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Everything posted by Blakwulf

  1. You're right.. i was confusing the two characters for some reason. Though i don't see how anyone could be 'from' nuketown, since it was just a test range. And it got.. y'know.. nuked.
  2. I think you're reading way, way too much into this. But for what it's worth, there's no way that Russman lived in the cabin when there are quotes from him on the bus ride about how he's never seen a forest before, so that's pretty much out the window. What's wrong with them all just being a bunch of survivors that ended up together the way most zombie stories go? I mean, if you want to go reading way too far into things, then how did they all end up inside a locked bus-depot? Are they all wizards because they can revive each other? Why don't they bleed to death? What do they eat? Don't forget that it's just a game man, there doesn't have to be a reason and rhyme to absolutely every single detail of it. :D
  3. How can you consider an permanent/unbreakable item NOT a glitch?
  4. I wouldn't read into that too much if i were you. I rarely play local, but just before BO2 came out, a friend came over and we were playing LAN on BO in a few maps, and we noticed (much to our dismay) that the Mule Kick doesn't appear in LAN games. Kinda threw our strat right out the window. We switched to playing online (still just two of us) and the kick was in all the maps again. Very, very weak oversight by them!
  5. Am i the only one that doesn't think this is an issue? Adding a ranking system to zombies is cool and all, but it doesn't actually DO anything for you, other than the matchmaking. It's not like leveling up will give you access to new guns or an entirely new perk or anything. I'd like to know how it works too, but i don't think they're obliged to tell us.
  6. I'm starting to wonder if Treyarch is just messing with us. My friend who hasn't played for a few days jumped on with me last night, and we both used to have the blue-eyed skull with 5 level ticks, and he was bumped all the way back down to skull with 1 tick. I was dropped to 3, but got it back up to 4. Bizarre. I also still have my revive.
  7. I'm going to poke my nose into it tonight and see if i can figure some more of it out.
  8. Glad to see this isn't just me going crazy. I was playing last night and noticed that i had the steel boards going up on all the windows.. after playing a few games, they stopped working and it went back to being wooden boards. Is it possible that this perk isn't actually disappearing randomly, but is actually based on a character basis? As in, when i end up with Russman and first got my perma-quick revive, i also had the steel boards. A few games later i ended up with Misty (who i hardly ever get)and i no longer had either. I'm going to play a few tonight and see if i have my steel boards back when i get Russman again. Just a thought.. probably not the case, but that would be interesting. Having to get all the perma's with each character would be a grind, but add a different element of replay value. Thoughts?
  9. More like they never found it. I've been seeing posts about bugs more often, mostly about looping sound effects and some graphic problems, but also occasionally with George and the box. Things like this will creep up into games after a few weeks of being in public. There's only so much time to test for things like that.
  10. “I really don't understand why Treyarch are not fixing the obvious downsides of the weapon” Because they don’t feel that there are “obvious” downsides. I don’t agree with what you’re saying. No, it’s not as good as some of the other and previous guns, but not every gun can be super powerful. And really, if they made it much stronger, the game would be too easy! It’s not suppose to be a super easy, rape everything in the world weapon. That would be no fun. You’d just random until you get it and then the game is basically over. And really… we have the Hyena.. it’s a 1 shot kill for pretty much everything in a giant area around your target until level 32, with over 11,000 damage. I don’t want an easy zombie game. I want to be challenged with unique weapons that are tricky to make the best use of.
  11. Weird! I’ve had the electrified characters thing, but only seen it once in multiplayer. I was playing last night solo and I’m pretty sure I had it, as for about 15 levels I had the crackling electric sound effects constantly playing. Very.. very annoying in surround sound! I’m seeing more audio bugs than anything.
  12. If you guys think that the V-r11 sucks, then you don't know how to use it. I'll give you this.. it's not that useful in single player. In multiplayer, it's one of the best guns they've ever come up with. "The player can also shoot another player with the V-R11, giving them a red-tinted screen and having zombies ignore them, letting them revive other players without interference. The player appears to have green or red (if upgraded) lightning coming out of his body, like George A. Romero, except different colored. It also appears to give the player Insta-Kill capabilities, allowing them to clear out groups of zombies. The effect lasts longer when the V-R11 is Pack-A-Punched." So you shoot an ally, they not only become invincible for 10 seconds, but they also gain insta-kill. Anything they kill you get half of the points for. How can you call that a shit weapon? Also, if you want monkeys, upgrade the crossbow.
  13. I'll probably be on tonight after 6pm EST if you want to try it. It's the last trophy i'm missing. Gotten to 21 solo so far. Same online id as here.
