. If you cannot last until round 3 with the pistol and knife...well then your just not good.
  21. Thanx MysteryBox. Do you play WaW?
  22. Because they have no emblem means they are a hacker? Because I have played with many players who have no emblem on der riese and they don't seem to be hackers.
  23. Hey guys. New xbox world at war player here. If you would like to add me just respond in the thread. Some info: I do have a mic, I have map pack 3, Im an decent nazi zombie player, Am decent at multiplayer. I do not hack. And I will play with pretty much anyone who doesnt hack. So if you would like to add me I would be more than happy to respond GT:Sazh333
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