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Everything posted by RabbitZombie

  1. I always thought five players wouldn't be a bad idea. But it would cause more lag so unless they can improve the servers in the next game, I doubt it'll happen.
  2. I saw a piece from Facebook, (I think) that said 'Be ready to protect your perks'. So it must be ascension. Took them long enough.
  3. I'm hoping within the next week. If you compare with the old app. It was released in November and verruckt turned up in February so that's roughly 4 months. Boz zombies was released a month later so I'm thinking Middle to late March will be when in comes out. If it takes to april however, I'll be really annoyed.
  4. How cool would a monkey bomb be? Or a Gersche device. Or a thundergun you could use to obliterate your enimies, but that would be illegal so probably not.
  5. Well saying that the wiiu is getting call of duty 9(Blops2) the 3ds may get it too. Because the 3ds and wiiu can handle a lot more than their predecessors, the wiiu will most likely get the same maps and map packs as xbox/ps3/pc so maybe the 3ds will too. Meaning some 3d zombies on the go! But they may just do something similar to blops 1 on ds which wasn't that good.
  6. As long as it's made by Treyarch, the name doesn't matter. The game will still be epic. :D
  7. Is it confirmed to be BO2? I knew activision confirmed a game but I didn't think a name was announced.
  8. I'm not sure about the coding idea, as if they tweak it too much it may no longer feel the same. It would need a gentle touch. As for Romero, gas zombies and cosmonaut I loved them. Each designed to change the game a bit so each map is different. If they went went back to special rounds for a map or two:Great but I'd be annoyed of the Romero crawlers ideas were removed.
  9. 1. Buffy from Call of the dead picking up a Death Machine. 2. Sammy from Moon picking up a fire sale. 3. Michael Rooker from call of the dead firing a Scavenger shot. Also sorry I brainsed you I wanted to hit quote edited because I misspelled moon Yup:)
  10. I have a good one. Who. What and when is this? 1'This things bigger than me!' 2 I like my song better! 3 It's gonna blow.....Now! Hahahahahahaha!
  11. I heard all but can't remember the maps. I know 3 Richard Nixon in 'FIVE'
  12. M60E4 all the way. Enough said, I think
  13. I really lovethe game. Someone said the map packs are free so I don't see why not. :)
  14. The call of duty wiki says wonder weans are unlocked by ranking. Is this true? I am 34 and nothing yet. If it's true what rank?
  15. It does happen to me kinos the worst for it. But as it's only two weeks old there's gotta be bugs. It'll be sorted. It's still a very good buy. Ascension is coming soon free so that'll be good too. :lol:
  16. You can post into the Four guardians thread and one of the admins will help you. Or you can message one of them and they'll give a hand. I messaged convert gunman and he got back very qucickly.
  17. Has anyone hot the ray gun thundergun or monkeys? Ive never seem em, I heard you level to unlock them but got no proof. Are they in there? Anyone know?
  18. Hey!
  19. He's not the community manager anymore .
  20. Update out now. Hopefully it will adress the problems do they can concentrate the next update on Ascension.
  21. The thundergun thing is tricky as it has Russian on it but Richtofen seems to recognise it. Theory is the Russians designed it and the Germans stole the plans and copied it. OR 935 designed it and Russians stole it. Either way doesn't make much difference. Both helped in some way.
  22. Give them a break. New zombie models, new zombies new weapons, removable air, multiple songs, astro zombie, no mans land, (takes deep breath), giant Easter egg, new perk, loads of qoutes, excavators, teleporter, Samantha character, exploding earth, missiles, hacker, gravity This and more is in this map. A LOT more features than your average map. Most of it had to be built from the ground up. A few reused models is better than removing something important. All the fun items are better than silly space helmet animations.
  23. Yay, COTD is my favourite map, even if they don't , it might be Shang and that's pretty awesome too
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