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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. This is brilliant mate, a kind of 'gameplay & strategy Q&A' thread if you will. Get those strategy questions in peepz!
  2. Let me put it this way. I'd been to round 100 solo a few times and round 50 co-op, I was already a skilled player, when No Man's Land came out. But I sucked at No Man's Land so badly for a bit, as we all did. Look at most of the current WR holders for solo and co-op high rounds, and all of your favourite YouTubers - a lot of them would have a tough time getting 200 kills on No Man's Land. Sure, NML can be easy if you just, in the words of Tom, 'pimp around', taking it nice and slow, not much can go wrong. But to get 250+ takes a lot of practice and skill. 300+ takes a lot of practice and an immense amount of skill. You become a great NML player, you'll improve in ways you never thought you could.
  3. I think TheZeratulDT said something about it on his 171 Ascension vid, I'll have to have a check...
  4. I'm pretty sure it only occurs every other round actually.
  5. That may possibly be it, either way I just seem to always kill more with my nades and M&S. Pretty sure I'm gonna get 340-350 kills on video at some point soon, just a case of having a good day during a NML recording session ;)
  6. Considering all zombies are already spawned and coming down the stairs and from the stage, simple crescent moon/figure of 8 shape. May be a little tricky without Jugg, but explaining it in this situation, that's about as techy as it gets :lol:
  7. Seems we have another WR for solo on Ascension, round 180 by IlNumberOne PoZTFCaTAFs
  8. Full zombies game? Na, it would spoil things I think. A more even balance between the amounts of zombies and multiplayer maps with each map pack? YES PLEASE!
  9. Ah yeah, the door that only 1 or 2 zombies will come from every so often that completely ruins the game :roll: Well, I try to leave it closed to keep people happy, but in a case like this I'd say 'it was either that or you die' But, for the sake of this discussion, the Villain would have to gather all of the zombs in the spawn with no Jugg to get the way clear, then go revive both players via whatever route is clear first (preferably the stage way to pick up Jugg on the way). If he goes down when trying to gather the zombies, refer to plan A, the Hero opening the forbidden door ;)
  10. Super you are English and I can't abide by this. It's I couldn't care less. Fully aware of this mate, used the words 'couldn't care less' amongst these forums several times. Why I felt the need to say 'could' in this instance, I dunno, must be people rubbing off on me :lol:
  11. Yeah due to the points you mentioned, I wouldn't say either is better, both have their strengths and weaknesses. I dunno if it's just me too, but the zombies seem to have less health on the PS3 version compared to the PC. I've played NML on my friend's PS3 and I always make less crawlers on the PS3, making the main area PaP strategy a much more viable option. The M&S also seems to do more damage.
  12. Definitely mate, I'd actually love to get a round 60 game, Nacht is the only Black Ops map that evades me for a solo 60+ :mrgreen:
  13. So, the Hero is in the alley, the Villain is in the spawn with all routes to the stage blocked. Wouldn't it make more sense for the Hero to make his way through to the stage via the ? room with 2 traps? He could then pass through to the Dressing Room, get that player and then get the player in the MP40. The Villain player would just have to try to survive in the spawn until the path is clear to Jugg, if he went down again then the other 3 guys could make their way to him anyway, the zombies would have went through the stage to get to the other players as the Hero would have most likely been at the stage/Dressing Room area when the Villain went down so the way would be clear. Then all 4 players to the stage/Jugg.
  14. What??? The FAL is one of the best weapons ever! It's great for headshots! I can't seem to think which gun is the crappiest of them all. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Yeah, I could care less about headshots ;)
  15. No worries mate I've actually managed to reach 100 on Moon over the weekend using this very strategy, video just posted HERE
  16. Cheers Jay, I didn't invent this strategy as mentioned though just wanted to shot that it works early on. Also works from round 10 to gather most of the zombies before you finish gathering them in the spawn, makes things a lot easier.
  17. The ballistic knife is good up to round 17 if you have the Bowie, as it's still a 2 knife kill so you don't need to run trains, you can just run around double knifing instead. Not to mention it's really lightweight and good to hold on to if your teammate has the wonder weapon and you're both running a quick co-op strategy, alleyway in Kino for example. Far from the worst thing in the box IMO. My least fave has to be the FAL. People say 'oh no it's beast'... is it? It's just a more powerful version of the m14, just hate the feel of it and hate having to tap tap tap tap, not even that powerful. I'd take any wall SMG over this piece of crap.
  18. Kinda annoying that on almost every single map on the PC version, the top 50 spots are filled with hacked/glitched games.
  19. Hey guys, so as you may know, yesterday VzuaLxVenoM achieved round 62 on Nacht Der Untoten with a really safe strategy he devised himself, utilizing knowledge of spawn control. I've recorded a quick video of a round 20 playthrough to show you guys how to use his strategy at rounds 20+ when the spawns are still a little slow. This may possibly work a little earlier too. It may not be the quickest strategy, but in a map without Juggernog I think safety is top of the list of priorities -lxG1qUqzM8
  20. Even with QR you won't be able to do it I don't think. You come out of the top elevator to the War Room, if you revive the guy just outside the elevator the stairs will be blocked by the time you go to run down them, so you'd have to get back into the elevator, go up and use the teleporter to get back down to the labs. War Room guy still dies. So yeah, I'd say screw QR, get War Room guy to teleport to the labs and you're in with a chance to revive all 3 safely.
  21. Yeah Tom we all played FIVE together once, that time the game ended at 30-something when I went AFK to go get my pizza :lol:
  22. Well, it looks as though the War Room guy might have to be left to die... unless he's moved from where he is. Here's what I'd do. 1) Tell him to crawl into the teleporter so he's moved ddown to the labs. 2) Look at where his arrow goes to see where in the labs he is. Go revive him after I have a max train. 3) Take him with me to revive bottom elevator guy. 4) Take elevator up, go to revive top elevator guy and leave the other guys in the War Room to go buy Jugg. There's always the chance that the War Room guy could be teleported to the top floor, but he's gonna die if he doesn't get teleported to the labs anyways so best to take the chance. Rule #1: Never rely on teleporters to take you to where you wanna go to revive downed teammates.
  23. Glad to see you joined mate, yeah guys this fella will be a regular poster in the strategy section ;)
  24. Okay, new solo WR for Nacht is 62 by VzuaLxVenoM: fh-jFIo5N6I In my goal to reach 100 solo on most of the Black Ops maps before the next game comes out, I'd excluded the possibilites of doing it on Nacht and COTD. COTD, still excluding, no way to realistically kill them at 80+. But now, my list of maps to attempt 100 solo on are as follows: Nacht Der Untoten Call of the Dead
  25. Mato's WR for Black Ops Nacht has been shattered by VzuaLxVenoM, currently livestreaming on round 61 using a rather genius safe strategy taking advantage of spawn control, something myself or Chopper would have come up with if we were studying Nacht strategies. Pretty sure a lot of the good players are gonna be going for 50+ using this strategy, may be effective at 20+ but I'll have to test that.
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