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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. I think 2, 3 & 4 Man's Land/first room challenge would be more at home in Shooter's Zombies World Records thread... I know it's No Man's Land based, but it seems a bit out of place to put records about co-op rounds in a thread about the highest amount of kills on No Man's Land solo.
  2. I think in some ways, definitely, in other ways, definitely not. How I play I think represents me as a person: I'm calculating and analytic, also considerate and generally friendly. If I want to achieve something, I'll work my ass off until I get it. From another perspective, I love talking with people face to face, but I've always hated talking on the phone or through a microphone for some reason.
  3. Hey guys, so after recently coming up with a fast and efficient solo strategy for Moon using the Recieving Bay, and improving the strategy's effectiveness by discovering that you can eliminate the Astronaut using the Excavators to block him on the other side of the map, I realised it would also be a realistic 2 player strategy for the 'train-and-merge' stages of the game (30 or 40+ rounds) after the Easter Egg is done, even easier than the Tunnel 11 strategy and just as fast. Tom and myself tried it properly for the first time, found it very effective and eventually suicided at round 66 because I really didn't wanna play anymore We both recorded some footage in the 60+ rounds and I passed mine over to Tom, who then did some editing and commentary to create this brilliant split-screen perspective guide on all of the different aspects on how to use this strategy effectively. Enjoy! uOHeoDWqE_c
  4. That sounds like a lot of my recording sessions :lol:
  5. Really nice work Dan, seems like you're progressing on NML as quickly as me, better knuckle down and get that 340+ kill game so I don't get knocked off the top spot ;)
  6. Ehjookayted gets credit for that, I'm not a Dweller so I don't even have the power to edit posts ;)
  7. Great thread idea mate. I've had a few completely defining moments in relation to my gameplay. The first one was before I'd bought the game, still playing with my friend. I was terrible, but as soon as I discovered the effectiveness of keeping on the move I became a decent player. The next was after I'd bought the game and wanted to get a nice solo score on FIVE. I studied the map, watched guides, but couldn't quite put them into practice. Then one day, the feel for controlling the zombies movements just seemed to sink in. Bit more practice and I was dodging like a pro, got a solo game going on FIVE and reached round 68 before giving up. Many high round runs in solo and co-op followed from then onwards. The last one was just recently, on NML. Now I'd done a few 300 kill games the end of last year, but they were far and few and fairly lucky. This year I've been working on getting good starts. Again, just seemed to click, went from being an occasional 300 player to a 330+ player who can knock out a 300+ game even on a bad day. There are several moments that have shaped my game; learning spawn control for the creation of innovative strategies. Learning that over-farming is a complete waste of time when you're better off saving for a power-weapon setup and speeding through the rounds with it. Many more of these kinds of things, but the paragraphs above are the moments that have made the biggest impact on my gameplay.
  8. Nice updates shooter, just a few corrections to be made to the 'other' section: The time is actually 3 mins 10 seconds, timer stops when the second player puts their gun into the slot falSMvQKnKg I also hold a record for most kills with the telepad strategy, 305 kills, if you want that listed here I can post a link.
  9. Amazing post mate great find, that pistol design looks so cool [brains]
  10. If I set myself a goal, I make it my business to achieve it. I wouldn't set it if I didn't think I could do it.
  11. Yeah as mentioned, Infinity Ward don't own the rights to do a Call of Duty Zombies mode in their games, so they won't be able to do it.
  12. Fair points, but why always so negative :roll: Great work shooter, as pointed out just a few things to fix to make the thread complete. Will there also be additions for NML, such as Chopper's WR for fastest ever PaP or mine and Tom's WR for fastest ever PaP for both players? Video links here: Fastest solo PaP Fastest 2p PaP
  13. Apotheosis 1) The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax. 2) Exaltation to divine rank or stature. Apothesis A place on the south side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves, for books, vestments, etc.
  14. The amount of times I've been f@£&ed over by QED throwers is unreal, people throw them in the most unsuitable situations. Looking back on one time, just hacked the PaP cage, put in my Wave Gun and someone throws a QED. Teleported out of the cage before I got my gun back out of the slot, watching my beautiful gun disappearing through tear-filled eyes. I rarely rage quit, but at this moment an instant rage quit seemed fair.
  15. Connections weren't great to be fair. I had 0 downs in this particular game until well past 40 so I'm proud of that. Not many downs by round 66, but... the ones that did occur, was just ready to give up at round 60 and stopped taking the game seriously As for what makes me a good player... I'm an all rounder. One of the highest scoring solo players. One of the highest scoring No Man's Land players, constantly improving. High scores in co-op, 40+ on most maps, 50+ and even 60+ on a couple, most of these games were given up. I've reecently also become an innovator in new and effective strategies. My most recent innovation being mastering the Recieving Bay on Moon, and today reaching 66 with Tom using the Recieving Bay, with not just 1, but 2 different tactics. Video to come soon ;)
  16. Yeah always cut back before shooting. And always aim at the feet ;)
  17. Well done Eye mate, really pleased for you pal The first 2:45 minutes in general are really important. You really need to maximise your kills during this time, if you can get about 100 kills with 5-6 shots, you're well on your way to 300+ running the side drop or back pool.
  18. Yeah get up nice and close and you won't lunge, aka stab. Also as Chopper said, turning as you do it helps.
  19. Please don't take that tone. if you have a problem with being corrected when wrong, do some research before you post.
  20. Yeah mate I added these to my post on the first page the day both vids were released, such beasts. As for controller sensitivity... as I've said on another thread, all down to preference. NML needs top level kiting skills, yet the WR holder plays on 3 sensitivity. I'm also gradually becoming one of the highest scoring NML players, I play on 4. I also used to play on 2 back when I did round 68 solo on FIVE about a year ago, a map that requires lots of dodging ;)
  21. Round 92 solo, was pumped for hitting 100, then BAM g_spawn error, thanks 3arc...
  22. Yeah go for it Shooter, if you look a few posts below the OP I've already listed all the current solo WRs so you don't have to go and research it all ;)
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