I'd like to clear up some of the misconceptions I am seeing here.
All of the zombie CODs (I only care about zombies so everything I write is related to that) were designed on the XBOX, and ported to the PS3.
The XBOX has 2 processors, and the PS3 has 8. A game designed to run on a dual core system, is never going to port to an octa core system. It is never going to be able to utilise the system the way it was designed. What I have written may not be 'technically' 100% correct, but it's close enough for the point to be valid.
I moved to XBOX partly for this reason, but mainly to play with some other people. I still have both systems, but would never bother with PS3 anymore purely down to the lack of parties.
Regarding YouTube - Ali-A and Syndicate are zombie jokes, really and truly. Syndicate isn't a bad player at all, but he's nowhere near as good as his subs think he is, and Ali-A is just really bad at the game.
Both guys are brilliant commentators and would have both systems because it is their livelihood.
The largest zombie youtuber is probably Relaxing, although I am excluding NGT. NGT are good, but they are never going to break any records or anything....they will tell you how to do EEs, and stuff, but if we are talking just about zombies and a skill level, then Relaxing is by far the biggest. And he has both systems as I have played with him multiple times on both.
If BO3 was developed for the PS4 exclusively to be ported the other way, a load of people would change consoles. The serious zombie players for sure would.
We would still possibly use XBOX for parties, but we would be playing on PS4.
I will get either a PS4 or XBOX one close to the release of BO3, and my decision will be determined by the port.
Logic regarding PS4 sales over XBOX one is completely trumped by the exclusivity deal which either Sony or Microsoft will sign with Treyarch.
It's completely and utterly irrelevant to them who has the most users, as they appear on both consoles and therefore sales aren't affected.
However if one of the companies is giving you a cheque in the hundreds of millions of dollars range to be exclusive, that's the game changer.