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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Oh yeah precisely, it's way more fun with the newbies Either that or you pretend to be a newbie yourself, we've had some laughs doing that :lol:
  2. I know what you mean yeti, as I mentioned on another thread spawn-sotrol strategies like this are the type of things myself and Chopper come up with, if we'd studied nacht a bit recently I'm sure one of us would have come up with the very same strategy. I see what you're saying 5and5. I think I prefer this strategy to Drac's full map loop though, just so much simpler ;)
  3. Appreciate that Tom, if my work also helps awesome players like yourself in some way, then that's really great. As for me just knuckilng down with Shang straight away... got a busy week ahead, today and tomorrow are the only days I have all day free so it seemed like a good time. Maybe free at the weekend but I didn't wanna spend another whole weekend doing nothing but playing zombies, already done that once this month with the Moon 100 :lol:
  4. Good work mate, seems like a lot of people are gunning for high rounds on Shang at the moment. I'm also currently on a run to 100, on round 80 at the moment, pausing it overnight to continue towards 100 tomorrow. Using a fast strategy on mine, can be a little risky but I'm comfortable with it, 0 downs thus far. Anyways, spawn-control strategies (getting them to spawn in one area to get all of the zombies to follow out behind you) are by far the safest way to play the high rounds on solo. Good examples of this kind of strategy include Vzual's Nacht strategy, my COTD lighthouse strategy and the strategy being shown here. Lemonade, this sort of strategy starts to work really nicely at about round 40, though can work at 30+. I'm also gonna show a quick playthrough of lower rounds in my 100 video if I make it, to show a safe 10+ rounds strategy.
  5. A lot of these ideas sound pretty awesome. I especially like the idea of a saw trap, I guess kinda like one of the diggers on Moon that you can activate with a switch, would come down instantly when pressed. I dunno about the idea of having to build traps etc, depends how you mean. If it's just finding a few pieces, like the trap piece on FIVE, to make a working trap, that's all good ;)
  6. Brilliant review Tom [brains] I love it when an outside observer brings up things that can also go wrong with the strategy as it allows me to answer questions etc., but you even answered a lot of those questions About dogs on the telepad... best advice is to just ignore them and run like normal, they can sometimes screw you over but that's inevitable with most NML PaP strategies. Then you just have to hope that you catch them with the 2nd grenade, which is normally the case. Even if it doesn't kill them, it should damage them enough to be a single-knife kill. I think in general it's better to get the 1st nade out before the siren, tends to get the respawners in quicker as Tom already pointed out. Though it's not disastrous to get it out a little late and leave a few crawlers, you may even still kill the whole group with it after the siren as Tom also mentioned.
  7. Get a friend and 2 randoms in a game, you're in for a laugh :mrgreen:
  8. Great work mate solid advice. I particularly agree with not trying to fit a mould; just because your favourite YouTuber does it, doesn't mean it's the best option. Try out a bunch of stuff and find your niche.
  9. Cheers guys, yeah absolutely right Eye this is a mish-mash of all of the best parts of various PaP strategies, including my own, to make what I believe to be the ultimate balance between effectiveness and consistency.
  10. Yeah as I said yeti, this sort of spawn control strategy is the sort of thing myself and Chopper normally specialise in. We just haven't studied Nacht strategies recently so we were bound to be pipped to the post :lol:
  11. Yeah don't worry about leaderboards mate, if you have 50+ on any map randoms just accuse you of cheating anyways. Video proof means a lot more than a leaderboard score It's just as bad on PC and always has been, the top 50 spots on almost any map are glitched/hacked.
  12. I see Chopper's had this under control But yeah mate stick with the telepad strategy, also don't worry about getting the PaP consistently then getting screwed over before getting Jugg, happens to the best of us. It may help actually to get your PaP then head back to the telepad to make your Jugg points, it's obviously not as quick but it's much safer, at least you'll get there and doing it like this certainly enables a 250+ game.
