I'm looking for a two player strategy to make it to round 30. A buddy and I use a stategy where whoever gets the thundergun circles around the stage, and the other player circles around the MP40 room/spawning room. we take the upstairs route, buy the MP40 (unless the box is either in the MP40 room or dressing room), and get to the stage. We usually wait to turn on the power until round 8 or 9, or unless we both have at least 3500 points. (Enough for Juggernog, and spin at the box.) We wait to Pack-a-Punch any round between 13-17, or unless we have low/no ammo. we NEVER open the door to the stairs by the M16, unless we absoloutly have to. Our furthest round is 29. (Not ever, but together on Kino.) We really want to pass round 30, so any help would we awsome!
Nacht Der Untoten- 34 2 people
Verruckt- 19 solo
Shi No Numa- 22 with 3 people
Der Riese- 32 solo
Kino- 34 with 4 people
Five- 18 with 2 people
Ascension- 23 with 2 people
Call of the Dead- 16 solo