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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. She is working really hard for her ad revenue. Let's call a spade a spade here.
  2. There are 2 things I really hate in gaming - actual glitchers and girls calling themselves girls/women etc in their account name. @girlglitcher - it's like her name is designed to piss me off.
  3. I'm hoping someone can explain something to me about the PAP ritual. In this video, what is the Shadowman talking about when you finish it. Is it an integral part of the EE, does what he say have deeper meaning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9RNBot-v1o I'm working on something and noticed this for the first time today. Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. Removing him doesn't change the difficulty tbh, more the irritability. He's just a pain in the arse to deal with, and him being there removes some of the best spots in the game. All he does is slow the rounds down once you know how to deal with him. I don't care about the WW upgrade either, sure it would be nice to have more ammo but with the sword too it's not necessary unless you want to go to insane rounds or camp somewhere to round 100. I just don't understand Treyarch's mindset anymore, and have noticed more and more arrogance recently from their team. Talking about EE's that will never be solved from WAW, basically saying haha we are better than you are. My 2 favourite maps probably are Die Rise and SOE now, simply because once setup and running there's nowhere else in zombies as fun to run as these 2 maps. And Treyarch screwed both of them up, for no real apparent reason. I am believing more and more than someone is over there on a power trip and have been pissed off by a high round player somewhere and are making petty changes which only really affect those people. On Die Rise it was patching the sliquid gun to make crawlers over round 100 plus the added splashes creating puddles everywhere and now it's the WW on SOE. The Die Rise crawlers in particular affected only a tiny group of players, and had no harm to anyone else. What was the point?
  5. I say glitch out the Margwa and 'enjoy' the game again. So as a solo player you have to spend an hour getting everything done (my fastest time is 55 minutes) and during that have messed around with the game mechanics to not have a Margwa spawn in again. Great job Treyarch. I love the map once I'm setup, but an hour is ridiculous. And that's me knowing where everything is and the quickest way to do it.
  6. Search for uradopted on YT for high round PC, or IlSteveli on twitch for console gameplay. I'm on tablet or I'd provide more detailed help.
  7. You can only hold 1 worm at a time, per player in coop. So 2 players will need to take a worm each to the PAP room and place them before being able to return and pick up the other 2. You will need to complete each ritual before being able to access the PAP room however.
  8. I think the key is 'it will take time to get used to the map'. It's 'it will take time to get used to the new zombie mechanics'. I believe NML is actually perfect training for Shadows. The thing is, it's not actually more difficult to train the current zombies. What's difficult is how much more concentration is required. It's the fact that a single zombie behind you when you are moving backwards can be game over on round 4. If you are on 10 or above there is no chance of escape if you back into even one. NML is a little like that - when you are training and preparing to shoot, you really can't be hit. You train with them right on your shoulder as close as possible knowing that a hit anytime near when you are preparing to shoot costs you 3 or 4 seconds. You can't afford 3 or 4 seconds in NML; if you do that for every hoard you lose an entire hoard by around the 6 minute mark. I've always felt that you need to develop more situational awareness in NML than normal zombies. For 7 years though people haven't needed to have this level of awareness. Now, even on round 8 or so you need to know that every zombie is in before shooting, and that none are behind you. I find that the current zombies are easier to slide past, but each hit is 10 times more deadly than it ever was before. No longer can you 'ride' hit markers, now you need to avoid them like the plague. It's completely un newb friendly, but maybe Treyarch have decided that people have had 7 years of zombies to develop skills, this is just the expansion of those skills.
  9. Rough video added to Solo guide - if you like Jack White you'll love it :)

    1. way2g00d


      WILL DEFINITELY go through it Chopper.