  13. Brilliant vid mate, yeah we all have those rough days, I sure as hell know I do. Like that 317 vid I put out, everyone was like 'dude you got 317 kills, it's good', but the whole game was just horrible, mistake after mistake where I just wasn't in control, which was also causing bad shooting. Plus my right analog stick was screwed so that didn't help. That part about 'kicking out' is more important than most people realise. Basically a slow, wide cutback to get them into prime position and you're gonna do more damage.
  14. 5and5, he's more specifically talking about what the time difference is between the first zombie of the group spawning from the ground and the last on of the group. The difference is probably about 2-3 seconds, absolute max 5. They start to spawn in one big clump at 40+ so it's almost as if you kill them in one area and they all spawn in that area.
  15. Yeah I know what you mean mate, if they spawn from the very start may even be worth using a shot to get rid of them quickly if possible.
  16. I actually hate Shangri La... not that it's too tough or anything like that, in fact I did 89 on it after the first week before getting the dreaded g_spawn error. Just hate the feel of it. Even more reason to conquer it and get the 100 so I can wash my hands of it altogether ;)
  17. Cheers Eye, yeah Chopper and myself have been discussing strategy quite a bit and we always tend to have the same ideas Similar thing with 5and5, I remember talking to you guys about a quick Shi No Numa strategy when we were discussing making a speed runs guide, didn't tell anyone else about it and he released a video of the very same strategy a couple of weeks later, great minds think alike :D
  18. My thoughts exactly. As I always say, 2 players in co-op that have a good revival strategy and reviving skills, always hold the ability to go as far as they like. For example, myself and Tom often find ourselves giving up the game from boredom rather than ending by accident. Myself and my best friend however is a different story; he's a decent player, but lacks reviving skills... so if I go down, 50% chance it's game over.
  19. Dog rounds, just a well needed little break-up of the gameplay.
  20. Very good answer Tom. Didn't have my thinking cap on yesterday, just sort of assumed that these randoms would know a lot of the things Tom would be telling them to do, obviously never the case :lol:
  21. Cheers guys, yeah Chopper I've only seen a few people use that nade, yourself included, works so nicely :)
  22. Some very good points here. As Chopper put very well, NML teaches you the ability to recover and adapt. Tom and I have discussed this before in conversation and on the forums, that he isn't at all comfortable running around without Jugg whereas to me it's not much of a problem. In fact, it sometimes makes me play better because I'm more alert and less lazy. Though the odd double-slap is unavoidable Of course, No Man's Land can't teach you to get to round 100. It'll certainly help you stay alive, but there's a sense of strategy and ammo management that's needed at 80+ that you can only get from experience.
  23. Hey guys, so in the ongoing search of methods to get better and better starts on NML, I've created the bastard child of conventional PaP methods and my 90 second method, to maximise kills before PaP. With conventional methods, the last part of the strategy can always be a huge pain in the arse; this method alleviates that tough last part into something much more manageable and just as effective. Normally gets 50-60 kills before PaP, which with good following spawns can easily lead to 100-110 kills with 4 M&S shots by the time you get Jugg at about 2:45; as good a start as you can hope for. 1) Get at least 1670 points before the 1st siren 2) After the siren, hang by the side-drop for about 6-8 seconds and get some double-knifes 3) Approach the other side-drop corner, then approach the PaP before preparing a grenade in the cage (shown in-video) 4) This grenade should go off before the 2nd siren, killing your entire hoard 5) Make way for the teleporter pad, knifing any dogs 6) Gather a hoard, spraying them with your pistol, saving the last clip 7) At the 3rd siren start cooking your 2nd nade (you may have to delay a few seconds to wait for stragglers) 8) After the nade goes off, shoot any survivors and knife when out of ammo mItDZRwxzNg
  24. In solo, from round 10 upwards I like to gather hoards and kill them instantly rather than train and spray. So to have a weapon that will insta-kill up to 20 would be a really nice weapon to have.
  25. I think it will help a lot, certainly helps me in terms of ammo management. You don't wanna be killing your groups, then accidentally kill the last group with one shot left in your wonder weapon and have to hit the box mid-round next round when you could have just kept one zombie last round and made it so much easier.
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