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Everything posted by idrumtoSKILLET

  1. hey wats up? apple is awesome. I agree with your ipad 1 and 2 gaming platform. Its pretty chill...
  2. i am new, as I have only responded to various posts like 6 times... So, basicly I just learned how to get userbars, so look at my sig. if u wanna know about me! HAPPY COD'ZING!!! 8-)
  3. Yes, i noticed that the moment i saw the loading screen. It DOES NOT look like part of the book, as it is not ion alignment with the rest of the pages.
  4. Great map overall. PROS: great training areas throughout finally a girl character... once you learn the strategy, the map becomes similar to that of Kino der Toten can survive FOREVER CONS No thundergun! (I WANT IT BACK STUPID TREYARCH) Sarah makes a manly grunt when dolphin-diving (LOL) Zombies somehow spawn when they feel like it within any given round.
  5. in the bowels of the far end of the boat. 8-)
  6. I hated the concept of someone following (stalking) you around the whole entire game. And, if that wasn't enough... WHY did it have to be a dude nobody has ever heard about??? Oh, and, I hate treyarch. But all maps are GREAT except for: Five, and Shangri-La :P
  7. YES lol Richtofen would kill takeo before takeo gets the chance... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
  8. Honestly, I dont like Shangri-La... Not THAT fun... I dont even like DLC 3 at all... I think they added way too many new things, its like sensory overload. :roll: :|
  9. Yes, this is in fact a glitch. Apparently it happens more often than one would think/believe ;)
  10. I KNOW RIGHT??? :shock: I told my friends about this, then procedded to show them, and they laughed at her manly grunt!!! LOL
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