  10. I never actually replied to the original topic, I agreed with pretty much all of what @MegaAfroMan said. However, I've changed my mind a little bit now. I love Shadow's of Evil. It might end up being one of my favourite zombie maps of all time. The major issues don't really affect me. PAP just doesn't take that long in coop; well it doesn't when you really know the map inside out. Playing coop with a good team-mate, the PAP steps take maybe 5 minutes in total. You do them as you are playing normally. Each actual requirement for opening the ritual area and receiving the item needed can be done in a single beast mode. In cases where you can't do the perk and open it too your partner does one. So you can be ready to PAP, in the rift with everything done on round 6 let's say, 7 to be sure. You can then buy DT and Speed Cola, and just camp in many many areas. I'll admit the swords are a little more work but again, not really too hard. If you don't do it methodically, but just do it as is they are pretty fast too. The only pain in the arse bit really is completing the final upgrade step, requiring 4 different rounds to actually finish. But, let's say it takes 2 minutes at the end of a round. That's still only 8 minutes per player, so on coop it's not too bad. I love so many things about this map. I love the colours, the zombie behaviour, the madness of the bosses mid round. The weapons are awesome.
  11. @steviewonder87 The Drakon is incredible mate. I couldn't believe how long I could camp on solo with that thing.
  12. Biggest boy fell at school damaged his front 2 teeth.  Just needs a check but one of his 'friends' told him that they would be pulled out and it would hurt.  He's now hiding under a table at the dentist.  I want to cry a little bit :(

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Ouch, one of my boys friends done that, he'll be fine. They can do wonders now squire ;)