  14. Ya, i got it too. But it isn't a "glitch" it's part of the game to make things hard. The same thing happens in Ascension sometimes when you throw out a black-hole mine and it just disappears and Sam laughs at you.
  15. I used to start out the same way by hanging out with the MP40 but I grew out of it. This is what I currently do solo, and have done it a few times with my buddy 2 player, works more or less just as well, but having someone else around when relying on 10 rounds of more or less knife-only killing can be hazardous. By round 10 - 14, things in my plan all depends on the cash flow, so.. things aren’t 100% all the time. Also, when I bring Mustand Sally into it, having an ally around can be tricky, as even with Flopper you might blow them up. Round 1 - 4 shots with the pistol then knife. Round 2 - 8 shots with the pistol and knife. When ammo runs out, 1 shot with the M14 then knife. Round 3 - 2 shots with the M14 then knife. Round 4 - 3 shots with the M14 then knife. (if you happen to get a max ammo at any point, I burn the pistol shots for easy points) Round 5 - head towards the lighthouse, picking off stragglers with M14 and knife. Should be able to afford sickle’s by this point. Round 6 & 7 - Down the slide and knife everything, open the path into the ship and head towards the starting room. Head up to towards the power switch area, but do not open it. Round 7 - 9 - Knife everything while camping upstairs at the top of the zipline. Round 9 - 10 - Turn on the power, head for jugg via the upstairs route (past the base of the zipline from the lighthouse) and get semtex grenades on the way. Round 11 - 12 - One shot with the M14 then knife for kills. By this point I usually have at least 5000 or 6000, so I upgrade the handgun for Mustang & Sally. It’s also critical at this point to get PHD Flopper so the explosions won’t hurt you. Doing ‘doughnuts’ at this point involves either the zipline from the power area or the Flinger, then taking the same route as was mentioned above, going down under the lighthouse, towards the slide, back into the ship and back to the start room. Round 12 - 14 - Random a gun if the box is available and replace the M14, or buy an AK74u. If it’s a machine gun from the box, zombies will go down either with a few headshots (if they mob up) or 2 or 3 body shots and a knife kill. I usually get Stamin-up and Speed cola around this point. Round 14 - 15 - Around this point it’s time to kill George the first time and get a random 5’th perk and some Wunderwaffe loving. Cash shouldn’t be a problem (usually around 10,000 or so) so unloading random guns into George’s face in the water, upgrading the ones that are worth using to kill him.. scavenger, LAW, and so forth. Round 15 - 17 - Cash flow shouldn’t be a problem by now, so guns can be replaced/ammo bought for upgraded wall guns. From here I pretty much start running the same pattern. Open up more of the map for larger escape routes, kill George 2 or 3 more times for the rest of the perks (having all 7 is pretty awesome) and some more lightning love to save on ammo. I’ll admit I’ve only gotten to 21 at this point solo, but I also blame that on the fact that the games take over 2 hours and I usually have to pause and go out with the dog or some such, then die pathetically when I sit down and start playing again. Waiting on buddies to have free time so we can make an evening of it and crack at least past 30 or 40. Still, rolling with the knife kills as often as possible has really made the cash difference (even past lvl 10) for upgrading weapons and flattening George for perks.
  16. 21 by myself. Gonna break that record tonight!
  17. I just need the co-op freeing the characters trophy and i have them all, so i'd be down. Are you any good? I hit 21 solo last night for the 2'nd time.
  18. Huh, alright. Thanks. Killed him a good dozen times now and he's never done this before. That a jerk.
  19. So i was just dicking around in CoD and mashing up some zombies. I got to the usual comfortable level where i have enough cash to random a few times (level 10 or so) and burn the ammo of guns i don't want on George before upgrading something that i do like. I picked up a Law and gave him a few shots, then decided to upgrade it as i recall it doing about ~3000 damage as the M72 Anarchy. So he has almost nothing left, and i random away the law to get a Spectre. He's standing in the water more or less right where he starts from and i unload a few clips on him from the revive soda area.. he yells and goes into his dying animation as normal. Rather than walking back off into the water, Samantha cackles "bye-bye!" at me and George zips off into the air in a fast orange blur, not leaving any weapons or random perk! I've killed him numerous times before, on water and land, and he's always left the Wunderwaffe after the first time with a perk. Reminds me of Ascension when occasionally throwing out a black-hole mine does nothing and Samantha laughs at you. I've poked around online but can't seem to find any other mention of this. Anyone ran into this before? tl;dr: Killed George in the water and he disappeared leaving no items.
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