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Everything posted by RabbitZombie

  1. The scavenger was said to be Harvey Yena but I don't think there's proof yet, and the 31-jgb215(shrink ray) was said to be maxis. Vr-11 no real proof
  2. Nice plan, I prefer the power room myself though or around the mpl rock
  3. I have a similar prob. I requested to group Takeo but no one responded. Anyone specific I can talk to?
  4. Shang is not good for loops, I like on solo a full map loop then shoot on bridge. On multi the ak room as mentioned above, also I like the power room, but it's tricky. The waterfall is a good loop, IF you can handle it, I can't but I have friends who can use it pretty well. But it is Shang so all take Practise.
  5. When I last threw a gersch the astro zombie just ignored it, kept walking even went straight through it.
  6. Well I think it's just one person has to do it... BUT I've done it and 95% of moon games I'm Richtofen. It gets boring. :(
  7. I'm almost sure I saw one. I spent a while in the dome and saw a double spawn, it changed to an instikill then a fire sale. I tried to get that but I dissapeared, but a new , very small power up. It may have been a carpenter, but looked more like a bottle. Only stayed for bout half a sec though.
  8. That's cus one of the randoms done the egg. Not rich has to do it just one.
  9. If the person with it dies it can be gotten back, in case your confused. But yeah, one per team.
  10. This applies to any wonder weapon except for ray gun and the grenades. Their can only be one of the rest.
  11. Yeah the mg42 was wonderful, the hk kicked Ass too. IMO the black ops weapons are cleverer, eg kraus and awful Lawton, but the WAW ones packed a big punch. I think a few of the best WAW ones, put into the box will actually be pretty cool. Ps if they can put a perk in all maps, why not mess with the box?
  12. That's cause you need to put them on stairs bro.
  13. Theirs not point in a question if your gonna ignore the opinion of every answer you get? No Golden rod means means you can't to the last few steps. You don't have any real evidence to show it continues, just you understand why not. If you can do it solo, I'll be extremely surprised.
  14. Maxis = Dempsey? Nice theory but how dos he lose the german accent for an American one?
  15. Lol and here I was thinking I was the only one. I love the George idea I just think he should maybe look more like a zombie. He looks more like a zombre when you shoot him.
  16. There! A guy who understands the awesomeness of COTD! The George Romero idea isn't stupid, I actually find it my fav map. P.s. All maps are awesome too even five and shi no.
  17. First treyarch would never allow an everlasting game even solo. Second All perks is too good a reward for a solo egg. One wunderwaffe is fine in COTD but on moon it would change the difficultly massively. If there was a solo egg they would have gotten it by now. P.S. Just go online and do it's not that hard. You just need the wave gun and the right excavator.
  18. People have looked through the coding and they would have found it by now. Also all perks means infinite revives so invincibility.
  19. I love the mp40 so go topway. Also mule kick is there so is win-win.
  20. The more brains you get the higher your zombification. It's a pretty cool idea.
  21. Welcome bro Enjoy the selection of zombie information and teamate finder.
  22. Or don't turn on the power buy it Then turn the Power on
  23. First Welcome to the forum free [brains] for you. 2nd Moon Shang are both good 3rd don't Badmouth COTD I love it. But it is my fav
  24. Same reason the five and COTD team did. Magic.
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