  13. Having DT2 on The Giant is a lot of fun but I think we are a bit too strong now. I was trying to upgrade my Shieva (sp?) and RK5 last night. I PAPed them both a camped on the catwalk until round 28. 28 with the 2 starting room guns, pure camping. I love it :)
  14. Done a couple of 50's now, just testing different stuff out. I'm waiting for more stable servers before I go any higher.
  15. @way2g00d It's because if you go down in the rift you can just walk straight out of the rift into Footlight and Jugg is accesible within 5 seconds of coming out. Then, once you buy it you can wait at the top of the stairs, watch the majority of the pack jump up next to the drop off and walk past them and drop off yourself. I thought about creating an audioguide for this, but the only content I create is for CODZ nowadays, nothing on my channel at all. If more than a couple wanted it, I would do it. I'm rendering a video right now, should be up tonight.
  16. @jimbob200521 I think that's what everyone has missed mate. It seems that the majority of people who have an issue in someway with what Treyarch did with zombies would have preferred a new DR style map, as opposed to The Giant.
  17. Rift is the best place by far. If there were no Margwa's every other round there would be tons of better places. Don't go in the PAP area, just stay mainly infront of the Egg's and when necessary circle the entire area. Vesper is above you, and the Margwa is easy. If you are going to go above say 60, you may want to consider some of the other locations from @shirtlesservice thread.
  18. I am in 2 minds about this now to be honest. I'm not going to go to round 150+. I imagine I'll do a straight 100, and I reckon there's enough ammo in the gun unPAPed combined with the sword and blast furnace to do that. From a purely selfish viewpoint in that regard, it's cool. It still seems completely un-necessary to not be able to PAP it though. I think someone mentioned they don't want to do another set of steps to PAP it. It already takes at least 30 minutes to get everything done that's required anyway. Another 5 minutes on top of that isn't going to be too bad. I love Shadows, I think it's an awesome map, with or without this.
  19. I just spent quite a while trying what Jim suggested on PC and no bananas for me :( What does that even mean.
  20. @RZArazorSHARP20 Sorry Dude I paid my money so I'm entitled to bitch and complain anyway I like. I expected 2 new maps, not a reskinned WAW and a mode that I couldn't care less for the first time out. DOA was like a niche hit, loved by some but hated by many more. In my opinion I would have liked to have seen SOE plus a new old style map. Something like DR, Kino, Five, Verruckt etc. And playing on PC the 5th day (first chance I got to play it) it took me 6 hours to get past round 8. Over the course of 9 hours, including 3 coop games I had 12 lost connection to servers. At least half of those didn't even actually kick me offline. I can't play the PC version offline without doing a stupid hack which I'm not comfortable doing. It's the same as BO2, you have to play the PC version online - if I could play it offline I wouldn't have an issue with this. It's almost as if Treyarch have said we care more about preventing piracy (which is pointless when it's so damn easy) than providing a good gaming experience for PC players. If you really believe that I and others who share a negative opinion only want to complain then you don't know any of us very well. I understand you may be being somewhat flippant, and I agree that there is a lot of un-necessary negativity out there but there are also some very legitimate reasons to complain. There is a reason that Treyarch are known as Trollarch, and putting DR back with no EE insight when people have spent 7 years desperately looking and discussing it is pretty low in my opinion. And the worse thing, another 4 player required EE. What the actual fuck were they thinking doing this again.
  21. @boybadIt's all relative. I'm going to go off on a little tangent for a minute. I was talking to Scottie and Steve a few days ago regarding this entire issue and we had a lot of feedback from their viewers. Is locking the astronaut on Moon on one side of the map using the excavators a glitch? No, it's use of the game mechanics. Is locking the astronaut between pads in the Dome a glitch? Yes, it clearly is. Only one of these methods is accepted on ZombieLegends or ZombieRecords which makes no sense to me. Using the excavators takes maybe 20 minutes longer let's say. When the world record is close to 80 hours or so, does it really matter? Being realistic, there are maybe 20 people who could ever claim an actual world record for a few reasons. The time it takes is mind-boggling. The skill it takes is unique. Lots and lots of people can get to 50 with no downs. To get to 150 with no downs is so different they might as well be different games. To be accepted onto the 2 leaderboard sites, you need to stream the entire gameplay. Here's how all that comes across to me. Normal people can't ever get a world record. The Treyarch leaderboards will eventually be full of modders and therefore hold no tangible value. The above point means that we need places to go for 'legit' records. The leaderboard sites are moderated by that particular community, of less than a 1000 people. Whatever those people accept, is what goes in their world. Glitching to triple the ammo in a gun isn't the same as glitching on a table in Five for instance. You still have to put in the work and play the game. I watched Scottie spend like 20 minutes going around SOE trying to get an ammo from digging and whatnot. With an entire pack of crazy zombies, some of which randomly respawn. You know how easy it is to screw up doing something like that? If Treyarch permanently remove the ability to PAP that gun, more than likely it will be decided that it isn't to be used. I tell you something though, it will still be one of the guys from those sites that hold the record, or at least the majority accepted record. There are many people already over a hundred on SOE, and from what I've seen all come from those places, or that community. So in my opinion, that community can decide what's legit and what's not. I don't get why Treyarch want to limit the gun the way they have. I understand that it's their game and they are free to choose how they make it, but leaving it so you have to use a wall-gun double PAPed to kill forever (which btw is what an awful lot of people want) yet removed the killing length of the wonder weapon is pointless.
  22. I think Treyarch knocked it out of the park with SOE and messed up with The Giant. Overall, I am disappointed with their development of BO3 zombies. Excusing the completely reused mechanics in SOE is one thing; ignoring The Giant being DR with nothing new and really tangible is pretty shoddy. If an EE is discovered, that might change people's opinions but I didn't really expect to be playing the same map on 3 different games with nothing new and improved. Sure, there are some slightly new coop strategies which can be used, and camping will be fun with DT2. But tbh it's not great all round for Treyarch, adding the connection and server issues on both PC and Xbox just is the sour cherry on a disappointing cake.
  23. Great thread mate. I wouldn't worry too much about who created anything. Zombies has been out long enough with enough great players that every strategy is thought of by multiple people. Scottie and Steve had run everything you have shown before general release for instance. The red room found me and 2 friends in there on our first co-op run. I alluded to it in my guide with not opening doors to trains. It's a shame but its true.
  24. Today I have become no better than Buzzfeed or the Lad's Bible and done a straight up steal from reddit. This is just too good to not be on here somewhere. Here is where I found it - https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/3sqjvb/soecreated_a_map_still_a_work_in_progress_will/
  25. @ultimategamings I was pretty certain that could be done! I want to do them all once for the satisfaction value, I'm nearly certain that each area can be completed in one loop. After many fails though I tried to get things that could definitely be done! Like the rift for instance, I can pretty much always do...rift, statue, crate, perk, gate.....but if I mess up the first couple I miss the perk. So I removed the rift as it's so easy to do with Burlesque. For high rounds, the rift takes some beating. You can run some of the ritual rooms in a super fast way.....but then you have to leave every other round when Margwa appears. There are some great camping areas....that red room is epic with the door to the train shut, but you need the PAPed wonder for sure. @MixMasterNut I'll upload some stuff for sure mate, just gotta get vegas reinstalled. I did a run earlier where at the end of round 8 I had 4 perks and 3 guns including PAPed Vesper! If I could straight upload that file I would but it's in a stupid high file size and needs reducing. I'll work on it this weekend for sure.
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